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Usergrid on Docker

A collection of containers to run Usergrid on Docker.

There are the following containers:

To see how the containers can be started, have a look at the script from the provision directory.

Local testing using Vagrant and deployment to Amazon Web Services (AWS) are supported, see below.

Run on Vagrant

To get started quickly, it is recommended to use Vagrant.

Install the following dependencies:

On windows, you may additionally have to install rsync and ssh using something like mingw or cygwin.

In the Vagrantfile, set the IP for your Vagrant VM. Use an unassigned IP reachable in your local network:

ip = YOUR_IP

Then, in the root directory of the repository run:

vagrant up

This should automatically download and start an instance of CoreOS.

Usergrid API should be available on port 8080 and the admin portal at port 80.

Usergrid status at YOUR_IP:8080/status should show for cassandra "cassandraAvailable" : true, "cassandraStatus" : "GREEN" and for elasticsearch "managementAppIndexStatus" : "YELLOW".

If you make any changes to the configuration, update the files inside the VM and restart the containers with

vagrant rsync && vagrant provision

Using Vagrant, it is simple to start up multiple virtual machines (VMs) simulatenously by changing the num_instances parameter in the Vagrantfile. You can also adjust the vb_memory and vb_cpu parameters to change the amount of memory and number of CPUs available to the VM.

Run manually

Instead of using Vagrant, you can use Docker directly. If you are not using Linux on your development machine, it is recommended to install the Docker Toolbox.

The examples below use the automated builds from the Docker Hub.

Start Cassandra and Elasticsearch:

docker run --detach --name cassandra --volume $(pwd)/cassandra-data:/var/lib/cassandra yep1/usergrid-cassandra
docker run --detach --name elasticsearch --volume $(pwd)/elasticsearch-data:/data yep1/usergrid-elasticsearch

Start Usergrid, configuration is done using environment variables (--env). For a list all configuration variables, see below:

docker run --detach --name usergrid --env ADMIN_PASS=password --env ORG_NAME=org --env APP_NAME=app --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch --link cassandra:cassandra -p 8080:8080 yep1/usergrid

Start the Usergrid admin portal, change to match the public reachable IP and port of the Usergrid container

docker run --env USERGRID_HOST= -p 80:80 yep1/usergrid-portal

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used to access backing services in scripts of the usergrid container. The names of the Cassandra and Elasticsearch containers can not be changed or you also have to change the names of the environment variables below.


Configuration variables for the usergrid container:


Configuration variables for the cassandra container:


Configuration variables for the portal container:



Build the containers manually instead of using the automated builds.

Get the submodules first:

git clone
cd usergrid-docker
git submodule update --init

Then, build the java base container:

cd java && build -t usergrid-java .

The java container is used by all other containers. By default, automated build of the java container is used. Therefore, in each Dockerfile change FROM yep1/usergrid-java to FROM usergrid-java to use the local java container you just created.

Finally, build the containers:

cd cassandra && build -t usergrid-cassandra .
cd elasticsearch && build -t usergrid-elasticsearch .
cd usergrid && build -t usergrid .
cd portal && build -t usergrid-portal .

Start the containers as shown in section Usage, but remove the prefix yep1/ from the image name to use your local builds.

Run on AWS

Deployment to Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be done using the script from the provision directory.

Getting started:

  • Generate key pair in the aws console or add a locally generated key pair
  • Create a user called usergrid in IAM, download the credentials and attach the AmazonSQSFullAccess policy
  • Start the latest stable CoreOS community ami with hvm (hardware virtualization) of size m3.medium. At time of writing, latest is ami-0e300d13 called CoreOS-stable-607.0.0-hvm
  • Set up an SSH alias called aws so you can ssh into the machine by typing ssh aws without entering a password
  • Run

Apple push notification (apns) setup note:

When generating the notifier in usergrid, a .p12 certificate is required.

To create this .p12 certificate, you have to select BOTH the private key (of type private key) and the public key signed by Apple (of type certificate) in the Apple keychain OSX app at the same time and then export both of them into one .p12 file.

Usergrid Documentation


For debugging of REST commands, you can use Postman.

Import the postman collection usergrid.json.postman_collection and environment usergrid.json.postman_environment from the postman directory.

To use postman, request an API token using one of the provided commands and set the token parameter in the environment of postman accordingly. Also set the ip parameter in the environment.


Some useful vagrant commands:

  • vagrant up - start VM
  • vagrant ssh - ssh into VM
  • vagrant halt - stop VM
  • vagrant destroy - remove VM, run vagrant up to start from scratch
  • vagrant rsync - update shared folder using rsync
  • vagrant provision - run the provion script from the Vagrantfile
  • vagrant box update - update CoreOS base box

Some useful docker commands, run these from inside of the VM:

  • docker build -t usergrid . - build the dockerfile in the current directory and tag the container with usergrid
  • docker run -d --name usergrid --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch --link cassandra:cassandra -t usergrid - run the container which was built with the above command in the background (detached, -d), expose the usergrid http api port (8080, -p) and make the ports exposed by elasticsearch and cassandra available by linking the containers together
  • docker ps - show container ids of running containers
  • docker logs -f usergrid - follow the log of the container with tag usergrid
  • docker stop usergrid - stop running container with tag usergrid
  • docker run -i -t usergrid /bin/bash - start an interactive bash shell in the container with tag usergrid
  • docker ps -q|docker stop; docker images -q|xargs docker rmi -f - stop and delete ALL old docker images to free up disk space

Some useful usergrid command line ugc commands:

Install ugc with gem install ugc. Documentation is here. For more examples, see the ugc examples.

  • ugc profile org - create profile with name org. subsequent commands are applied to this profile.
  • ugc target url http://$IP:8080/org/app - use host at $IP, organization called org and app called app
  • ugc login --admin [email protected] - log in as one of the admins users admin or orgadmin. password is the same as the username.
  • ugc login [email protected] - log in as regular user. there is a default user called orguser. password is same as username.
  • ugc list collections - list collections. think of it as tables in a relational database. you can list other things as well.

Some useful Virtualbox commands:

  • VBoxManage hostonlyif remove vboxnet0 - manually delete a hostonly network if it was not properly removed by Virtualbox

Some useful OSX commands:

  • ifconfig bridge0 delete - manually delete a bridge if it was not properly removed by Virtualbox


Copyright 2014-2016 Jahn Bertsch
Copyright 2015 TOMORROW FOCUS News+ GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Build and run Usergrid 2.1 using Docker







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