Get informations as YAML format for Wordmove's movefile.yml from WordPress.
Note: We changed the package name because the package index for package command is being deprecated. See installing.
$ wp scaffold movefile
For more details:
$ wp help scaffold movefile
Quick links: Installing | Contributing
Installing this package requires WP-CLI v0.23.0 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with:
$ wp cli update
Once you've done so, you can install this package with:
$ wp package install vccw-team/wp-cli-scaffold-movefile
We changed the package name because the package index for package command is being deprecated.
So, if you are using this this command with the old name, please uninstall the package and install again with the new name.
$ wp package uninstall vccw/wp-cli-scaffold-movefile
$ wp package install vccw-team/wp-cli-scaffold-movefile
You can customize a default template of the movefile.yml.
$ curl -o ~/.wp-cli/movefile.mustache
Then edit ~/.wp-cli/movefile.mustache
Code and ideas are more than welcome.
Please open an issue with questions, feedback, and violent dissent. Pull requests are expected to include test coverage.