Stack Implementation using Singly Linked List
This C program implements a stack data structure using a singly linked list. Stacks follow the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, where the last element added is the first one to be removed.
Key Features:
-Insertion (Push): Adds an element to the top of the stack.
-Deletion (Pop): Removes the topmost element from the stack.
-Display: Prints the elements of the stack in the order from top to bottom.
-Stack Overflow/Underflow Handling: Prevents the stack from exceeding its maximum size or becoming empty.
The program will prompt you to enter the maximum size of the stack.
You'll then be presented with a menu to choose from the following operations:
1: Push an element onto the stack
2: Pop an element from the stack
3: Display the stack and exit
The program will display appropriate messages for stack overflow, underflow, and successful operations.
It will also print the elements of the stack when you choose to display them.