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elastic v0.8.0

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@sckott sckott released this 14 Sep 14:03
· 263 commits to master since this release

Scroll changes

  • changed to S3 setup, with methods for character and
  • first parameter of scroll() and scroll_clear() is now x, should
    only matter if you specified the parameter name for the first parameter
  • scroll parameter in scroll() function is now time_scroll
  • Added asdf (for "as data.frame") to scroll() to give back a
    data.frame (#163)
  • streaming option added to scroll(), see parameter stream_opts in the
    docs and examples (#160)
  • general docs improvements (#182)


  • New functions tasks and tasks_cancel for the tasks API (#145)
  • streaming option added to Search(), see parameter stream_opts in the
    docs and examples. scroll parameter in Search() is now time_scroll
  • New function field_caps (for field capabilities) - in ES v5.4 and
  • New function reindex for the reindex ES API (#134)
  • New functions index_template_get, index_template_put,
    index_template_exists, and index_template_delete for the indices
    templates ES API (#133)
  • New function index_forcemerge for the ES index _forcemerge
    route (#176)


  • Added examples to docs for Search and Search_uri for how
    to show progress bar (#162)
  • Small docs fix to docs_bulk to clarify what's allowed as first
    parameter input (#173)
  • docs_bulk change to internal JSON preparation to use
    na = "null" and auto_unbox = TRUE in the jsonlite::toJSON
    call. This means that NA's in R become null in the JSON
    and atomic vectors are unboxed (#174) thanks @pieterprovoost
  • mapping_create gains update_all_types parameter; and new man
    file to explain how to enable fielddata if sorting needed (#164)
  • suggest is used through query DSL instead of a route, added
    example to Search (#102)
  • Now caching internal ping() calls - so that after the first one
    we used the cached version if called again within the same R session.
    Should help speed up some code with respect to http calls (#184)
    thanks @henfiber
  • Fixes to percolate functions and docs for differences in percolate
    functionality pre v5 and post v5 (#176)
  • All http requests now contain content-type headers, for the most part
    application/json (#197), though functions that work with the bulk API
    use application/x-ndjson (#186)
  • docs fix to mapping_create egs (#199)
  • README now includes example of how to connect when your ES is using X-pack
    (#185) thanks @ugosan


  • fixes for normalizing url paths (#181)
  • fix to type_exists to work on ES versions less to and greater than
    v5 (#189)
  • fix to field_stats to indicate that its no longer avail. in
    ES v5.4 and above - and that the fields parameter in ES >= v5 is
    gone (#190)