Work in progress...
End Goal: implement petgraph
functionality to polars
dataframes for use in Python.
- Create an Undirected Graph
- Create a Directed Graph
- Specify edge direction (?)
- Dot print out of Graph
- Algorithms
- A-Star
- Bellman-ford shortest path
- Bellman-ford negative path
- DStatur algorithm
- Dijkstra
- Simple Fast
- Greedy Feedback Arc Set
- Floyd Warshall Algorithm
- Ford Fulkerson
- K Shortest Path
- Module Isomorphism
- Is Isomorphic
- Is Isomorophic Matching
- Is Isomorphic Subgraph
- Is Isomorphic Subgraph Matching
- Subgraph Isomorphisms Iter
- Module Matching
- Greedy Matching
- Maximum Matching
- Min Spanning Tree
- Page Rank
- Pank Rank
- Parallel Page Rank
- Simple Paths
- Transitive Reduction
- DAG to toposorted adjacency list
- DAG transitive reduction closure
- Functions
- Condensation
- Connected Components
- Has Path Connecting
- Is Bipartite Undirected
- Is Cyclic Directed
- Is Cyclic Undirected
- Kosaraju SCC
- Tarjan SCC
- Toposort