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Souleymane Maman Nouri Souley halieute
Master Student at the Atlantic Technical University, São Vicente, Cabo Verde | WASCAL Scholar

Atlantic Technical University Madeiralzinho, Mindelo

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


SlAM & Algo optimization
hocine_mahni hocinemahni
PhD Student

ENSTA | Institut Polytechnique de Paris | Lab-STICC Brest France

Brenton Carter Inserian
Quantitative Biologist/Core Developer/Backend/Whatevs..

R&D BioTech Alaska Alaska

A.J antferdom

@datacrunch-research Seville, Spain

Ujjwal Kanth N S UjjwalKanthN
Mechanical Engineer interested in building CFD and reacting flow solvers.

University at Buffalo SUNY Buffalo, NY

Chen Zhang KedoKudo
Computational scientist at Oak Ridge Natonal Lab with research focus of software development for neutron diffraction.

UT-Battelle Oak Ridge National Laboratory

yan zhou zhou3968322
compiler engineer


Balaji Selvakumar BALA22-cyber
Robotics | ROS | Python | Perception | Path Planning | Autonomous Robots| Deep Learning |


Roisin Stanbrook-Buyer StanbrookBuyer
Assistant Professor of Field Data Science at Bethune-Cookman University. I'm interested in all things spatial, insect ecology and most importantly, good coffee.

Bethune-Cookman University Daytona Beach

Qiusheng Wu giswqs
Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Amazon Visiting Academic

University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

Han HanLu-CA

University of Waterloo

Merve Gencturk mervegencturk

Texas A&M University

Khalid KhalidTheeb

University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah

Ronak Haresh Chhatbar alphapibeta
MS in CS student at UB

@sair-lab Buffalo

Bishwo Dahal bishwo-dahal
Computer Science Undergraduate student

Monroe, LA

Zhanda Zhu Dazz993
UofT. MLSys.

Univeristy of Toronto Toronto, CA

Shashi Kumar Nagulakonda iamsingularity
AI Solutions Architect. Cloud Architect. Solopreneur. Technology Aficionado. Amateur Photographer. Gadget Geek.

Working from home...

Adrian Torrie adriantorrie
HPC/AI Solution Architect. Likes AI, autonomous vehicles, and finance. Recently focused on development in Python and C++. Might be convinced to learn Go.

Gold Coast, Australia