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Kugoi iKhouri

Fountain United States

Samuel Souza SamuelScar

SH3 São João Del Rei

I like creating things, building computers and overclocking. Currently working in Cybersecurity.

@RPCS3 United States

Lachlan Cox lcox74
Yes Dev

Tillered Melbourne, Australia

Software Developer
Pedro Henrique Macena Rocha Pedrothelast
Sempre em busca de conhecimento

@ICEI-PUC-Minas-PMV-ADS Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais

name 99bagrov
UX/UI Designer & Developer.

Los Angeles, California

Tanish Tanish0907
hi 👋, I am Tanish , I am a software developer

Harayna , sonipat

Aaron aaronbehan
An enjoyer of C and Python. Here to learn, be inspired and document my growth


You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.