Kanapa is a cross-platform mobile event calender which was build in cooperation with the same-named youth-project. The app also paticipated in the App-Contest Hamburg 2016.
Today, Görlitz and Zgorzelec are two neighbouring cities which got seperated after the second world war. The purpose of this app was to share events beyond borders and thereby to strengthen the cultural life of this region.
Due to the disbandment of the project-group and some performance issues (partly based on the framework), the app won't be further developed and is no longer available in the Google Play Store.
The code is free to use (under the MIT-licence) and can be used to develop own Xamarin.Forms apps.
There are currently plans to bring a new version of the app (developed in Java and Swift) back in use.
- custom action bar
- background image
- icon
- toolbar-items
- carousel-page
- page indicator
- dynamical calender using box views
- google-maps integration
- microsoft azure mobile-service
- database access
- circle view
- images
- android calender
- adding of appointments to the device-calender
- splash-screen
- alert-views
More screenshots can be found in the file explorer (
- Add more comments in the code