Combine extensions for AVFoundation
The purpose of this project is to add Combine wrappers around AVFoundation (specifically AVPlayer
and AVPlayerItem
) APIs. For a full technical rundown and detailed explanation please visit
You can also check out our talk on the topic:
All publishers are designed to be lazy: they only start observing properties when subscribed to.
Publisher | Source |
AVPlayer | |
playheadProgressPublisher(interval:) |
addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval:queue:using:) |
currentItemPublisher() |
currenItem |
ratePublisher() |
rate |
AVPlayerItem | |
statusPublisher() |
status |
durationPublisher() |
duration |
isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUpPublisher() |
isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp |
isPlaybackBufferEmptyPublisher() |
isPlaybackBufferEmpty |
didPlayToEndTimePublisher(_:) |
.AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime Notification |