Birds of NY is a digital card game made with React that helps people memorize common bird species that live in or visit Central Park in New York City. The game is inspired by Anki, an open-source spaced-repetition software. Like Anki, users can use the keyboard commands to quickly navigate between cards. And as with Anki, repetition of difficult cards aids with memorization and recall. Visit the live project here.
In this project I focused on:
- Using custom hooks in React
Future updates:
- Top priority:
- add to bird dataset - ideally all the birds from NYC Audobon list
- Mobile compatibility
- User authentication so that people can create custom decks of the birds they're working on memorizing
- Lower priority:
- make cards draggable
About the birds The game features birds from the NYC Audobon's Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Central Park. The pictures of the birds are from ebird.org, a crowd-sourced global birding database created by Cornell University's Lab of Ornithology.