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To contribute.

Aixa Acosta edited this page May 8, 2018 · 1 revision

Contribution guidelines We Talk.

## ## # Currently we do not have a particular ideological orientation other than ideas to be made in the future that have not yet been developed in depth.

## ## # We accept contributions from anyone who has an interest in Comprehensive Sexual Education or who participates in something that has to do with it. Our goal is to provide accurate and clear information to the user.

## ## # It is necessary to maintain respect among peers and consult any decision that is always taken to benefit "We Talk".

## ## # Our main language with which we work is Spanish. But we hear comments in any other language.

## ## # We also ask that you provide correct and verified information. Depending on how the collaboration is, we will be in contact with you to continue working and thus be able to improve those small details.