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STAT-547M Homework 08 Repository of Rebecca Asiimwe

Theme: Making a Shiny app

Assignment Overview

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy for us to build interactive web applications using R. It is available on CRAN and can be installed using:


Shiny's awesomeness can help us:

  • Host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R Markdown documents or build dashboards
  • embed CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions within Shiny apps for flexibility
  • develop highly interactive apps and output changes as users modify inputs, without requiring a reload of the browser
  • tap into Shiny's very attractive user interfaces (based on Twitter Bootstrap) and the customizable slider widgets with support animations
  • enjoy the super fast data transfer between a browser and R
  • tap into the reactive programming model that helps us focus on the key application code without worrying about background subroutines and lots of code.
  • develop interfaces for our R packages
  • and lastly, build websites

The Developed Shiny App

The developed Shiny app is a supplementary implementation to Dean Attalis’s BC Liquor app

As a key deliverable for this assignment, the developed Shiny app is hosted at and can be assessed through this link.

Some of the key features added to the BC Liquor app:

  1. **Image inclusion ** of the BC Liquor Store. Out of preference, this was added to my dashboardSidebar.
  2. Inclusion of an interactive table using DT::renderDataTable() from the DT package. Included was also a caption, title, a table style, change in text and column header colours, a specification of pageLength e.t.c.
  3. Inclusion of a download button to allow users download the results.
  4. Inclusion of a additional plot parameters. Here I implemented the colourpicker package to select plot colors
  5. Inclusion of dropdownMenus, icons and messages
  6. Inclusion of tabBox() and tabpanel() to have plots in different box tabs.
  7. Inclusion of CSS defined styles
  8. The usage of shinydashboard and most of its features skins. Themes were tested using shinythemes::themeSelector()

Please visit the app for the implementation of more awesome features.

App source code:

The code that generates my app can be found here

App dataset used:

The dataset used to generate my Shiny app is available at OpenDataBC

Repo Navigation:- Please visit the following main files 👇:

Homework Files Description
Link to homework8 This file contains homework 8 tasks and their descriptions This file provides an overview of the ghist of this repo and provides useful pointers to key files in my homework-8 repo. Herein, are also links to past files that provide an introduction to data exploration and analysis
Link to the developed Shiny app This is the link to the developed Shiny app which is the main deliverable of this assignment. The app is deployed online on
app.R This file contains the source code for the developed shiny app

Sources to acknowledge:

STAT 547M class notes on Shiny

Dean Attalis’s tutorial on building Shiny apps

Rstudio's documentation on Shiny dashboards


hw08-rasiimwe created by GitHub Classroom






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