Are you a state with several national parks? Do you want to keep track of animal statistics in your parks? WildFogs is here to keep your wild hog population healthy and happy. Was a bear witnessed near Camera #26? Tell visitors to stay clear of that area!
- Make sure golang 1.18 is installed
- Navigate into the corrseponding folder
- run
go get
- run
go run .
Alternatively use Docker (not recommended since editing config.txt is more cumbersome)
- Navigate into the corrsponding folder
- run
docker run -it $(docker build -q .)
- Make sure python3 and pip are installed
- Navigate to corresponding folder
- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run
Note: Altough using Docker is possible, webcam access is tricky, we therefore do not include the Dockerfile (see older commits for Dockerfile)
runs on
replica on