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X should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear necessary.
Christoph Thiede LinqLover
Master Student of IT-Systems Engineering. Core Developer of Squeak.

Hasso Plattner Institute | @hpi-swa | @Museum-Barberini-gGmbH Berlin

Ennio Strohauer EnnioEnnio

German Deep Tech Quantum Berlin

Viki jannametz
Student of IT-Systems Engineering at Hasso Plattner Institut @HPI-de host the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam, Germany

HPI Potsdam

Yegi Park yeji0205
Bachelor student @ Hasso Plattner Institut && Student of Core Curriculum @42Berlin


Silas Vedder silasfox
Just a christian guy messing with computers.


Jannis Metrikat jmetrikat
Computer Science @ HPI | Product Engineering @ Anytype

@anyproto Berlin, Germany

Lukas Boehme boehmchen

Hasso Plattner Institute Potsdam, Germany

Husin_Alfil HuseinAlfeel
Alfa 0.3

Hasso Plattner Institut Germany

Uli Prantz UliPrantz

UC Berkeley San Francisco, CA