The main repository for the Mitblick app
This app was built for a university project.
IntelliJ (IDE, register for the student version)
Glassfish Payara 5 (our JavaEE server)
MySQL Workbench (self explanatory)
XAMPP (mysql server, you can choose others too, but this one is the easiest imo)
Postman (for REST development)
Node.js (for frontend, eg Angular and co.)
Google them and you will find them.
Git is a version control system (VCS) which allows more poeple to work on the same project without encountering many problems.
Normally, you would have to know commands to use it, but IntelliJ has your back.
Just choose 'New ->Project from version control->Git'
-> Put in the link of this repo and click ok
1.) Download and install all the software I listed above
2.) Add a poweruser to the db server (eg username: admin, password: admin)
It needs a password
3.) Open the DB server, create a new DB, name it whatever, I used mitblick
- Add it to IntelliJ
- Once added, run it and go to it's admin console (by default localhost:4848)
- follow this tutorial
- you have to download the mysql jdbc connector jar from here
- dont't put it in
, put it directly in the lib folder under the glassfish install (glassfish-install-path\lib
) - When you create the JDBC Resource the JNDI name has to be "jdbc/mitblick-persistence"
4.) Run maven!
Normally you would need to know commands to do this but again, IntelliJ has you back!
Look at the sides of the IDE (left, right and down) and you will see something called Maven Projects
Click on it.
Choose MitBlick Parent
Choose Lifecycle
Choose install
Maven is a dependency management tool and helps us keep all our dependencies organized.
It is already configured, so you don't need to worry to much about it unless you need to use other libraries.