Advanced theft system with included UI, works with Uconomy and AdvancedZones
- Police permissions: PolicePermission = "policia"; (This is the permission that must be added to the police, due to the number of police in order to make a robbery.)
- advancedrobs (This is the permission for normal users to steal defaults)
To use this plugin requires the Uconomy, Advanced Zones, and a workshop UI mod
- Workshop UI: [Rob UI]:
- Workshop UI2: [Reward UI]:
- MaxPolice (Max police for rob this theft)
- Reward (Reward, if the type of rob is money)
- Time (Time for get the reward after theft)
- Cooldown (Cooldown for rob again)
- TitletUI (Title UI of the rob)
- TextUI (Text UI of the rob)
- TypeRob = "items or money" (Type of rob, if you want to give items or experience) ** Here you can add the items you want, and you can duplicate it**
- *items
- *items
This is a old video of installation, but is similar
- Create the zone with all nodes (/zone add "Name Rob")
- Create all nodes (/zone add node "Name Rob"), make a rectangle
- Add parameters to the rob (/addrob "Name Rob")
- Add flag to the zone (/zone add flag "Name Rob" robs)
- For edit parameters go to the "AdvancedZones Directory, there you have all your stuff for edit the rob" Then the configuration of the messages is in the plugin directory
*UconomyOrXp = false; **(Uconomy == true, No uconomy == false)**
*PolicePermission = "policia"; **(Police permission)**
*UIReward = 16999; **(Reward UI ID)**
*LeaveRobSecondsForGoBack = 1; **(Seconds for go back to the rob after you leave)**
*startrobmessageicon = ""; **(Icon Message)**
*finishrobmessageicon = ""; **(Icon Message)**
*leavearearobmessageicon = ""; **(Icon Message)**
*iconwarn = ""; **(Icon Message)**
*iconwarnwithoutui = ""; **(Icon Message)**
*{"startrob", "(color=red)[AdvancedRobs] {0} IS TRYING TO ROB THE {1}(/color)"}, **({0} is the name of the player who is trying to rob, {1} rob name)**
*{"finishrob", "(color=red)[AdvancedRobs] {0} HAS STOLEN CORRECTLY THE {1} THEFT(/color)"},
*{"leaverob", "(color=red)[AdvancedRobs] {0} IS OUT OF THE {1} THEFT AREA(/color)"},
*{"CooldownRob", "(color=yellow)[AdvancedRobs](/color) (color=red)Cooldown for rob again {0}(/color)"},
*{"NoPermissions", "[AdvancedRobs] You don't have permissions to rob this"},
*{"NoPolices", "(color=yellow)[AdvancedRobs](/color) (color=red)To be able to theft, there must be a maximum of {0} polices(/color)"},
*{"EnterPolice", "(color=yellow)[AdvancedRobs](/color) (color=red)You're a cop, you just got into the robbery(/color)"}