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No need to test rand Char.
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sunoru committed Aug 5, 2021
1 parent b79d7c6 commit 20992ca
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/generic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,5 +26,4 @@ using Test
@test randperm(r, 10) == [2, 10, 1, 6, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9, 5]
@test randcycle(r, 10) == [8, 4, 5, 1, 10, 2, 3, 9, 7, 6]
@test rand(r, ComplexF64) == 0.9500729643158807 + 0.9280185794620359im
@test rand(r, Char) == '\Ufe68e'

3 comments on commit 20992ca

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@sunoru sunoru commented on 20992ca Aug 5, 2021

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function arrayRemove(a, b) {
return a.filter(function(a) {
return a !== b
function shuffleArray(a, b, c) {
if (void 0 === c || c > a.length)
c = a.length - 1;
if (void 0 === b || 0 > b)
b = 0;
for (var d = c; d >= b; d--) {
var e = randomInt(b, c)
, f = [a[e], a[d]];
a[d] = f[0];
a[e] = f[1]
unction randomInt(a, b) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a + 1)) + a
function fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(a) {
var b = document.createElement("textarea");
b.value = a;
try {
var c = document.execCommand("copy") ? "successful" : "unsuccessful";
console.log("Fallback: Copying text command was " + c)
} catch (d) {
console.error("Fallback: Oops, unable to copy", d)
function copyTextToClipboard(a) {
navigator.clipboard ? navigator.clipboard.writeText(a).then(function() {
cs.toast.showMessage("\u0110\u00e3 copy!");
console.log("Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!")
}, function(a) {
console.error("Async: Could not copy text: ", a)
}) : fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(a)
function angleBetween2Points(a, b) {
var c = cc.pDistance(a, b)
, c = Math.acos((a.x - b.x) / c);
return b.y < a.y ? cc.radiansToDegrees(-c) : cc.radiansToDegrees(c)
var getRandomNumber = function(a, b) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a + 1)) + a
function loadImage(a) {
return new Promise(function(b, c) {
var d = cc.textureCache.getTextureForKey(a);
d ? b(d) : cc.loader.loadImg(a, function(d, f) {
if (null === d) {
var g = cc.textureCache.handleLoadedTexture(a, f);
cc.textureCache.cacheImage(a, g);
} else
function fetchAvatar(a) {
return new Promise(function(b, c) {
var d = a.substr(a.length - 13)
, e = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(d);
cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(d) ? b(e) : (d = cc.textureCache.getTextureForKey(a)) ? b(d) : cc.loader.loadImg(a, function(d, e) {
if (null === d) {
var h = cc.textureCache.handleLoadedTexture(a, e);
cc.textureCache.cacheImage(a, h);
} else
function openUrl(a) {
cc.sys.isMobile ? window.location = a :, "_blank")
function getGPUInfo() {
var a, b;
a = gl.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info");
b = gl.getParameter(a.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL);
a = gl.getParameter(a.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL);
return {
vendor: b,
renderer: a
function loadResources(a, b) {
var c = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : ""
, d = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : !0
, e = 4 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 0
, f = !0;
cc.loader.load(a, function(a, b, c) {
null === a && (f = !1)
.bind(this), function() {
!f && 5 > e ? loadResources(a, b, c, e + 1) : (f || d && cs.toast.showMessage("Download " + c + " th\u1ea5t b\u1ea1i! Vui l\u00f2ng th\u1eed l\u1ea1i sau!"),
function getDesktopScale() {
return cc.sys.isMobile ? 1 : 1080 === cc.view.getDesignResolutionSize().height ? 1 : 0.7
var timerId;
function throttleFunction(a, b) {
for (var c = arguments.length, d = Array(2 < c ? c - 2 : 0), e = 2; e < c; e++)
d[e - 2] = arguments[e];
timerId || (timerId = setTimeout(function() {
timerId = void 0
}, 1E3 * b))
;function uuid() {
var a =;
window.performance && "function" === typeof && (a +=;
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(b) {
var c = (a + 16 * Math.random()) % 16 | 0;
a = Math.floor(a / 16);
return ("x" === b ? c : c & 11).toString(16)
cs.uuid = uuid;
var AudioEngine = cc.Class.extend({
_className: "AudioEngine",
isMuteMusic: !1,
isMuteEffect: !1,
effectAudio: {},
currentMusicUrl: null,
ctor: function() {
var a = localStorage.getItem("muteMusic");
"boolean" == typeof a && (this.isMuteMusic = a);
a = localStorage.getItem("muteEffect");
"boolean" == typeof a && (this.isMuteEffect = a);
this.isPlayingInGame = this.isPlayingLobby = !1;
return !0
isPlaying: function() {
return cc.audioEngine.isMusicPlaying()
playMusic: function(a) {
var b = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : !1
, c = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : !1
, d = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : !1;
this.currentMusicUrl === a && cc.audioEngine.isMusicPlaying() || (this.currentMusicUrl = a,
!0 !== this.isMuteMusic && (this.isPlayingLobby = c,
this.isPlayingInGame = d,
cc.audioEngine.playMusic(a, b)))
playEffect: function(a) {
var b = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : !1;
!0 !== this.isMuteEffect && (this.effectAudio[a] = cc.audioEngine.playEffect(a, b))
stopEffect: function(a) {
playLobbyMusic: function() {
var a = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : !0;
null !== a && "boolean" === typeof a && !0 === a ? this._playLobbyMusic() : !0 !== this.isPlayingLobby && this._playLobbyMusic()
playInGameMusic: function(a) {
null !== a && "boolean" === typeof a ? !0 === a && this._playInGameMusic() : !0 !== this.isPlayingInGame && this._playInGameMusic()
_playLobbyMusic: function() {
this.playMusic(sound_res.lb_music, !0, !0, !1)
_playInGameMusic: function() {
this.playMusic(sound_res.ig_music, !0, !1, !0)
stopMusic: function() {
this.isPlayingInGame = this.isPlayingLobby = !1;
stopLobbyMusic: function() {
setMuteMusic: function(a) {
(this.isMuteMusic = a) ? this.stopMusic() : this.currentMusicUrl && this.playMusic(this.currentMusicUrl, !0);
cc.eventManager.dispatchCustomEvent("changeMuteMusic", null)
setMuteEffect: function(a) {
(this.isMuteEffect = a) && this.stopAllEffects();
cc.eventManager.dispatchCustomEvent("changeMuteEffect", null)
stopAllEffects: function() {
stopAll: function() {
cs.audioEngine = new AudioEngine;
function _toConsumableArray(a) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(a) || _iterableToArray(a) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(a) || _nonIterableSpread()
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a Symbol.iterator method.");
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(a, b) {
if (a) {
if ("string" === typeof a)
return _arrayLikeToArray(a, b);
var c =, -1);
"Object" === c && a.constructor && (c =;
if ("Map" === c || "Set" === c)
return Array.from(a);
if ("Arguments" === c || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c))
return _arrayLikeToArray(a, b)
function _iterableToArray(a) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(a))
return Array.from(a)
function _arrayWithoutHoles(a) {
if (Array.isArray(a))
return _arrayLikeToArray(a)
function _arrayLikeToArray(a, b) {
if (null == b || b > a.length)
b = a.length;
for (var c = 0, d = Array(b); c < b; c++)
d[c] = a[c];
return d
cs.Card = {};
cs.Card.getCombination = function(a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = [], f = 0; f < c; f++) {
var g = new cs.GameCard(cs.GameCardType.BIG);
this.combination(a, b, c, 0, e, 0, d)
cs.Card.combination = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
d === c ? (a = _toConsumableArray(e),
g.push(a)) : f >= b || (e[d] = a[f],
this.combination(a, b, c, d + 1, e, f + 1, g),
this.combination(a, b, c, d, e, f + 1, g))
cs.Card.Lieng = {};
cs.Card.Lieng.checkOnlyHaveJQK = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
if (11 > a[b].N || 13 < a[b].N)
return !1;
return !0
cs.Card.Lieng.checkStraight = function(a) {
var b = !1;
if (3 !== a.len)
return !1;
var c = a[0].N
, d = a[1].N;
a = a[2].N;
if (c + 1 === d && d + 1 === a || 3 === c && 14 === d && 15 === a || 3 === c && 4 === d && 15 === a)
b = !0;
13 === c && 14 === d && 15 === a && (b = !1);
return b
cs.Card.Lieng.sortVector = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length - 1; ) {
for (var c = a[b], d = c.N, e = void 0, e = b + 1; e < a.length; e++) {
var f = a[e];
if (d > f.N) {
a[b] = f;
a[e] = c;
b = 0;
0 === b && e !== a.length || b++
cs.Card.Lieng.checkSameValue = function(a) {
return 3 !== a.length ? !1 : a[0].N === a[1].N && a[1].N === a[2].N
cs.Card.Lieng.getMark = function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a[c].N;
13 < d && (d -= 13);
9 < d && (d = 0);
b += d
return b % 10
function _typeof(a) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
_typeof = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(a) {
return typeof a
: function(a) {
return a && "function" === typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof a
return _typeof(a)
function _toConsumableArray(a) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(a) || _iterableToArray(a) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(a) || _nonIterableSpread()
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a Symbol.iterator method.");
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(a, b) {
if (a) {
if ("string" === typeof a)
return _arrayLikeToArray(a, b);
var c =, -1);
"Object" === c && a.constructor && (c =;
if ("Map" === c || "Set" === c)
return Array.from(a);
if ("Arguments" === c || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c))
return _arrayLikeToArray(a, b)
function _iterableToArray(a) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(a))
return Array.from(a)
function _arrayWithoutHoles(a) {
if (Array.isArray(a))
return _arrayLikeToArray(a)
function _arrayLikeToArray(a, b) {
if (null == b || b > a.length)
b = a.length;
for (var c = 0, d = Array(b); c < b; c++)
d[c] = a[c];
return d

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