Node Postgres starter kit
Nhan Nguyen
- github/nhannguyendevjs
- twitter/nhannguyendevjs
- linkedin/nhannguyendevjs
- medium/nhannguyendevjs
Copyright © 2024, Nhan Nguyen.
Released under the MIT License.
You can download and install Docker at
docker network create node-postgres-network
docker run --name node-postgres-ubuntu --network node-postgres-network -p 80:8080 -p 443:8443 -p 22:22 -itd ubuntu:latest
docker run --name node-postgres --network node-postgres-network -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=node -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -d postgres:latest
docker exec -it node-postgres psql -U admin -d node
docker run -d --network node-postgres-network --name node-postgres-redis -p 6379:6379 redis:latest
➖ PascalCase 👉 Classes and Methods
➖ camelCase 👉 variable and function names
➖ snake_case 👉 file names and variable identifiers
➖ kebab-case 👉 HTML attributes and CSS classes
➖ Development (dev)
All new features and bug fixes should be brought to the development branch.
➖ QA/Test (test)
Contains all codes ready for QA testing.
➖ Staging (staging, Optional)
It contains tested features that the stakeholders wanted to be available either for a demo or a proposal before elevating into production.
➖ Master (master)
The production branch, if the repository is published, is the default branch being presented.
Any code changes for a new module or use case should be done on a feature branch. This branch is created based on the current development branch. When all changes are Done, a Pull Request/Merge Request is needed to put all of these to the development branch.
If the code changes made from the feature branch were rejected after a release, sprint or demo, any necessary fixes after that should be done on the bugfix branch.
If there is a need to fix a blocker, do a temporary patch, or apply a critical framework or configuration change that should be handled immediately, it should be created as a Hotfix. It does not follow the scheduled integration of code and could be merged directly to the production branch and then into the development branch later.
Any new feature or idea that is not part of a release or a sprint. A branch for playing around.
A branch specifically for creating specific build artifacts or for doing code coverage runs.
A branch for tagging a specific release version.
A temporary branch for resolving merge conflicts, usually between the latest development and a feature or Hotfix branch. This can also be used if two branches of a feature being worked on by multiple developers need to be merged, verified, and finalized.
Use clear, descriptive names. Use camelCase for multi-word names. Avoid using PostgreSQL reserved words.
- Use nouns, not verbs: URIs should represent resources (e.g., /users, /orders), not actions.
- Use plural nouns for collections: /users instead of /user.
- Use hierarchical structure for relationships: /users/{id}/orders instead of deep nesting.
- Avoid deep nesting: Limit to 2-3 levels (e.g., /users/{id}/orders, not /users/{id}/orders/{orderId}/items/{itemId}).
- Use query parameters for filtering: /orders?status=pending instead of /orders/pending.
Use standard HTTP methods:
- GET → Retrieve data
- POST → Create new resources
- PUT → Replace entire resource
- PATCH → Update part of a resource
- DELETE → Remove a resource
Use appropriate HTTP status codes:
- 200 OK → Successful retrieval or update
- 201 Created → Resource successfully created
- 204 No Content → Successful delete/update with no return body
- 400 Bad Request → Invalid request
- 401 Unauthorized → Authentication required
- 403 Forbidden → No permission
- 404 Not Found → Resource doesn’t exist
- 500 Internal Server Error → Unexpected error
- Use HATEOAS (Hypermedia links for better navigation).
- Return created resources with POST (or provide Location header).
- Use consistent response formats (JSON).
Paginate large responses:
- Use limit and offset (GET /users?limit=20&offset=40).
Response should include metadata:
"total": 1000,
"page": 3,
"per_page": 20,
"users": [ ... ]
- Use query parameters for filtering:
Version APIs to avoid breaking changes:
- Use URL versioning: /v1/users
- Or use header versioning: Accept: application/vnd.myapi.v1+json
- Use HTTPS for all API requests.
- Require authentication for sensitive data (JWT, OAuth, API Keys).
- Use 403 Forbidden for unauthorized access attempts.
- Prettier
- ESLint
- SonarLint
- Code Spell Checker