A simple package for laravel developers to consume Kopokopo API for laravel 8.
You can easily install this package using composer and an installation command
composer require michaelgatuma/laravel-kopokopo
Next, after the package has been installed run this to publish config;
php artisan kopokopo:install
This will help in publishing config/kopokopo.php
file. This kopokopo config file is where you will add all
configurations for Kopokopo APIs. This includes the environment your application is running in(sandbox or production),
callback URLs and required credentials.
return [
// Set this to false if you cannot authenticate due to SSL certificate problem.
'curl_ssl_verify' => false,
// When you are testing in sandbox environment this remains true, to go to a live environment set it to false
'sandbox' => false,
/* The below values should not be hardcoded for security reason. Add these variables in .env
# This is the application id acquired after you create an Authorization application on the kopokopo dashboard
'client_id' => env('KOPOKOPO_CLIENT_ID', 'EXAMPLE_CLIENT_ID'),
# The kopokopo application client secret
# The kopokopo application api key
'api_key' => env('KOPOKOPO_API_KEY', 'EXAMPLE_APIKEY'),
// Define the scope of your applications control on kopokopo transaction. Using company will control transactions for all till numbers regardless
'scope' => 'till', //i.e company, till
// The business till number given to you by Kopokopo
'till_number' => '0000000',
// The business till number given to you by Kopokopo
'stk_till_number' => 'K000000',
// Preferred transacting currency i.e KES, USD, AUD
'currency' => 'KES',
// Webhooks are a means of getting notified on your laravel application of events in the Kopokopo application. i.e https://api-docs.kopokopo.com/#webhooks
// Below values will be used to register your webhooks on Kopokopo. For it to work, update the values and use Kopokopo::subscribeRegisteredWebhooks() to register
'webhooks' => [
'buygoods_transaction_received' => 'https://example.com/k2transrec',
'buygoods_transaction_reversed' => 'https://example.com/k2transrev',
'b2b_transaction_received' => 'https://example.com/k2b2btransrec',
'm2m_transaction_received' => 'https://example.com/k2m2mtransrec',
'settlement_transfer_completed' => 'https://example.com/k2settcomp',
'customer_created' => 'https://example.com/k2custcr'
// This webhook is used to get notified of a successful Mpesa stk payment
'stk_payment_received_webhook' => 'https://example.com/mobile-stk-received',
For production you need to replace with production credentials and also set 'sandbox' => false
For security reasons you may want to define your API credentials in env
file. For example;
// config/kopokopo.php
'client_id' => env('KOPOKOPO_CLIENT_ID'),
'client_secret' => env('KOPOKOPO_CLIENT_SECRET'),
'api_key' => env('KOPOKOPO_API_KEY'),
# .env
# ...
# ...
N/B: You can skip the authorization step unless you need to carry out a number of operations in a single execution. Otherwise, the rest of the steps automatically acquire the access_token before calling the API>
Kopo Kopo uses Oauth2 to allow access to the Kopo Kopo API so before anything else, Kopokopo API expects the
application access token
to be used to make calls to the Kopo Kopo API on behalf of the application.
To acquire the token, you need to call the token service like below:
use Kopokopo;
// Get the token
//introspect token
//revoke access token
This API enables you to register the callback URLs via which you will receive payment notifications for payments and
transaction that happen in your Kopo kopo app. To register Urls ensure all urls under webhooks are filled with valid
urls in config/kopokopo.php
Checkout https://developers.kopokopo.com/guides/webhooks to
understand what each webhook does.
When testing on sandbox you can use ngrok to expose your callbacks to the internet. Then
call registerWebhooks()
on Kopokopo
facade. i.e
Publish any webhook by running the command below in your terminal:
php artisan kopokopo:subscribe
$ php artisan kopokopo:subscribe
Enter Event Type:
> stk_payment_received_webhook
Callback URL i.e https://example.com/b2c-callback:
> https://example.com/api//b2c-callback
Scope: i.e till,business [till]:
> till
STK Enabled Till Number [K000000]:
> K000000
You may use the --all option to subscribe to all webhook specified in kopokopo webhooks config i.e
php artisan kopokopo:subscribe --all
Remember to first import Kopokopo facade with:
use Kopokopo;
// subscribe all webhooks registered in config file
$response = Kopokopo::authenticate($token)->subscribeRegisteredWebhooks();
//subscribe a specific webhook
$res = Kopokopo::authenticate($token)->subscribeWebhook(
event_type: 'buygoods_transaction_received',
url: 'https://myawesomeapplication.com/destination',
scope: 'till',
till: 7777777,
// HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: https://sandbox.kopokopo.com/api/v1/webhook_subscriptions/d76265cd-0951-e522-80da-0aa34a9b2388
Upon successful creation of the webhook subscription, the api will return true, else you will get the exact error as json HTTP response;
You can receive payments from M-PESA users via STK Push. You can initiate payment like this;
$res= Kopokopo::authenticate('my_access_token')->stkPush(
amount: 2230,
phone: '+254799999999',
first_name: 'Michael',//optional
last_name: 'Gatuma',//optional
email: '[email protected]',//optional
metadata: [
if($res['status'] == 'success')
dump ("The resource location is:" . json_encode($res['location']));
// => 'https://sandbox.kopokopo.com/api/v1/incoming_payments/247b1bd8-f5a0-4b71-a898-f62f67b8ae1c'
Upon a successful request a HTTP Status 201 will be returned and the location HTTP Header will contain the URL of the newly created Incoming Payment.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: https://sandbox.kopokopo.com/api/v1/incoming_payments/247b1bd8-f5a0-4b71-a898-f62f67b8ae1c
Coming Soon
You can add external recipient that will be the destination of your payments in the future, sort of creating contacts. The following are the different types of pay recipients you can create with examples.
Create Pay Recipient for a Mobile Wallet recipient;
$create_recipient_response = Kopokopo::PayService()->addPayRecipient([
'type' => 'mobile_wallet',
'firstName'=> 'Michael',
'lastName'=> 'Gatuma',
'email'=> '[email protected]',
'phoneNumber'=> '+254999999999',
'network'=> 'Safaricom',
'accessToken' => 'myRand0mAcc3ssT0k3n'
if($create_recipient_response['status'] == 'success')
echo "The resource location is:" . json_encode($create_recipient_response['location']);
A HTTP response code of 201 is returned upon successful creation of the PAY recipient. The URL of the recipient resource is also returned in the HTTP Location Header
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: https://sandbox.kopokopo.com/api/v1/pay_recipients/c7f300c0-f1ef-4151-9bbe-005005aa3747
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Transfer funds to your pre-approved settlement accounts (bank accounts or mobile wallets).
Coming Soon
Poll Buygoods Transactions between the specified dates for a particular till or for the whole company.
Coming Soon
Send sms notifications to your customer after you have received a payment from them.
Coming Soon
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
$ composer test
Thank you for considering contributing to laravel-kopokopo
. Pull requests and issues welcome. Be sure to check open
issues and PRs before continuing. Take a look at contributing.md to see a to do list.
If you discover a security vulnerability within laravel-kopokopo, please send an e-mail to Michael Gatuma via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The laravel-kopokopo package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license
laravel, mpesa, kopokopo, k2-connect,k2-connect-php, laravel-mpesa, php, stk-push