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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Isslem EslemOuederni
Fullstack developer & instructor!

InterMediaKT Tunisia

Ivan Voskoboinyk e1himself
Senior full-stack web developer at @prezly

@prezly Alicante, Spain

Karu Donaldson karudonaldson
My core strengths span the Enterprise through Information, Security and Technical Architecture with a passion for solution delivery, automation and innovation.

SNL Group Holdings Limited New Zealand

Roduan Kareem Aldeen RoduanKD
Experienced full-stack software engineer with development experience in Laravel, InertiaJS, VueJS, NuxtJS, and SaaS apps since 2018.
Alexandros Spyridis RipperZA

madewithlove Lisbon, Portugal

Waad Mawlood waadmawlood
Back-End Laravel

Dish Network

Ralph J. Smit ralphjsmit
Laravel Software Engineer.

The Netherlands

Ruchit Patel ruchit288
Open Source Contributor | Laravel Team Lead at @vcian | Philanthropist | Chef at home | Hodophile | Astrophile

Viitorcloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Daniel, Petrica Andrei-Daniel danielpetrica
27yo (born in 97) Speaking IT, RO & EN Writing PHP, JS (but I prefer typescript) and SQL mainly

Italy, Reggio Emilia

Sergey Panteleev saundefined
PHP 8.2 Release Manager GPG: E609 13E4 DF20 9907 D8E3 0D96 659A 97C9 CF2A 795A

@php Yalova, Turkey | Yaroslavl, Russia

Victor Meneghini VictorMeneghini
Software Developer


Luca Patera Lukasss93
Full Stack Developer

@safetyjobs Alzano Lombardo, Italy

Mehrdad Amini pcmehrdad
Member of @ariadata A translator between real world problems, and technical solutions

AriaData Istanbul

Andrea Pollastri andreapollastri
I've been a software developer since 2005, and I use Laravel, Filament, Docker, Linux, and AWS to create excellent, scalable and secure applications.

Docebo ~/home/it/milan