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1438 lines (1047 loc) · 90.3 KB

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1438 lines (1047 loc) · 90.3 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
addDependenciesForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependencies Set dependencies for a task
addDependentsForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependents Set dependents for a task
addFollowersForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addFollowers Add followers to a task
addProjectForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addProject Add a project to a task
addTagForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addTag Add a tag to a task
createSubtaskForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks Create a subtask
createTask POST /tasks Create a task
deleteTask DELETE /tasks/{task_gid} Delete a task
duplicateTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/duplicate Duplicate a task
getDependenciesForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/dependencies Get dependencies from a task
getDependentsForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/dependents Get dependents from a task
getSubtasksForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks Get subtasks from a task
getTask GET /tasks/{task_gid} Get a task
getTaskForCustomID GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/custom_id/{custom_id} Get a task for a given custom ID
getTasks GET /tasks Get multiple tasks
getTasksForProject GET /projects/{project_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a project
getTasksForSection GET /sections/{section_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a section
getTasksForTag GET /tags/{tag_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a tag
getTasksForUserTaskList GET /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a user task list
removeDependenciesForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependencies Unlink dependencies from a task
removeDependentsForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependents Unlink dependents from a task
removeFollowerForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeFollowers Remove followers from a task
removeProjectForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeProject Remove a project from a task
removeTagForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeTag Remove a tag from a task
searchTasksForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search Search tasks in a workspace
setParentForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/setParent Set the parent of a task
updateTask PUT /tasks/{task_gid} Update a task


Set dependencies for a task

Marks a set of tasks as dependencies of this task, if they are not already dependencies. A task can have at most 30 dependents and dependencies combined.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The list of tasks to set as dependencies.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.addDependenciesForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The list of tasks to set as dependencies.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Set dependents for a task

Marks a set of tasks as dependents of this task, if they are not already dependents. A task can have at most 30 dependents and dependencies combined.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The list of tasks to add as dependents.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.addDependentsForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The list of tasks to add as dependents.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Add followers to a task

Adds followers to a task. Returns an empty data block. Each task can be associated with zero or more followers in the system. Requests to add/remove followers, if successful, will return the complete updated task record, described above.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The followers to add to the task.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.addFollowersForTask(body, task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The followers to add to the task.
task_gid String The task to operate on.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Add a project to a task

Adds the task to the specified project, in the optional location specified. If no location arguments are given, the task will be added to the end of the project. addProject can also be used to reorder a task within a project or section that already contains it. At most one of insert_before, insert_after, or section should be specified. Inserting into a section in an non-order-dependent way can be done by specifying section, otherwise, to insert within a section in a particular place, specify insert_before or insert_after and a task within the section to anchor the position of this task. A task can have at most 20 projects multi-homed to it. Returns an empty data block.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The project to add the task to.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.addProjectForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The project to add the task to.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Add a tag to a task

Adds a tag to a task. Returns an empty data block.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The tag to add to the task.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.addTagForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The tag to add to the task.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Create a subtask

Creates a new subtask and adds it to the parent task. Returns the full record for the newly created subtask.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The new subtask to create.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.createSubtaskForTask(body, task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The new subtask to create.
task_gid String The task to operate on.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Create a task

Creating a new task is as easy as POSTing to the /tasks endpoint with a data block containing the fields you’d like to set on the task. Any unspecified fields will take on default values. Every task is required to be created in a specific workspace, and this workspace cannot be changed once set. The workspace need not be set explicitly if you specify projects or a parent task instead.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The task to create.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.createTask(body, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The task to create.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Delete a task

A specific, existing task can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that task. Deleted tasks go into the “trash” of the user making the delete request. Tasks can be recovered from the trash within a period of 30 days; afterward they are completely removed from the system. Returns an empty data record.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.deleteTask(task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Duplicate a task

Creates and returns a job that will asynchronously handle the duplication.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | Describes the duplicate's name and the fields that will be duplicated.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "new_project,,new_project_template,,new_task,new_task.created_by,,new_task.resource_subtype,resource_subtype,status"
tasksApiInstance.duplicateTask(body, task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object Describes the duplicate's name and the fields that will be duplicated.
task_gid String The task to operate on.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get dependencies from a task

Returns the compact representations of all of the dependencies of a task.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getDependenciesForTask(task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
task_gid String The task to operate on.
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get dependents from a task

Returns the compact representations of all of the dependents of a task.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getDependentsForTask(task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
task_gid String The task to operate on.
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get subtasks from a task

Returns a compact representation of all of the subtasks of a task.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getSubtasksForTask(task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
task_gid String The task to operate on.
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get a task

Returns the complete task record for a single task.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getTask(task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
task_gid String The task to operate on.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get a task for a given custom ID

Returns a task given a custom ID shortcode.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let workspace_gid = "12345"; // String | Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.
let custom_id = "EX-1"; // String | Generated custom ID for a task.

tasksApiInstance.getTaskForCustomID(workspace_gid, custom_id).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
workspace_gid String Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.
custom_id String Generated custom ID for a task.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get multiple tasks

Returns the compact task records for some filtered set of tasks. Use one or more of the parameters provided to filter the tasks returned. You must specify a project or tag if you do not specify assignee and workspace. For more complex task retrieval, use workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let opts = { 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'assignee': "14641", 
    'project': "321654", 
    'section': "321654", 
    'workspace': "321654", 
    'completed_since': "2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z", 
    'modified_since': "2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getTasks(opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
assignee String The assignee to filter tasks on. If searching for unassigned tasks, assignee.any = null can be specified. Note: If you specify `assignee`, you must also specify the `workspace` to filter on. [optional]
project String The project to filter tasks on. [optional]
section String The section to filter tasks on. [optional]
workspace String The workspace to filter tasks on. Note: If you specify `workspace`, you must also specify the `assignee` to filter on. [optional]
completed_since Date Only return tasks that are either incomplete or that have been completed since this time. [optional]
modified_since Date Only return tasks that have been modified since the given time. Note: A task is considered “modified” if any of its properties change, or associations between it and other objects are modified (e.g. a task being added to a project). A task is not considered modified just because another object it is associated with (e.g. a subtask) is modified. Actions that count as modifying the task include assigning, renaming, completing, and adding stories. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get tasks from a project

Returns the compact task records for all tasks within the given project, ordered by their priority within the project. Tasks can exist in more than one project at a time.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let project_gid = "1331"; // String | Globally unique identifier for the project.
let opts = { 
    'completed_since': "2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z", 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getTasksForProject(project_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
project_gid String Globally unique identifier for the project.
completed_since String Only return tasks that are either incomplete or that have been completed since this time. Accepts a date-time string or the keyword now. [optional]
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get tasks from a section

Board view only: Returns the compact section records for all tasks within the given section.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let section_gid = "321654"; // String | The globally unique identifier for the section.
let opts = { 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'completed_since': "2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getTasksForSection(section_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
section_gid String The globally unique identifier for the section.
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
completed_since String Only return tasks that are either incomplete or that have been completed since this time. Accepts a date-time string or the keyword now. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get tasks from a tag

Returns the compact task records for all tasks with the given tag. Tasks can have more than one tag at a time.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let tag_gid = "11235"; // String | Globally unique identifier for the tag.
let opts = { 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getTasksForTag(tag_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
tag_gid String Globally unique identifier for the tag.
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Get tasks from a user task list

Returns the compact list of tasks in a user’s My Tasks list. Note: Access control is enforced for this endpoint as with all Asana API endpoints, meaning a user’s private tasks will be filtered out if the API-authenticated user does not have access to them. Note: Both complete and incomplete tasks are returned by default unless they are filtered out (for example, setting completed_since=now will return only incomplete tasks, which is the default view for “My Tasks” in Asana.)

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let user_task_list_gid = "12345"; // String | Globally unique identifier for the user task list.
let opts = { 
    'completed_since': "2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z", 
    'limit': 50, 
    'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9", 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.getTasksForUserTaskList(user_task_list_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
user_task_list_gid String Globally unique identifier for the user task list.
completed_since String Only return tasks that are either incomplete or that have been completed since this time. Accepts a date-time string or the keyword now. [optional]
limit Number Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100. [optional]
offset String Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API. A pagination request will return an offset token, which can be used as an input parameter to the next request. If an offset is not passed in, the API will return the first page of results. Note: You can only pass in an offset that was returned to you via a previously paginated request. [optional]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Unlink dependencies from a task

Unlinks a set of dependencies from this task.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The list of tasks to unlink as dependencies.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.removeDependenciesForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The list of tasks to unlink as dependencies.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Unlink dependents from a task

Unlinks a set of dependents from this task.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The list of tasks to remove as dependents.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.removeDependentsForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The list of tasks to remove as dependents.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Remove followers from a task

Removes each of the specified followers from the task if they are following. Returns the complete, updated record for the affected task.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The followers to remove from the task.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.removeFollowerForTask(body, task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The followers to remove from the task.
task_gid String The task to operate on.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Remove a project from a task

Removes the task from the specified project. The task will still exist in the system, but it will not be in the project anymore. Returns an empty data block.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The project to remove the task from.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.removeProjectForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The project to remove the task from.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Remove a tag from a task

Removes a tag from a task. Returns an empty data block.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The tag to remove from the task.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.

tasksApiInstance.removeTagForTask(body, task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The tag to remove from the task.
task_gid String The task to operate on.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Search tasks in a workspace

To mirror the functionality of the Asana web app's advanced search feature, the Asana API has a task search endpoint that allows you to build complex filters to find and retrieve the exact data you need. #### Premium access Like the Asana web product's advance search feature, this search endpoint will only be available to premium Asana users. A user is premium if any of the following is true: - The workspace in which the search is being performed is a premium workspace - The user is a member of a premium team inside the workspace Even if a user is only a member of a premium team inside a non-premium workspace, search will allow them to find data anywhere in the workspace, not just inside the premium team. Making a search request using credentials of a non-premium user will result in a 402 Payment Required error. #### Pagination Search results are not stable; repeating the same query multiple times may return the data in a different order, even if the data do not change. Because of this, the traditional pagination available elsewhere in the Asana API is not available here. However, you can paginate manually by sorting the search results by their creation time and then modifying each subsequent query to exclude data you have already seen. Page sizes are limited to a maximum of 100 items, and can be specified by the limit query parameter. #### Eventual consistency Changes in Asana (regardless of whether they’re made though the web product or the API) are forwarded to our search infrastructure to be indexed. This process can take between 10 and 60 seconds to complete under normal operation, and longer during some production incidents. Making a change to a task that would alter its presence in a particular search query will not be reflected immediately. This is also true of the advanced search feature in the web product. #### Rate limits You may receive a 429 Too Many Requests response if you hit any of our rate limits. #### Custom field parameters | Parameter name | Custom field type | Accepted type | |---|---|---| | custom_fields.{gid}.is_set | All | Boolean | | custom_fields.{gid}.value | Text | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.value | Number | Number | | custom_fields.{gid}.value | Enum | Enum option ID | | custom_fields.{gid}.starts_with | Text only | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.ends_with | Text only | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.contains | Text only | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.less_than | Number only | Number | | custom_fields.{gid}.greater_than | Number only | Number | For example, if the gid of the custom field is 12345, these query parameter to find tasks where it is set would be custom_fields.12345.is_set=true. To match an exact value for an enum custom field, use the gid of the desired enum option and not the name of the enum option: custom_fields.12345.value=67890. Not Supported: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field Note: If you specify projects.any and sections.any, you will receive tasks for the project and tasks for the section. If you're looking for only tasks in a section, omit the projects.any from the request.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let workspace_gid = "12345"; // String | Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.
let opts = { 
    'text': "Bug", 
    'resource_subtype': "milestone", 
    'assignee.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'assignee.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'portfolios.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'projects.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'projects.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'projects.all': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'sections.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'sections.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'sections.all': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'tags.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'tags.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'tags.all': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'teams.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'followers.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'followers.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'created_by.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'created_by.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'assigned_by.any': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'assigned_by.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'liked_by.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'commented_on_by.not': "12345,23456,34567", 
    'due_on.before': "2019-09-15", 
    'due_on.after': "2019-09-15", 
    'due_on': "2019-09-15", 
    'due_at.before': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'due_at.after': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'start_on.before': "2019-09-15", 
    'start_on.after': "2019-09-15", 
    'start_on': "2019-09-15", 
    'created_on.before': "2019-09-15", 
    'created_on.after': "2019-09-15", 
    'created_on': "2019-09-15", 
    'created_at.before': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'created_at.after': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'completed_on.before': "2019-09-15", 
    'completed_on.after': "2019-09-15", 
    'completed_on': "2019-09-15", 
    'completed_at.before': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'completed_at.after': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'modified_on.before': "2019-09-15", 
    'modified_on.after': "2019-09-15", 
    'modified_on': "2019-09-15", 
    'modified_at.before': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'modified_at.after': "2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z", 
    'is_blocking': false, 
    'is_blocked': false, 
    'has_attachment': false, 
    'completed': false, 
    'is_subtask': false, 
    'sort_by': "modified_at", 
    'sort_ascending': false, 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
// Custom fields query
opts['custom_fields.123.is_set'] = true; // Boolean | Replace "123" with <YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_GID>. NOTE: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field
opts['custom_fields.123.value'] = '456'; // String, Number, Enum option ID | Replace "123" with <YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_GID>. NOTE: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field
opts['custom_fields.123.starts_with'] = 'start'; // String | Replace "123" with <YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_GID>. NOTE: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field
opts['custom_fields.123.ends_with'] = 'end'; // String | Replace "123" with <YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_GID>. NOTE: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field
opts['custom_fields.123.contains'] = 'first'; // String | Replace "123" with <YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_GID>. NOTE: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field
opts['custom_fields.123.less_than'] = 10; // Number | Replace "123" with <YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_GID>. NOTE: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field
opts['custom_fields.123.greater_than'] = 100; // Number | Replace "123" with <YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_GID>. NOTE: searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field, searching for multi-enum custom field
tasksApiInstance.searchTasksForWorkspace(workspace_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
workspace_gid String Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.
text String Performs full-text search on both task name and description [optional]
resource_subtype String Filters results by the task's resource_subtype [optional] [default to milestone]
assignee.any String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
assignee.not String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
portfolios.any String Comma-separated list of portfolio IDs [optional]
projects.any String Comma-separated list of project IDs [optional]
projects.not String Comma-separated list of project IDs [optional]
projects.all String Comma-separated list of project IDs [optional]
sections.any String Comma-separated list of section or column IDs [optional]
sections.not String Comma-separated list of section or column IDs [optional]
sections.all String Comma-separated list of section or column IDs [optional]
tags.any String Comma-separated list of tag IDs [optional]
tags.not String Comma-separated list of tag IDs [optional]
tags.all String Comma-separated list of tag IDs [optional]
teams.any String Comma-separated list of team IDs [optional]
followers.any String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
followers.not String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
created_by.any String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
created_by.not String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
assigned_by.any String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
assigned_by.not String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
liked_by.not String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
commented_on_by.not String Comma-separated list of user identifiers [optional]
due_on.before Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
due_on.after Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
due_on Date ISO 8601 date string or `null` [optional]
due_at.before Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
due_at.after Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
start_on.before Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
start_on.after Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
start_on Date ISO 8601 date string or `null` [optional]
created_on.before Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
created_on.after Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
created_on Date ISO 8601 date string or `null` [optional]
created_at.before Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
created_at.after Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
completed_on.before Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
completed_on.after Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
completed_on Date ISO 8601 date string or `null` [optional]
completed_at.before Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
completed_at.after Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
modified_on.before Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
modified_on.after Date ISO 8601 date string [optional]
modified_on Date ISO 8601 date string or `null` [optional]
modified_at.before Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
modified_at.after Date ISO 8601 datetime string [optional]
is_blocking Boolean Filter to incomplete tasks with dependents [optional]
is_blocked Boolean Filter to tasks with incomplete dependencies [optional]
has_attachment Boolean Filter to tasks with attachments [optional]
completed Boolean Filter to completed tasks [optional]
is_subtask Boolean Filter to subtasks [optional]
sort_by String One of `due_date`, `created_at`, `completed_at`, `likes`, or `modified_at`, defaults to `modified_at` [optional] [default to modified_at]
sort_ascending Boolean Default `false` [optional] [default to false]
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Set the parent of a task

parent, or no parent task at all. Returns an empty data block. When using insert_before and insert_after, at most one of those two options can be specified, and they must already be subtasks of the parent.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The new parent of the subtask.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.setParentForTask(body, task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The new parent of the subtask.
task_gid String The task to operate on.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Update a task

A specific, existing task can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that task. Only the fields provided in the data block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. When using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish to change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since you last retrieved the task. Returns the complete updated task record.

(more information)


const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {"data": {"<PARAM_1>": "<VALUE_1>", "<PARAM_2>": "<VALUE_2>",}}; // Object | The task to update.
let task_gid = "321654"; // String | The task to operate on.
let opts = { 
    'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.id_prefix,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.representation_type,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,workspace,"
tasksApiInstance.updateTask(body, task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
body Object The task to update.
task_gid String The task to operate on.
opt_fields Object This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8