Haxcking the Climxate, one idle EC2 instance at a time.
Trend Micro hackathon aimed at addressing challenges faced by our industry (Cloud or Security/Governance).
At the conclusion of the event, all teams will have a 5-minute opportunity to pitch and/or Demo their project to the judging panel - with winners decided, by the judges, on the basis of:
- Coolness
- Realistic Capability (does it work, or is it likely to work)
- Innovativeness
- Business Value (does it solve a relevant problem)
Request parameters:
- EC2 region
- EC2 instance type
- EC2 uptime
"manufacturing": 1.8,
"running": {
"idle": 0.5,
"tenPercent": 0.8,
"fiftyPercent": 1.3,
"hundredPercent": 1.8
"treesToPlant": {
"idle": 0.5,
"tenPercent": 0.6,
"fiftyPercent": 0.7,
"hundredPercent": 0.8
"ecoProfile": {
"title": "Captain Planet",
"recommendations": [
"Eat some spinach whilst coding.",
"Pet your cat 50 times after a blue-green deployment.",
"Take computer breaks to rest your eyes."
Sample cURL request:
curl -vv -H "Content-Type: application/json" \