This is the Laravel driver for the Event Sourcery framework.
Library is under conceptual development. Do not use.
- documentation
- shrug
- tooling
This code is extremely proof-of-concepty. Once we work in production with it for a few months we'll have it cleaned up and documented.
Documentation and more information about Event Sourcery can be found in the core event-sourcery/event-sourcery repository.
composer require event-sourcery/laravel-event-sourcery-driver
Laravel will auto-detect the package and the service provider will be installed automatically.
php artisan migrate
The migrations will create database tables for the Event Store, Personal Data Store and Personal Cryptography Store.
A vagrant virtualmachine is provided for testing.
- Clone with submodule initialization.
- Make sure vagrant, virtualbox, and ansible are installed.
- Run the following:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Coming soon.
Please create an issue on the core event-sourcery/event-sourcery with the particular framework support request.