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Digital Audio Workstation with Python


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* * VST Instruments and Effects with Python * *
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DawDreamer is an audio-processing Python framework supporting core DAW features such as audio playback, VST MIDI instruments, VST effects, and parameter automation. DawDreamer is written with JUCE, with a user-friendly Python interface thanks to pybind11. DawDreamer draws from an earlier VSTi audio "renderer", RenderMan.

Basic Example

import dawdreamer as daw
import numpy as np
from import wavfile
import librosa

BUFFER_SIZE = 128 # For speed when not using automation, choose a larger buffer such as 512.
SYNTH_PLUGIN = "C:/path/to/synth.dll"  # for instruments, DLLs work.
SYNTH_PRESET = "C:/path/to/preset.fxp"
REVERB_PLUGIN = "C:/path/to/reverb.dll"  # for effects, both DLLs and .vst3 files work
VOCALS_PATH = "C:/path/to/vocals.wav"
PIANO_PATH = "C:/path/to/piano.wav"

def load_audio_file(file_path, duration=None):
  sig, rate = librosa.load(file_path, duration=duration, mono=False, sr=SAMPLE_RATE)
  assert(rate == SAMPLE_RATE)
  return sig

def make_sine(freq: float, duration: float, sr=SAMPLE_RATE):
  """Return sine wave based on freq in Hz and duration in seconds"""
  N = int(duration * sr) # Number of samples 
  return np.sin(np.pi*2.*freq*np.arange(N)/sr)

# Make an engine. We'll only need one.
engine = daw.RenderEngine(SAMPLE_RATE, BUFFER_SIZE)

DURATION = 10 # How many seconds we want to render.

vocals = load_audio_file(VOCALS_PATH, duration=10.)
piano = load_audio_file(PIANO_PATH, duration=10.)

# Make a processor and give it the name "my_synth", which we must remember later.
synth = engine.make_plugin_processor("my_synth", SYNTH_PLUGIN)
synth.set_parameter(5, 0.1234) # override a specific parameter.
# We can also add notes one at a time.
synth.add_midi_note(67, 127, 0.5, .25) # (MIDI note, velocity, start sec, duration sec)

# We can automate VST parameters over time. First, we must know the parameter names.
# Get a list of dictionaries where each dictionary describes a controllable parameter.
print(synth.get_parameter_name(1)) # For Serum, returns "A Pan" (the panning of oscillator A)
synth.set_automation("A Pan", make_sine(.5, DURATION)) # 0.5 Hz sine wave.

# We can make basic signal processors such as filters and automate their parameters.
filter_processor = engine.make_filter_processor("filter", "high", 7000.0, .5, 1.)
freq_automation = make_sine(.5, DURATION)*5000. + 7000. # 0.5 Hz sine wave centered at 7000 with amp 5000.
filter_processor.set_automation("freq", freq_automation) # argument is single channel numpy array.

# Graph idea is based on
# A graph is a meaningfully ordered list of tuples.
# In each tuple, the first item is an audio processor.
# The second item is this audio processor's list of input processors.
# You must create each processor with a unique name
# and refer to these unique names in the lists of inputs.
# The audio from the last tuple's processor will be accessed automatically later by engine.get_audio()
graph = [
  (synth, []),  # synth takes no inputs, so we give an empty list.
  (engine.make_reverb_processor("reverb"), ["my_synth"]), # Apply JUCE reverb to the synth named earlier
  (engine.make_plugin_processor("more_reverb", REVERB_PLUGIN), ["reverb"]), # Apply VST reverb
  (engine.make_playback_processor("vocals", vocals), []), # Playback has no inputs.
  (filter_processor, ["vocals"]), # High-pass filter with automation set earlier.
  (engine.make_add_processor("added"), ["more_reverb", "filter"])


engine.render(DURATION)  # Render 10 seconds audio.
audio = engine.get_audio()  # Returns numpy.ndarray shaped (2, NUM_SAMPLES)
wavfile.write('my_song.wav', SAMPLE_RATE, audio.transpose()) # don't forget to transpose!

# You can modify processors without recreating the graph.
engine.render(DURATION)  # render audio again!

Building / Installation

All Platforms

The goal is to have a working Linux Make file, Visual Studio Solution, and Xcode Project in the builds folder. If the build for your platform isn't working, you should use JUCE's Projucer to open DawDreamer.jucer and create it.


DawDreamer has been tested with Visual Studio 2019 and VS2019 Build Tools (v142).

On Windows, the JUCE project makes several assumptions about having a Python 3.8 virtual environment located at C:/Python38dawdreamer. You can use a different virtual environment as long as you modify all references in DawDreamer.jucer, which is actually a text file.

Install Python 3.8.x Windows x86-64 to C:/Python38. Use virtualenv to create a virtual environment: python -m venv C:/Python38dawdreamer

In this repo, use env.bat to activate the virtual environment. In this window, install the python module requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

With the Projucer, open DawDreamer.jucer. Use it to create a Visual Studio solution and then build in Release mode. Note the post-build command, which moves the recently built dawdreamer.dll to C:/Python38dawdreamer.

Now you can activate the virtual environment and import dawdreamer:

>> import dawdreamer as daw
>> engine = daw.RenderEngine(44100,512)


First, get In a Mac OS Terminal, place the following and hit enter.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Use pyenv to install Python 3.8.5:

brew update && brew upgrade pyenv && env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install 3.8.5

Use Projucer and DawDreamer.jucer to create an Xcode project or use Builds/MacOSX/DawDreamer.xcodeproj. There's a bug in the JUCE projucer app that causes the generated shared object to be suffixed with dylib. This means python won't be able to import the module. Until this bug is fixed, change directory into the Builds/MacOSX/build/<Debug/Release> (depending on your Xcode scheme) and run:


Move to a directory of your choice. Open a terminal window to this directory and type the follow to create a reusable virtual environment titled myVenv or your choice.

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 myVenv

Each time you want to use DawDreamer, come to this directory and activate the environment:

pyenv activate myVenv

Then try DawDreamer:

>> import dawdreamer as daw
>> engine = daw.RenderEngine(44100,512)


Linux hasn't been tested since the transition from RenderMan, but it might work. There's also not yet a Builds/Linux/make file.

Install Python 3.8.x.

JUCE itself has a list of dependencies for Linux; it's a very big library - if you don't know it you should definitely take some time out to check it out! Depending on your distribution and setup you may already have some / all of the following libraries. If you are on Ubuntu, the following commands will install your dependencies. Find the respective packages for other distros using Google please!

sudo apt-get -y install llvm
sudo apt-get -y install clang
sudo apt-get -y install libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libxinerama-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libxrandr-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libxcursor-dev
sudo apt-get -y install mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libasound2-dev
sudo apt-get -y install freeglut3-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libxcomposite-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

Well done! You've made it this far! Should you still have problems, which is always a possibility with Linux, a good place to start is the JUCE forums, particularly here and here.

To build the library for Linux, change to the right directory and run make:

cd Builds/LinuxMakefile/


Proper documentation will be created eventually, but in the meantime look at more examples:

import dawdreamer as daw
import librosa
import numpy as np

# SAMPLE_RATE is the number of audio samples per second.
SAMPLE_RATE = 44100  

# Audio is rendered one block at a time, and the size of the block is
# the BUFFER_SIZE. If you're using the set_automation function, you should
# choose a smaller power of 2 buffer size such as 64 or 128.

SYNTH_PLUGIN = "C:/path/to/synth.dll"
REVERB_PLUGIN = "C:/path/to/reverb.dll"
# fxp is a conventional file extension for VST presets.
SYNTH_PRESET = "C:/path/to/preset.fxp"

# a path to a stereo audio file.
VOCALS_PATH = "C:/path/to/vocals.wav"

def load_audio_file(file_path, duration=None):
  sig, rate = librosa.load(file_path, duration=duration, mono=False, sr=SAMPLE_RATE)
  assert(rate == SAMPLE_RATE)
  return sig

# Make an engine. We'll only need one.
engine = daw.RenderEngine(SAMPLE_RATE, BUFFER_SIZE)

# Make a processor and give it the name "my_synth", which we must remember later.
synth = engine.make_plugin_processor("my_synth", SYNTH_PLUGIN)


# a list of dictionaries where each dictionary describes a controllable parameter

synth.get_parameter(5)  # Get the parameter at index 5. It'll be between 0 and 1.

synth.set_parameter(5, 0.1234)  # Set the parameter at index 5.

# patch will be a list of tuples. The first value in the tuple is
# the parameter index and the second value is the parameter value.
patch = synth.get_patch()

# You can set all parameters at once with set_patch().
# The following example assumes you have exactly two parameters.
synth.set_patch([(0, 0.1352), (1, 0.2346)])


# The number of MIDI events in the buffer.
# note-on and note-off events are counted separately.


# Add notes one at a time.
synth.add_midi_note(60, 127, 0.5, .25)  # (MIDI note, velocity, start sec, duration sec)
# 60 is middle C. Velocity is an integer from 0-127.

# Examples of other Processors
vocals = load_audio_file(VOCALS_PATH, duration=10.)
playback_processor = engine.make_playback_processor("my_vocals", vocals)
playback_processor.set_data(vocals) # You can do this anytime.

threshold = 0. # dB level of threshold
ratio = 2. # greater than or equal to 1.
attack = 2. # attack of compressor in milliseconds
release = 50. # release of compressor in milliseconds

compressor_processor = engine.make_compressor_processor("my_compressor", threshold, ratio, attack, release)
# CompressorProcessor has getters/setters
compressor_processor.threshold = threshold
compressor_processor.ratio = ratio
compressor_processor.attack = attack
compressor_processor.release = release

# The add processor sums signals together.
# When you add it to a graph, you probably want to use multiple inputs.
add_processor = engine.make_add_processor("my_add")

# You can also use the add processor to adjust gain levels.
# Assuming we will provide two inputs to this processor, we can construct
# the add processor and pass an array of gain levels at the same time.
add_processor = engine.make_add_processor("my_add", [0.5, 0.8])
add_processor.gain_levels = [0.7, 0.7] # Adjust gain levels whenever you want.

# Basic reverb processor from JUCE.
room_size = 0.5
damping = 0.5
wet_level = 0.33
dry_level = 0.4
width = 1.
reverb_processor = engine.make_reverb_processor("my_reverb", room_size, damping, wet_level, dry_level, width)
# ReverbProcessor has getters/setters
reverb_processor.room_size = room_size
reverb_processor.damping = damping
reverb_processor.wet_level = wet_level
reverb_processor.dry_level = dry_level
reverb_processor.width = width

# Basic filter processor from JUCE.
filter_mode = "high" # "low", "high", "band", "low_shelf", "high_shelf", "notch"
freq = 1000.0  # cutoff frequency in Hz.
q = 0.707107 # safe choice is 1./rad(2)=0.707107.
gain = 1. # gain values only matter when the mode is low_shelf or high_shelf.

filter_processor = engine.make_filter_processor("my_filter", filter_mode, freq, q, gain)
# FilterProcessor has getters/setters
reverb_processor.mode = filter_mode
reverb_processor.freq = freq
reverb_processor.q = q
reverb_processor.gain = gain

panner_processor = engine.make_panner_processor("my_panner", "linear", 0.)
panner_processor.rule = "balanced" # "linear", "balanced", "sin3dB", "sin4p5dB", "sin6dB", "squareRoot3dB", "squareRoot4p5dB"
panner_processor.pan = -.5 # -1. is fully left and 1. is fully right

delay_rule = "linear" # only linear is supported right now
delay_ms = 200. # delay in milliseconds
delay_wet = .3 # 0 means use all of original signal and none of the "wet" delayed signal. 1. is the opposite.
delay_processor = engine.make_delay_processor("my_delay", delay_rule, delay_ms, delay_wet)
# delay_processor.rule = "linear" # modifying the rule is not supported yet.
delay_processor.delay = delay_ms
delay_processor.wet = delay_wet

# Graph idea is based on
# A graph is a meaningfully ordered list of tuples.
# In each tuple, the first item is an audio processor.
# The second item is this audio processor's list of input processors.
# You must create each processor with a unique name
# and refer to these unique names in the lists of inputs.
# The audio from the last tuple's processor will be accessed automatically later by engine.get_audio()
graph = [
  (synth, []),
  (playback_processor, []),
  (panner_processor, ["my_vocals"]),
  (reverb_processor, ["my_panner"]),
  (add_processor, ["my_synth", "my_reverb"]),
  (compressor_processor, ["my_add"]),
  (filter_processor, ["my_compressor"]),
  (delay_processor, ["my_filter"])


engine.render(10.)  # Render 10 seconds audio.
audio = engine.get_audio()  # Returns numpy.ndarray shaped (2, NUM_SAMPLES)

# Even after a render, we can still modify our processors and re-render the graph.
# All of our MIDI is still loaded.
reverb_processor.freq = 2000.0 # change a parameter on a processor.
playback_processor.set_data(load_audio_file("piano.wav", duration=10.))  # give different waveform
engine.render(10.)  # render audio again!

# or load a new graph
graph = [
  (synth, []),


If you use DawDreamer, you must obey the licenses of JUCE, pybind11, and Steinberg VST2/3, and Maximillian.

Release Notes

Release Notes

Contributors to the original RenderMan

If you use this code academically, please consider citing the DawDreamer repo:

      author = {Braun, David},
      title = {DawDreamer: VST Instruments and Effects with Python},
      year = {2020},
      publisher = {GitHub},
      journal = {GitHub repository},
      howpublished = {\url{}},
      commit = {1cc9681caee26d963299d316ef6cf3a65ee47ad3}}

and RenderMan's DOI: DOI


Digital Audio Workstation with Python







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