A simple Windows utility that adds a context menu option to explode folders. (that is copy folder's contents into parent and delete folder itself)
Works on Windows XP, 7, 8+. Tested on Windows 8.1 only.
Run install.bat
When you run the install.bat file, a registry key is created under
with a default value of the command
cmd.exe /s /k xcopy /w /e /h /-y "%V" "%W" & rmdir /s /q "%V" & exit
which is invoked when the context menu option is clicked.
- cmd.exe Opens the command shell
- /s /k Carries on the commands following
- xcopy Copies files and directories, including subdirectories
- /w Pauses for confirmation
- /e Copies empty subdirectories
- /h Copies files with hidden and system file attributes
- /-y Asks before overwriting files in destination
- "%V" Source directory, %V is the variable for the directory passed to the command shell
- "%W" Destination directory, %W is the variable for the current working directory in the command shell
- rmdir Removes/deletes a directory
- /s Removes the specified directory and all subdirectories including any files
- /q Runs rmdir in quiet mode
- "%V" Location of directory to be deleted
Because no one else did.