- Very little fix from #94 (comment)
- Update module.json (fix: #100)
- ripper93's light-switch integration ty very much @silentmark (#99)
- Bug fix: #45
- Some little upgrade of the code
- Fix: #96
- Add v12 manifest compatibility
- Ty to Saibot393 for a better and cleaner math calculation
- Major cleanup of the code
- Removed many feature in favor of others modules
- Add keybinding for the 'e' button for interact with a door
- Big clean and first refactoring for the new behaviour
- Fixed bug in reselectTokenAfterInteraction functio, ty to @Saibot393
- Add fix to sound(door lock) sound, ty to @Saibot393
- Stupid rename for fix #80
- Beta Release for v11
- Update some labels
- Some bug fix and update on languages
- Added french language
- [BUG] Reset fog function not working with V10
- [BUG] Missing "." in ArmsReachHelper
- [BUG] Stairway-Support broken
- First release for fvtt10
- If multiple placeable objects are selected and the user is a gm ignore the distance check by default
- Add a module settings for enable/disable for every type of placeable object the distance check for gm
- Change step setting distance from 5 to 1
- Remove module settings
- Bug fix integration with stairway
- Bug fix
- Update typescript
- Update the distance calculation
- Better design pattern for the api and the socket
- Modify some setting for better interaction
- Clean up
- Update labels
- Update labels
- Bug fix [BUG] Token unable to open door unless directly in front of it
- Bug fix [BUG] GM cannot interact with doors when "Notifications for failed interactions even for GM" is checked
- Add new feature "If no token is selected and you are a GM this feature is not activated"
- Set module setting "Disable sound of the door if is not reachable (disableDoorSound)" default value from false to true
- Add warning for "No Select More Than One Token" for avoid strange distance calculation
- add a new settings (only for door feature), disable the default door sound if is not in reach.
- Better calculation, some clean up and add reset settings ty to Haxxer
- Bug fix [BUG] Reset door and fog bug with token attacher
- Bug fix [BUG] Close Open Doors/ Reset Doors and Fog doesn't work if doors are open
- Bug fix [BUG] "reset doors and fog" feature, the doors glitch and disappear.
- Add Walls Reach
- Add more API
- Add bug fix for Not working well with Doors on Diagonal walls
- little update for the reset fog and door feature
- Update of the calculation distance again... i'm not good to this
- Bug fix Distance calculation for Stairways incorrect (wrong center of stairways)
- Some little update
- Update API
- Little bug fixing on the old tiles grid
- Small fix on measure distance calculation
- Big update of the distance calculation, based on the work done from Haxxer on the module Item Piles
- Bug fix Can "reach" further to the east
- Bug fix [BUG] Token centers and placeable centers not consistent in Foundry - needs to be adjusted in module
- Some little rewrite on the calculation of the distance
- Update module.json to foundry version 9
- Add CHANGELOGS & CONFLICTS hooks for better management of the conflicts
- add
on the api
- Bug fix [BUG] 'e' interraction not working to open doors
- Updated some label
- Update API syncronization with Tagger module version 1.2.0, getByTag is not async anymore
- Bug fix api themodule tagger return a promise dha!
- Little clean up
- Add first version api
- Some bug fx
- Preparation to drawings, tiles, sounds, measure templates
- Removed dependency on drag-ruler
- Removed dependency on socketLib
- Change the calculation distance interaction
- Removed all the deprecated hooks
- Some clean up and performance of the code
- Update some label on internazionalization
- Add some performance check on the setting 'hotkeyDoorInteractionCenter','hotkeyDoorInteraction','hotkeyDoorInteractionDelay', avoid to add new listener
- Try to fix Can "reach" further to the east
- Remove the old settings 'enableGridlessSupport' when click the 'e' hotkey
- Remove some comment to clean up on the next release
- Little bug fix on the socket listener
- Add the first beta version of the Light Reach feature
- Added github workflow
- Add some check and a bug fix on measure distance
- Little fix on Token Integration Distance
- Add Token Integration Distance
- Minor bug fix
- Add prettier plugin
- Bug fix module json
- Bug fix Journal/Note reach support
- Start Journal/Note reach support
- Some bug fix
- Integration with drag-ruler ty to manuelVo version 1.8.1
- Many bug fix
- Clean up of the code
- Bug fox settig get selected token
- Upgrade to library typescript 0.8.8
- Bug fix wrong code updated to release Fails on computeDistanceBetweenCoordinates as placeable has not _validPosition parameter
- Removed annoying warning Multiple annoying warning messages when moving multiple tokens
- Bug fix module.json
- Bug fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'melee' of undefined
- Try to solved As a GM, unable to lock/unlock doors
- Finally add some hook for external integration
- Clean up code
- Add hooks for set a customized formula for computing the distance (for all these system i'm not supporting)
- Possible (i'm not sure 100%) bug fix of As a GM, unable to lock/unlock doors
- Bug fix when a scene has no token
- Bug fixing and clean up code
- Integration of a better math formula for compute the distance
- Bug fix Warning Msg when Ambient Doors/Designer Doors together with Arms Reach
- Bug fix Bug or Feature Suggestion? - Door sounds
- Removed Ambient Doors ty to EndlesNights
- Removed Sound Previewer ty to matthewswar
- Removed Designer Windows ty to Exitalterego
- Removed showdooricons ty to wsaunders1014
- Some minor fix
- Compatibility for foundryvtt 0.8.6
- Removed desinger doors implementation use instead Designer Doors ty to Exitalterego
- Convert libWrapper hook for DoorControl.prototype._onMouseDown from 'OVERRIDE' to 'MIXED' ty to Stäbchenfisch suggestion
- Bug fix issue 8
- Hotfix module.json (why i'm so stupid ?)
- FInalized first integrations with foundryvtt-stairways
- (Experimental) Integrations with foundryvtt-stairways
- Solved issue 5
- Add more Internationalization
- Add Lock Picking Sound
- Add filepicker for Song of Ambient Door
- Add a customize (rewrite almost everything) version of the project Designer Doors ty to Exitalterego
- Bug fix: If Ambient door is disable and Arm reach is enable the sound is Broken ???
- Bug fix: Add more internationalization (not finished yet)
- Add new checkin for manage multi feature all togheter
- Add filepicker for Image of Designer Doors
- Add a customized version of the project Sound Previewer ty to matthewswar
- Add a mechanism of hide and seek for on module settings when feature are enabled or disabled
- Try to integrate a customize version of module ShowDoorIcons by myself
- Add preview to sound file Sound Previewer ty to matthewswar
- Hot fix Add new settings for use the owned tokens if no tokens is selected, if no token is selected i will try to get a owned token, you can disable this feature on the module settings if you like the old behaviour.
- Bug fixing for 'e' keyboard event
- Add Internationalization
- The sound of the door is bugged i solved by integratig the module Ambient Doors ty to EndlesNights
- Remove shim.js of lib-wrapper, just use the module
- Bug fix for BUG: If out of reach, door still opens, revealing vision
- Add new settings for avoid deselects the controlled token when open/close the door
- Converted the project on typescript and Bootstrapped with League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers foundry-vtt-types.
- Some minor bug fix
- Some bug fix
- Original project by Psyny