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Releases: asicsdigital/terraform-aws-vault
Releases · asicsdigital/terraform-aws-vault
Remove Operator Command
v2.2.1 Remove Operator
Remove 80 ingress rule
v2.2.0 Remove AnyAny 80 rule from lb-vault-sg
Added Operator back in
v2.1.3 Added operator back in
No Operator Tag
v2.1.2 remove operator
Added access_logs var to ALB
default is true
Added access_logs var to ALB
default is true
Terraform 12.0.9 Upgrade
Merge pull request #9 from asicsdigital/terraform12 Upgrade to Terraform 0.12.9
Use Latest ACM Cert
Small Bugfix to use the latests issued ACM cert.
Adding Vault UI
This release enables the Vault UI by default, and provides a parameter to toggle that functionality on and off.
Also includes updates to the Task definition to make this module more idempotent
Multi ECS Cluster Support
Lots of updates. Added some clean up as well as new features, this is also a breaking change as it changes ecs_cluster_id
which takes a string to ecs_cluster_ids
which takes a list.
- ability to span vault across two ECS Clusters to avoid downtimes when a cluster is cycling due to AMI or other large update ( somewhat a result of the AWS Autoscaling API Issue of March 22 2018)
- Set a log retention period
- extra_tags map which adds tags to resources
- lb_deregistration_delay to allow users to tune the behavior of the task deregistration
- service_minimum_healthy_percent set to 50% by default