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QGIS Enhancement 314: Code style and practice guidelines


This QEP documents coding standards and conventions used throughout the QGIS code base. Developers are required to follow these standards when submitting code to QGIS.


  • Spacing and indentation rules are automatically applied by the QGIS pre-commit hooks, and accordingly are not covered here
  • These guidelines describe QGIS specific coding practices only. Following "best practice" for modern c++ coding is assumed, and only referred to here when QGIS coding requires certain variances from this.

Coding Guidelines

1. Naming

  • 1.1. Variable and function naming should be camel case. Generally Qt's approach to capitalising only the first letter in acronyms is used (eg QgsGpsDetector, not QgsGPSDetector), with the exception of 3D (eg Qgs3DMapCanvas).

    • 1.1.1. Local variables should have no name prefix (eg do not prefix variable names with my)
    • 1.1.2. Hungarian notation is NOT used, except in some exceptional circumstances (eg variable names used with the gdal c API)
    • 1.1.3. Member variables should have a m prefix (eg mLineWidth)
    • 1.1.4. Static variables should have a s prefix (eg sMutex)
    • 1.1.5. constexpr or static constants should be named in all uppercase, with underscore separators (eg DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH)
  • 1.2. Classes should be named with a Qgs prefix, eg QgsGeometry

  • 1.3. Avoid abbreviations in naming (eg use maximum instead of max, width instead of w). While this can increase the lengths of names it ensures that naming is consistent across the API and is clearer for those of a non-native English speaking background. This applies to function names, variable names, and argument names.

  • 1.4. Getters and setters should use Qt naming conventions, eg setLineWidth() for a setter and lineWidth() for the getter.

2. Code Documentation

  • 2.1. All public and protected fields must include Doxygen documentation.

  • 2.2. Avoid repetitive documentation. Eg:

     * Sets the line width in centimeters.
     * \param width line width in centimeters


     * Sets the line \a width in centimeters.


     * Sets the line width.
     * \param width line width, specified in centimeters.
  • 2.3. Qt style grammar and wording should be used. eg "Returns the line width" instead of "getter for line width", "Sets the line width" instead of "setter for line width", etc.

    • 2.3.1. Use full sentences with correct punctuation (capitalisation and full stops) to ensure the documentation conveys professionality.
  • 2.4. Ensure that the first line in the documentation is a concise sentence describing the method or class. This first line is interpreted as a brief summary of the object, and is used in table of contents in the c++ and PyQGIS documentation. The first line must be followed by a blank line, before any detailed explanations are described.

  • 2.5. All methods and classes must have a \since QGIS 3.xx annotation added, describing the QGIS version when that method was added. If the method is to be backported to a stable branch, ensure that the \since version correctly describes version at which that method is guaranteed to be accessible. (eg \since QGIS 3.34.8 instead of \since QGIS 3.34). Methods introduced in the same version as their class do not require an explicit since annotation.

  • 2.6. Avoid re-documenting overridden methods, unless there is specific behavior differences in the override which added extra useful information over the base virtual method documentation.

  • 2.7. Use \see otherMethod() to link getters and setters (and other related methods)

  • 2.8. The literal values true, false and nullptr should be written in documentation as TRUE, FALSE and NULLPTR respectively. (Preprocessing macros correctly replace these with true, false and nullptr for the c++ documentation, and True, False and None for the PyQGIS documentation)

  • 2.9. Include explicit details of memory ownership in the documentation. Eg "ownership of the symbol is transferred to the renderer", "caller takes ownership of the returned object".

3. Language features

  • 3.1. For readability and ease of code review, avoid use of auto. The following exceptions are permitted:

    • 3.1.1. auto should be used for complex types, such as iterators and lambda functions. Eg for ( auto it = object.constBegin(); ...)
    • 3.1.2. auto may be used for std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr types if the pointer type is explicit during variable initialization. Eg
    // allowed, as the std::unique_ptr< QgsPoint >, std::shared_ptr< QgsPoint > types are explicit during initialization:
    auto pointUniquePointer = std::make_unique< QgsPoint >( 3, 4 );
    auto pointSharedPointer = std::make_shared< QgsPoint >( 3, 4 );
    // NOT allowed, the unique_ptr type is not explicit:
    auto myUniquePtr = createObjectFunction( 0, 5 );
    • 3.1.3. auto may be used for variable types where the variable type is explicitly stated via a cast operation, including dynamic_cast, static_cast, const_cast, reinterpret_cast, qobject_cast, qgsgeometry_cast, or qgis::down_cast. Eg
    // allowed, the pointer types are explicit during initialization:
    auto markerSymbol = dynamic_cast< QgsMarkerSymbol* >( symbol );
    auto vectorLayer = qobject_cast< QgsVectorLayer* >( layer );
    if ( auto lineString = qgsgeometry_cast< const QgsLineString* >( geometry ) ) { ... }
    // NOT allowed, the type is not explicit:
    auto myLineStringPtr = downcastGeometryAsLineString( geometry );
  • 3.2. If enums are to be used outside of a single .h/.cpp file (or there is a reasonable chance that they will be in future!), they should be placed inside the Qgis namespace.

  • 3.3. Checking if a pointer is null should be done with if ( !ptr ) or if ( ptr ) alone, omitting explicit comparison with the nullptr constant.

  • 3.4. Always use std::as_const to wrap the iterated container when iterating over non-const Qt containers (ie QList, QVector, QHash, ...). E.g.

    QList< int > someList;
    for ( int value : std::as_const( someList ))
  • 3.5. Use QStringLiteral for untranslated literals, and QLatin1String for string comparisons. E.g.

    const QString s = QStringLiteral( "my string" );
    if ( s == QLatin1String( "another string" ) )
  • 3.6. Don't use qDebug(), qWarn() or other Qt debug print functions. Instead use QgsDebugError for unexcepted error logging only, or QgsDebugMsgLevel (with a level of 2 or higher, depending on how "noisy" the logging will be) for debug outputs which occur in normal operations.

  • 3.7. Member variables should normally be in the private section and made available via getters and setters. This ensures full compatibility with the PyQGIS bindings and allows refactoring in future without API breakage.

  • 3.8. Avoid use of Qt "auto connect slots" (i.e. those named void on_mSpinBox_valueChanged). Auto connect slots are fragile and prone to breakage without warning if UI files are refactored.

4. Memory safety

  • 4.1. "Factory" methods should return a std::unique_ptr (not a raw pointer), unless Qt parent/child ownership is in place
  • 4.2. Methods which take ownership of an object should default to taking a unique_ptr argument, UNLESS these methods are to be exposed to Python, in which case a raw pointer with the SIP_TRANSFER annotation is required.

5. File structure

  • 5.1. Includes should be at the top of the .h or .cpp files. Group QGIS includes together, and where possible, include QGIS headers before Qt or other external library headers.
  • 5.2. When including Qt headers, use #include <QString> instead of #include qstring.h.
  • 5.3. Avoid module wide Qt imports, i.e. don't #include <QtGui>.