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Maven plugin for using Ant as an assembly tool

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This plugins provides an advanced Ant integration within Maven, in the manner of nuxeo-distribution-tools itself inspired from maven-antrun-extended-plugin.

The AntBuildMojo provides advanced Ant tasks for manipulating the Maven artifacts graph. It comes with various Ant tasks dedicated to building "distribution": filtering libraries, resolving artifacts, attaching the result to the Maven reactor for use with install or deploy...

The IntegrationTestMojo and VerifyMojo help to integrate an arbitrary build or test execution with the Maven build. A common case is executing some tasks during the integration-test phase, including environment setup and teardown during pre-integration-test and post-integration-test phases then raising some status during the verify phase, all this in respect with the common usage and convention of Maven, Ant, SureFire and FailSafe.

Goals Overview

The available plugin goals are:

  • ant-assembly:build: execute an Ant build manipulating Maven objects (artifacts, dependencies, properties, profiles, repositories, graph...). Typical usage is the build of a distribution. It is also commonly used to setup and teardown the integration test environment.
  • ant-assembly:integration-test: wrap the Ant executions to catch their build result and store a Surefire/Failsafe compliant summary file. Typical usage is the execution of Ant commands performing some tests.
  • ant-assembly:verify: read Surefire/Failsafe summary files to verify the result of integration tests. It can also read JUnit test reports, write and aggregate the results in a summary file. Typical usage is to fail the build at a different phase than the one which ran the tests, allowing environment cleanup.

Comparison with maven-antrun-plugin

This ant-assembly-maven-plugin does much more than only running Ant: it fully integrates Ant build with Maven making together available the best of the two worlds in both directions.

The Ant build is not simply sand-boxed as an external execution which results to success or fail. The build can use the Maven objects as well as "talking" to Maven: attach artifacts, setup properties and profiles, edit the dependency graph...

Thanks to the Eclipse aether library, the Ant tasks have access to the whole Maven API like any Maven plugin does.

Comparison with maven-assembly-plugin

Both plugins allow to "assemble an application bundle or distribution from an assembly descriptor" but the ant-assembly-maven-plugin has been written in order to provide easy to read, write and maintain assemblies, taking benefit from the power of Ant, inspired by maven-antrun-extended-plugin.

While the maven-assembly-plugin has a lot of drawbacks:

  • the assembly uses a custom XLM syntax, verbose, not easy to read and absolutely not maintainable over time,
  • it is quickly limited by the pre-defined descriptors and customization is not obvious,
  • it has assumptions making it mandatory to follow some assembly conventions.

At the opposite, the ant-assembly-maven-plugin circumvent those issues:

  • the assembly syntax is the well-known Ant syntax, less verbose, easy to ready and maintain,
  • it has no limitations since it provides all the Ant and Maven basic tasks, including the Ant Contrib tasks, and can be extended with any Ant contribution,
  • there is no constraint on the assembly content.


Online documentation:


The whole nuxeo-distribution project is using nuxeo-distribution-tools for building Nuxeo distributions, running tests, ...

Look at nuxeo-distribution/*/pom.xml and nuxeo-distribution/*/src/main/assemble/assembly.xml files for concrete usage samples.


The following Maven properties are exposed in the Ant build file with a maven. prefix:

  • basedir -> maven.basedir
  • ->
  • project.artifactId -> maven.project.artifactId
  • project.groupId -> maven.project.groupId
  • project.version -> maven.project.version
  • project.packaging -> maven.project.packaging
  • ->
  • ->
  • ->
  • ->

Any user defined Maven property will be available as an Ant property.

For every active Maven profile, a property of the following form is created:

maven.profile.X = true

where X is the profile name.

This can be used in conditional Ant constructs like:

<target if="maven.profile.X">


<target unless="maven.profile.X">

to make task execution depending on whether a profile is active or not.

Maven profiles are also exported as Ant profiles so you can use the custom nx:profile tasks to conditionally execute code. Example:

<nx:profile name="X">
  ... that statement will be executed only if profile X is active ...

The current Maven POM (project) is put as a root into the artifact graph.

If expand > 0, then the project node will be expanded using a depth equals to the expand property. Example: if you use expand=1, then the direct dependencies of the project are added to the graph.

Ant tasks

All standard Ant tasks are available.

Ant contrib tasks are also included.

All the Nuxeo Ant tasks are listed in src/main/resources/org/nuxeo/build/antlib.xml and src/main/resources/org/nuxeo/build/artifact/antlib.xml. Here's quick listing:

  • nx:templates (

  • nx:profile (

  • nx:archetype (

  • nx:if (

  • nx:regexp (

  • nx:preprocess (

  • nx:rename (

  • nx:rmdups (

  • nx:zipdiff (

  • nx:studioExtraction (

  • artifact:settings (

  • artifact:set (

  • artifact:file (

  • artifact:graph (

  • artifact:expand (

  • artifact:nuxeo-expand (

  • artifact:export (

  • artifact:attach (

  • artifact:foreach (

  • artifact:resolveFile (

  • artifact:dependencies (

  • artifact:print (

  • artifact:resolveFiles (

Graph tasks

  • <artifact:graph src="" resolves="" /> src: file containing a list of artifact keys (GAV) resolves: comma-separated list of artifact keys (GAV) Nested elements: Build an expanded graph with the given artifacts as root nodes.
  • <artifact:expand key="" depth="1" > key: the root node. The current graph is used if null. depth: expansion depth (default="1"). Set "all" to expand at max. Nested elements: Expand artifact nodes in the current graph if key is null or in the graph which key is root node.

Artifact File Resources

Artifact file resources are used to select the file for the specified artifacts.

You can use classifiers if you want a specific file.

There are four artifact file resource types:

<artifact:file>         -> selects a single artifact
<artifact:resolveFile>  -> selects a single remote artifact that is not specified by the graph. This is not using the graph but directly the Maven repositories.
<artifact:set>          -> selects a set of artifacts. Can use includes and excludes clauses (filters are supported).
<artifact:dependencies> -> selects the dependencies of an artifact (the depth can be controlled and filters are supported).

<artifact:file> have the following attributes:

  • groupId
  • artifactId
  • version
  • type
  • classifier
  • key

You must specify at least the 'key' attribute or one or more of the other attributes.

If both key and other attributes are specified the 'key' take precedence.

The key format is the same as the node artifact key format described above.


<artifact:file key="nuxeo-runtime"> will get the file of the first artifact found having the artifactId == "nuxeo-runtime"

<artifact:file key="org.nuxeo.runtime:nuxeo-runtime"> will get the file of the first artifact found having the groupId == "org.nxueo.runtime" and artifactId == "nuxeo-runtime"

<artifact:file key="nuxeo-runtime;allinone"> - the ';' is a shortcut to be able to specify the classifier inside a node key.

<artifact:file artifactId="nuxeo-runtime" classifier="allinone"> this is identical to the previous example.

Note: using 'key' may generate faster lookups. (it's a prefix search on a tree map).


<copy todir="${}">
  <artifact:file artifactId="nuxeo-runtime"/>
  <artifact:dependencies artifactId="nuxeo-runtime">
      <artifact scope="test"/>
      <artifact scope="provided"/>

Thread safety

Different Mojo instances can be used in different threads, each of them will have its own graph. (The Mojo is bound to a thread variable so that Ant will use the Mojo bound to the current thread).

How to contribute

See this page for practical information: NXDOC/Contributing+to+Nuxeo

This presentation will give you more insight about "the Nuxeo way":

QA results

Build Status

Build and tests

mvn clean package [-o] [-DskipTests] [-DskipITs] [-DdebugITs=true] [-Dinvoker.test=...] [-Pdebug]

Build and run all Unit and integration tests

mvn clean integration-test [-o] [-DdebugITs=true]

Build with no test

mvn clean package -DskipTests -DskipITs

Build and run Unit tests only (default)

mvn clean package -DskipITs

Build and run integration tests only

mvn clean integration-test -DskipTests

Run only some integration tests

mvn invoker:run -Dinvoker.test=test1

or (if you want the code being compiled again):

mvn clean integration-test -Dinvoker.test=test1

Use comma separator. Wildcards are accepted.

Integration tests results

Results are in target/it/* sub-folders.

Manually replay integration tests

You can manually execute some Maven commands from a result directory (target/it/*) providing a specific settings.xml file:

mvn -s ../../../it-settings.xml ...

Integration tests debug logs

Add -DdebugITs=true on the command line to get debug logs in the build.log file.

Integration tests debug code (mvnDebug)

Use -Pdebug profile which will make the invoker call mvnDebug (starting the JVM in debug attach mode).

Default listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000

Release the project

Make sure the project builds and its tests pass.

Then create a temporary branch to perform the release:

git checkout -b tmp-release

Then update the project version to final, for instance 2.1.7:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.1.7 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false

Then commit and tag the release:

git commit -a -m "Release 2.1.7"
git tag -a -m "Release 2.1.7" release-2.1.7

Then deploy the maven artifacts:

mvn clean deploy -DskipTests -DskipITs -DaltDeploymentRepository=maven-public-releases::default::PUBLIC_URL


You should replace the PUBLIC_URL. Your Maven settings.xml file should contain appropriate authentication (if any) for the maven-public-releases repository.

Then push the tag:

git push --tags

Then cleanup your branch and prepare the next development iteration:

git checkout master
git branch -D tmp-release
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.1.8-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
git commit -a -m "Post release 2.1.7"
git push

About Nuxeo

Nuxeo dramatically improves how content-based applications are built, managed and deployed, making customers more agile, innovative and successful. Nuxeo provides a next generation, enterprise ready platform for building traditional and cutting-edge content oriented applications. Combining a powerful application development environment with SaaS-based tools and a modular architecture, the Nuxeo Platform and Products provide clear business value to some of the most recognizable brands including Verizon, Electronic Arts, Sharp, FICO, the U.S. Navy, and Boeing. Nuxeo is headquartered in New York and Paris. More information is available at


Maven plugin for using Ant as an assembly tool







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