This project is a simple UI clone of a video streaming platform (such as YouTube). It consists of a header, sidebar, video grid, and user profile elements that simulate the look and feel of the platform. The layout is built using HTML, CSS (Flexbox and Grid), and is responsive to adapt to various screen sizes.
- Header Section: Contains the logo, search bar, voice search button, and user profile with a notification counter.
- Sidebar: Fixed sidebar with links and icons.
- Video Grid: A grid layout to display video thumbnails, titles, channel names, and more.
- Hover Effects: Tooltip-style hover effects for elements like search, voice search, and notifications.
- Responsive Design: The design adapts to different screen sizes using media queries.
- HTML: Used to structure the content of the webpage.
- CSS: For styling and creating the responsive design. The layout uses Flexbox and CSS Grid.
- Responsive Design: The project adapts to different screen sizes using media queries.