A Merkle Tree implementation with Python.
To be implemented in C++ / D.
Last updated on 2020-04-25.
Korean version: 한국어
First, download or clone this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/kchulj/merkle-tree.git
Check if Python is installed.
$ python --version
If not, install Python.
$ sudo apt-get install python3
Check if Python is installed.
$ python --version
If not, install with Homebrew.
$ brew install python3
The produce
mode produces hashes from strings arguments by applying SHA256 twice.
$ python merkle.py produce "The quick brown fox" "jump over" "the" "lazy dog"
The program prints the Merkle tree generated from those values.
The Level 0 hash is the Merkle Root.
Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
If there are no arguments or invalid arguments, the program exits with EXIT_FAILURE
This is the test for a balanced tree. In a balanced tree, the number of arguments is a power of 2. In the event the tree is not balanced, the last value is repeated to balance the tree.
Below is the algorithm for setting the level of an unbalanced Merkle tree.
num of inputs | (num repeated) num of nodes on last level | total num nodes | level |
1 | (+0) 1 | 1 | 0 |
2 | (+0) 2 | 3 | 1 |
3 | (+1) 4 | 7 | 2 |
4 | (+0) 4 | 7 | 2 |
5 | (+3) 8 | 15 | 3 |
6 | (+2) 8 | 15 | 3 |
7 | (+1) 8 | 15 | 3 |
8 | (+0) 8 | 15 | 3 |
9 | (+7) 16 | 31 | 4 |
10 | (+6) 16 | 31 | 4 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
lvl = 0 # Initialize level
while arrlen > 2**lvl: # Test array length against consecutive powers of 2
lvl += 1
if arrlen <= 2**lvl: # If array length is less than or equal to the next power, break loop and set level
Entering 5 strings
$ python merkle.py produce "The quick brown fox" "jump over" "the" "lazy" "dog"
repeats the last hash 3 times and creates 8 nodes on the last level and a Level 3 tree.
Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
The verify
mode verifies if the hash is a part of the Merkle tree.
It should take 6 or more arguments as follows:
- [1] verify (the mode)
- [2] Merkle root : str -> hash
- [3] number of values in the Merkle tree : int
- [4] 0-based index of value being provided : int
- [5] hash at the provided index : str -> hash
- [6][...][6 + level - 1] merkle path : str -> hash
[0] is
, the default argument.
$ python merkle.py verify 018FB04252A594A8049CBFE9E34848249040E1FA7E170501E17ADC06393D4DC3 4 1 F51DF418D9D7BAFDCFDC4320409E08E39858D0D686FEE959EA545E6D7C214F71 7743034D22491720B723B68AFD046BE66969409254DC79A153E290C81A8F238A 49B9A6B1346DC768898A16C2DAD9D554349C9150F8B2809AC7D48B305C4D3650
Valid Merkle path
In the event the verification fails, the program outputs Invalid Merkle path
and returns EXIT_FAILURE
. If the verification passes, the program outputs Valid Merkle path
and returns EXIT_SUCCESS
- Run on a recent Linux and/or Mac OS X
Verify mode not completely implemented
- Use one of the following languages: D, C++, C, Go, Rust, Python
- Provide instructions on how to build the code
- No library functions, except for hashing and writing to the console
- Handle errors gracefully (e.g. no hard crash)
- Output should follow the same format as the provided example
Hash function outputs different values - need to try other libraries.
- Documentation and additional tests CAN be added at your discretion
Not all requirements were met due to lack of knowledge and time constraints.
- Verify mode incomplete
- Understand concept of verification
- How to convert string input into hash object?
- Use dependencies, such as OpenSSL, libsodium, Crypto++
- SHA-2 / SHA-256 algorithm
- Merkle-Damgard construction / hash function
- What are length-extension attacks
- Static vs. dynamic linking
- Link dependencies to IDE and compiler
- Practice with building tools: Makefile, CMake
- Work with compilers in CLI instead of Python's interpreter
- Get familiar with Unix-like environments