class: middle, center, title-slide
Lecture 6: Interpretability
Do you care why your self-driving car doesn't kill you?
Can you explain what you do when you avoid a door that suddenly opened when cycling past a row of parked cars?
I don't really care why it works, I care that it is predictable. This means I trust the system.
Maybe we need interpretations when it is hard to define "it works" or the simple metric we use to optimise our algorithm doesn't encapsulate everything.
What does it mean for a model to be interpretable?
- we are able to follow the computation with pen&paper?
- we are able to ascribe meaning to each parameter of the model?
- we are able to look at the whole model at once?
- we are able to predict what the model will do for a particular case?
Given the features and weights a human can step through every calculation required to make a prediction in a reasonable amount of time.
Sparse linear model is more interpretable than a dense linear model.
The size of a decision tree can grow much faster than the number of steps needed to make a prediction.
Use computation time not number of weights as metric?
Each component of a model can be explained. For example a node in a tree:
All patients with blood pressure > 130
is nice and understandable.
However this requires that input features themselves are interpretable. What
does a decision rule like all images with pixel number 130 > 4
Do we understand the algorithm? Can we make gurantees about it?
For a linear model the loss is convex, it can be prooven that we will always find the global minimum. No such promises for modern deep learning.
However, humans aren't convex optimisation problems either ...
class: middle, center
Decisions trees and neural networks are discriminative models.
They directly model
As the name suggests they are all about discriminating between classes.
Directly solves the task at hand, does not first solve an intermediate problem.
Directly solves the task at hand, does not first solve an intermediate problem.
- hard to extract information about the process that lead to the outcome
- hard to add human expertise or enforce constraints
- parameters don't (usually) have any meaning
- (does a NN learn "the invariant mass" of a particle when searching for the Higgs?)
A generative model learns the joint distribution
Then use Bayes rule to compute
As an end result we get a model that can generate new examples. A "waste product" is that we can classify examples.
An example of a generative model used to perform classification.
Assume that every pair of features is independent:
The big advantage is that we can model each
Use Bayes rule:
Despite the assumption of independence Naive Bayes models work quite well.
We can write a "program" that encodes our human expertise and uses parameters that we can ascribe meaning to and use this as the generative model.
We know the difficulty of the course, student's grade and the SAT score of the student.
If we collect enough data we can build a model that predicts the goodness of the letter based on the input variables.
How does difficulty and grade work together? What about intelligence?
... often people use machine-learning techniques when really they want to learn parameters of the model. Don't do that.
Probabilistic Graphical Models, or Bayesian networks seem like a much more natural fit.
Probabilistic programming and friends is a huge topic, worth several lecture courses. Maybe this got you interested.
- and many more
class: middle, center
Most tools for interpretability are aimed at people literate in statistics and maths. These are tools for you to debug your models and make sure they "just work" for your "customers".
Treat your machine-learning model like a research problem. Generate hypotheses that you can falsify and then check them.
Permute a column and recompute your performance metric. The amount your metric get's worse by is the score of that feature. More important features lead to a bigger decrease.
This is the original "feature importance" metric proposed by Breiman for Random Forests. You don't need a RF to use it though.
Disadvantage: if half your samples have a positive dependence on feature S, and the other half a negative dependence your PDP plot will be flat.
Disadvantage: if half your samples have a positive dependence on feature S, and the other half a negative dependence your PDP plot will be flat.
Like PDP plot but without averaging. Each line is one sample.
To help explain decisions from non-linear models like trees or neural networks we can assume that locally a linear model would suffice to make the same prediction.
A bit like neglecting that the earth is a ellipsoid when measuring the size of this room.
The assumption is that two samples close to each other will be classified the same.
This idea is known under the name LIME:
- For each sample to explain, permute the observation
$n$ times - Use the complex model to predict the outcome of all permuted observations
- Calculate the distance from all permutations to the original observation.
- Convert the distance to a similarity score.
- Select
$m$ features that best describe the complex model outcome from the permuted data - Fit a simple model to the permuted data, explaining the complex model outcome with the
$m$ features from the permuted data weighted by its similarity to the original observation - Extract the feature weights from the simple model and use these as explanations for the complex models local behavior
For tabular data compute the mean and standard deviation of each feature, then sample from a normal distribution with those parameters.
For images use superpixels as the feature, even if your model looks at pixels directly
As a user you need to decide how many features
Fit a interpretable model with
Potential models:
- sparse linear model
- shallow decision tree
How to select the
For each of the
How many bikes will be used from the bike share today?
Probability of staying together ~0.89. The model attributes this to the couple being married. The fact that they are young reduces their chances.
P(together) ~ 0.75. Apparently voting democrat and living in an urban area are working against this couples chances.
P(together) ~ 0.79. Biggest negative is that couple lives together but isn't married. Let's change that!
P(together) ~ 0.91. Hurrah!
"Empirically observed covariation is a necessary but not sufficient condition for causality." - Tufte.
One definition of human interpretability is:
Can I predict what the model will do?
LIME explains local feature importance. Unclear if these feature importances apply to an unseen instance.
An anchor explanation is a rule that sufficiently "anchors" a prediction locally - such that changes to the rest of the feature values of a sample do not matter.
for instances on which the anchor holds, the prediction is (almost) always the same.
Example anchor:
Education = Bachelors AND Relationship = Husband AND Occupation = Sales
Promise is that >95% of samples that match the anchor are classified like the example used to create the anchor.
Checkout and
Three friends: Alice, Bob, and Charlie. They like to have long, chaotic lunches together.
This is lunch with maths people, we need axioms.
- Efficiency: sum of all contributions has to equal the total bill
- Symmetry: if all lunch coalitions where we swap A for B cost the same, A and B should pay the same
- Dummy: if adding you to the lunch coalition doesn't increase the price you shouldn't have to pay anything
Alice, Bob, and Charlie. We have a function
Coalition | Price |
{$A$} | 80 |
{$B$} | 56 |
{$C$} | 70 |
{$A, B$} | 80 |
{$A, C$} | 85 |
{$B, C$} | 72 |
{$A, B, C$} | 90 |
Alice, Bob, and Charlie have lunch together, the bill is 90. Now we need to work out how much each of them owes.
Coalition | Price |
{$A$} | 80 |
{$B$} | 56 |
{$C$} | 70 |
{$A, B$} | 80 |
{$A, C$} | 85 |
{$B, C$} | 72 |
{$A, B, C$} | 90 |
] |
Arrival order | Bar tab |
(A, B, C) | (80, 0, 10) |
(B, A, C) | (24, 56, 10) |
(A, C, B) | (80, 5, 5) |
(B, C, A) | (18, 56, 16) |
(C, A, B) | (15, 5, 70) |
(C, B, A) | (18, 2, 70) |
] |
Alice, Bob, and Charlie have lunch together, the bill is 90. Now we need to work out how much each of them owes.
Coalition | Price |
{$A$} | 80 |
{$B$} | 56 |
{$C$} | 70 |
{$A, B$} | 80 |
{$A, C$} | 85 |
{$B, C$} | 72 |
{$A, B, C$} | 90 |
] |
Arrival order | Bar tab |
(A, B, C) | (80, 0, 10) |
(B, A, C) | (24, 56, 10) |
(A, C, B) | (80, 5, 5) |
(B, C, A) | (18, 56, 16) |
(C, A, B) | (15, 5, 70) |
(C, B, A) | (18, 2, 70) |
Average: | (39.2, 20.7, 30.2) |
] |
Named in honour of Lloyd Shapley, who introduced it in 1953. How to split the winnings of a coalition of players in a cooperative game. or Shapley, Lloyd S. (1953). "A Value for n-person Games". In Kuhn, H. W.; Tucker, A. W. Contributions to the Theory of Games. Annals of Mathematical Studies. 28. Princeton University Press. pp. 307–317.
Our model predicts a house costs 24410, the average house in our dataset costs 22340. We'd like to know why this house is more expensive.
Treat the group of feature values as a coalition. Together they achieve "winnings"
We have six features describing our houses.
and their papers:
Most important tool: think like a scientist.
Generate a hypothesis that you can test, test it.
Your task is to build a model that will predict if someone earns more or less than $50000. Maybe we want to use this to determine if we should make a loan to this person.
Data contains features like: age, years of education, type of education, gender, race, how many hours they work, relationship status, etc
Fit a random forest classifier. Job done.
Does our model give different responses when we change the gender? How to check if our model is biased?
Let's remove gender from our input variables!
Does not make much difference.
Include a penalty term in the loss function that encourages "uniformity" in a set of protected attributes.
Intuition: if there is a difference between the two you have information about which region you are in.
Based on the Cramér–von Mises criterion, a goodness of fit measure for cumulative distribution functions.
A game palyed between two neural networks:
- tries to classify people as high or low income
- tries to classify the gender of the subject based on the output of 1.
The objective is to make 1. as good as possible and 2. as close as possible to random guessing.
Intuition: if the output of 1. contains information about the gender then 2. should be able to do better than guessing.
Code and examples:
Application to the banking dataset:
Treat your machine-learning model like a research problem. Generate hypotheses that you can falsify and then check them.
class: middle, center