A Ruby on Rails application for searching articles and indexing and providing statistics of these searches and theirs results.
The app aims performance and organization, so the searches are asynchronously indexed in background.
- Article CRUD.
- Article search by title.
- Background statistics generation with cron jobs.
- Statistics generation algorithm is improved to filter only the real (final) searches.
- Search statistics grouped by term.
- Search made with the help of Underscore.js
- Search made with the help of Underscore.js
- Search statistics cleaning.
- Ruby 2.7.0
- Ruby on Rails 6
- PostgreSQL: Because we are going to deploy on Heroku.
- Sidekiq: Used to asynchronously run search indexing as background tasks.
- sidekiq-scheduler: Used to schedule background tasks runs every minute (this interval can be changed).
- Redis: All the searches made by users are stored in Redis, so it is used as a queue of search terms to be posteriorly processed at a background task.
- Other: Webpacker, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, simple_form, faker, axios and Underscore.js.
Clone the project:
git clone [email protected]:seccomiro/article-search.git
cd article-search
Update frontend dependencies with Yarn:
# You will need Yarn pre-installed
yarn install
Uptade the gems:
bundle install
Run migrations (PostgreSQL):
# Your PostgreSQL database must exist
rails db:migrate
This app is made with Ruby on Rails 6 that uses webpacker and Yarn for frontend dependency management. So you can keep webpack-dev-server
And the app also uses Sidekiq for running background tasks. So you need to keep it alive too:
bundle exec sidekiq
Run the development web server:
rails server -b -p 3000
Note: You will need to have a Redis Server running on your localhost. Otherwise the app is not going to be able to enqueue and consume yout searches.
Access: http://your_ip_address:3000
Every search that hits the server is stored on a queue for processing. It does not matter if it is a complete or a parcial search.
So, imagine user typing:
1. Ho
2. How do
3. How do I canc
4. How do I cancel my acc
5. How do I cancel my subscription
At first, all these five terms are stored for the user's IP address.
But we only want keep final search terms. If we consider the example above, it would be: How do I cancel my subscription.
Every minute (it can be less frequent if necessary) a background cron job consumes the search queue and tries to extract the best search terms, aiming at only get final search terms. Its result is stores in DB for future visualization.
A Search is considered as a final search and is stored in DB for statistics generation if:
- The user makes only one search.
- The user presses ENTER (or clicks the submit button).
- There are move than one search and the next search for the same user are separated by more than 3 seconds (empirically discovered).