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Michał Pasierbski pasierb
Building UIs at @google

@google Zug, Switzerland

Emile emilevl

backtik 2502 Bienne (CH)

Stefan Zweifel stefanzweifel
Full Stack Developer working with Laravel, Vue.js, Tailwind CSS and alpine.js.

@2media, @ClarkSource, @screeenly Zurich

Oliver Kaufmann okaufmann
👨‍💻 IT professional since 2012, specialized in Laravel & C# .NET. 🎓 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Passionate about Internet technologies.

@saniolab Bern, Switzerland

Gregory Plüss gpluess
Fullstack developer with an eye for design. Owner of @snoe-labs and founder of @primanota and @metalevents.

@snoe-labs Zürich, Switzerland

Henning Dahlheim hdahlheim

@republik Switzerland

Sandro Gehri gehrisandro
Father, Husband and Laravel enthusiast. Creator of @openai-php and TailwindMerge for PHP

Trenda AG

Bee Interactive bee-interactive
Founder of Bee Interactive. Laravel developper, interface designer and a bicycle traveler, but not necessarily in that order.

Bee Interactive Lausanne

Silvan Hagen neverything
Independent consultant & developer. Co-Founder & CTO @julithgroup. Let's build an MVP for your idea. Formerly co-founder @wearerequired & formerly CTO @evulpo

Silvan Hagen – Consulting Switzerland

Igor Clauss OccTherapist
Laravel | Livewire | Alpine | Tailwind | Filament

Webentwicklung Igor Clauss Oldenburg, Germany

Joris Noordermeer jorisnoo
OG Full Stack Web Developer

Zurich & Beijing

Dennis Koch pxlrbt
👨🏼‍💻 Full Stack Developer 🚀 Laravel, Filament, Livewire, Vue, Inertia 🌍 Germany

pixelarbeit Freiburg, Germany

Pierre-André Vullioud pvullioud
@octobercms enthusiast, owner @inetis-ch

@inetis-ch Vufflens-la-Ville, Switzerland

Jan Boech najbo
Member of The Laravel Swiss Association, big fan of OctoberCMS. Human resources & IT manager at Estoppey-Addor SA in Switzerland. Caution: I code at my own risk


Viktor Szépe szepeviktor
I make your web application's life happy 📡 Proactive Operator for hire, DevOps services from a detail-oriented person for #SaaS and open-source packages

G2RM+5M Budapest

otsch otsch
I'm into crawling and scraping stuff. Take a look at @crwlrsoft

@crwlrsoft Linz