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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

WeaponX Sahil616-exe
Wasup Bub


Afrijal Dzuhri afrijaldz
Software Developer

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

AntiWeb3 Scams Lets fuck all that scam sites.
ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


BinCheng BinChengZhao
I'm a Rust database, cryptocurrency, and infrastructure developer


Kavinda Keshara Keshara1997
I don't know everything but I know how to learn anything.

Sri lanka

Bill Evans jujutsu764e

Webarchive Metaverse

Ermias jemi2k
Solidity dev, Web3 Enthusiast, Entrepreneur
ishmanWTF ishmanwtf
NoobDev Founder of @OxWTF @bitcoin @ethereum service user

Founder of OxWTF

Danbo dannbbb1
Passionate developer exploring the intersection of innovation and problem-solving. Building projects, contributing to open-source, and continuously learning.
Denis Prokhorenko d-prokhorenko
Software engineer

Belarus, Minsk

Muhammad Osama Noor osamanoor17
Mobile App developer building real-world apps & contributing to open-source. Passionate about AI & data science. Let's connect & build! 🚀💻

Karachi, Pakistan

Harish Nair harishiker99
AI Engineer at NRC | R&D at uOttawa | KaggleX Fellow 2024 | Ex-Sr. Analyst at Capgemini

National Research Council Canada Ontario, Canada

Abdullah ahussam

@consensys London UK

Hafiz Burhan Itshbhere
Builder @Vanar-Builders | Ethereum | Solidity | Foundry | Metamask

EcoSolar lansing,mi