Template-Based Map Generator for Heroes of Might & Magic III
- Lua5.4, qt5-tools, boost
On Ubuntu you can run
- sudo apt-get install lua5.4 liblua5.4-dev libtbb-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev qttools5-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-image-dev
Ensure that tou have all of requirements installed
Ensure that all submodules are updated
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Build local VCMI
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -S ../vcmi
cmake --build . -j8
cd ..
Setup vcmi via /bin/vcmilauncher (add game files)
- make & run generator
make all
./Generator --seed <seed for RNG> --location <save location for map>
And to check results
- test map with vcmi bots
cd tester
bash script.sh
python statistics.py
File Structure
- gameInfo/
- Faction.h - enum of possible factions in HoMM3 + functionality
- MineType.h - enum of possible mine types in HoMM3 + functionality
- Terrain.h - enum of possible terrains + functionality
- Object.h - Object class with basic object information (position, size)
- Creature.h - Creature class (all information about guards)
- Mine.h - Mine class (all information about mines), inherits from Object
- Town.h - Town class (all information about towns), inherits from Object
- Treasure.h - Treasure class (all information about treasures), inherits from Object
- Tile.h - Tile class (abstraction for pixel), which zone it belongs to, whether it has a border, road, etc.
- Zone.h - Zone class (abstraction for Zones), Zone center, what terrain it should have, what objects are in this zone
- global/
- Global.h - some basic using statements (possibly to be removed)
- Random.h - RNG class written Python-style, to easily generate random numbers from a given range
- PenroseTiling.h - PenroseTiling class used to create Penrose Tiling
- PerlinNoise.h - PerlinNoise class used to generate Perlin Noise
- luaUtils/
- lua_helpers.h - Helper functions for Lua script
- types/
- float3.h - float3 class
- int3.h - int3 class
- templateInfo/
- ConnectionInfo.h - Information about connections
- MineInfo.h - Information about mines
- TemplateInfo.h - Information about Template
- TownInfo.h - Information about towns
- ZoneInfo.h - Information about Zone
- TreasureInfo.h - Information about treasures
- placers/
- BorderPlacer.h - BorderPlacer class responsible for placing Borders
- ObjectPlacer.h - ObjectPlacer class responsible for placing objects
- GuardPlacer.h - GuardPlacer class responsible for placing guards
- NoisePlacer.h - NoisePlacer class responsible for placing noise
- RoadPlacer.h - RoadPlacer class responsible for placing roads
- ZonePlacer.h - ZonePlacer class responsible for placing Zones
- ./
- Map.h - Map class (abstraction for Map, all information stored here should reflect the actual map)
- Generator.cpp - Main program responsible for creating the map (creates a Lua script which it then runs)