v1.6.4 (2024-11-27)
Closed issues:
- CI pipeline to run testsuite #949
- Fabio not exporting all the metrics with prometheus #947
- certificates - cert and ca chain/intermediate #946
- This repository is unmaintaned. #944
- CVE-2023-44487 HTTP/2 rapid reset #939
- TCP no route - cant balance tcp #936
- windows: setting logging path in fabio properties #920
- Port range in the proxy.addr #529
Merged pull requests:
- Add GoReleaser workflow. #958 (tristanmorgan)
- go-kit/kit/log go-kit/log #956 (tristanmorgan)
- Update go-retryablehttp to fix warning. #954 (tristanmorgan)
- Update and try fix GH Pages publish action. #953 (tristanmorgan)
- Update go version, test binaries and package versions. #952 (tristanmorgan)
- Remove vendored modules in favour of go mod. #951 (tristanmorgan)
- Update Github runner image. #950 (tristanmorgan)
- fix: close resp body #945 (testwill)
- Trim leading and trailing spaces from service tags #943 (logocomune)
- Fix doubled download a Vault file #942 (aleksraiden)
- Remove deprecated ioutil #940 (tristanmorgan)
- Dockerfile: add CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE+eip to fabio to allow running as root #938 (Kamilcuk)
- Consul registry performance improvements #928 (ddreier)
- [Docs] Fix wrong parameter name #914 (KEANO89)
- Updating grpc handler to gracefully close backend connections #913 (nathanejohnson)
v1.6.3 (2022-12-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature request: Make source links in ui interface clickable #901
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Disable BGP functionality on Windows since gobgp does not support this. #919 (nathanejohnson)
- updating CHANGELOG #918 (nathanejohnson)
- Don't use "dst" literal as sni name when host=dst is specified on https backends #917 (nathanejohnson)
- add feature to advertise anycast addresses via BGP #909 (nathanejohnson)
- Change the shutdown procedure to deregister fabio from the registry and then shutdown the proxy #908 (martinivanov)
- Feature/source link #907 (KTruesdellENA)
v1.6.2 (2022-09-13)
Closed issues:
- Update TLS cipher parser to include modern ciphers #903
- Custom behavior for the situation when the service has no healthy instances #898
Merged pull requests:
- update README for v1.6.2 release #905 (nathanejohnson)
- Updating TLS cipher config parser to include TLS 1.3 constants. #904 (nathanejohnson)
v1.6.1 (2022-07-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Multi-DC fabio #115
Fixed bugs:
- Crash: invalid log msg: http2: panic serving CLIENT_IP:CLIENT_PORT: runtime error: index out of range [-1] #872
Closed issues:
- admin UI Overrides not working #886
- Panic on created prometheus metric name #878
- Crash on route update: panic: runtime error: index out of range, diffmatchpatch.(*DiffMatchPatch).DiffCharsToLines #873
- Experiencing 502's #862
- Fabio immediately drop routes when consul agent unavailable for a while #861
- [proxy/tls] Update supported TLS versions and cipher suites #858
- JSON schema is incorrect in website Dest should be Dst #852
- [question] URL for TLS destination #850
- [Feature] Possibility of adding arm/arm64 docker builds. #833
Merged pull requests:
- Release/v1.6.1 #897 (nathanejohnson)
- setting sni to match host #896 (KTruesdellENA)
- Update random picker to use math/rand's Intn function #893 (nathanejohnson)
- add configurable grpc message sizes to #632 #890 (nathanejohnson)
- add tls13 #889 (nathanejohnson)
- update materialize bits. see issue #886 #888 (nathanejohnson)
- Moved admin UI assets to use go embed #885 (nathanejohnson)
- update the custom css #884 (KTruesdellENA)
- Bump go-diff dependency version to 1.2.0. Fixes #873 #881 (nathanejohnson)
- bump HUGO version to 0.101.0 #880 (nathanejohnson)
- add docs from PR #854 to fabio.properties #879 (nathanejohnson)
- Build multi-arch Docker images for amd64 and arm64 architectures #875 (vamc19)
- Fix x-forwarded-for header processing for ws connections #860 (bn0ir)
- Update registry.backend.md #854 (webmutation)
- Resulting complete routing table has no 'tags "a,b"' in last line #841 (hb9cwp)
- fixes #807 - changes map for grpc connections to be a string key #816 (nathanejohnson)
- Add command line flag to toggle required consistency on consul reads #811 (jeremycw)
- Issue 605 grpc host matching #632 (tommyalatalo)
v1.6.0 (2022-04-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for influxdb metrics #253
- Support for prometheus #211
- Support dogstatd with tags #165
- Riemann metrics support #126
- Simple HTTP path prefix replacement #767 (JamesJJ)
Closed issues:
- Consul Route updates very slow with large numbers of routes #865
- Restricting TLS versions #859
- [admin/ui] General updates #856
- [question] - Can Fabio listen on 80/tcp with Nomad #844
- Supporting requests in the form of /my-app/page1 #842
- Fabio Using Container IPs to create routes #839
- All my dynamic routes suddenly vanished! #837
- Fabio redirecting to /routes on own service #832
- docu fabio configure TLS/SSL(HTTPS) understanding problem #827
- Crash: [FATAL] 1.5.13. strconv.ParseUint: parsing ":1883;PROTO=TCP-DYNAMIC": invalid syntax #826
- strip doesn't work as expected on redirect #824
- Using Fabio with Consul over mTLS #820
- Switch to github actions #817
- Panic - httputil: ReverseProxy read error during body copy #814
- Support for Consul and Vault Namespaces #810
- grpc be closed when uninstall service target #807
- fabio binary filename for download #805
- Add arm64 arch #804
- Can Fabio to prefer one ethernet interface for proxy_addr? #802
- TCP Dynamic Proxy route without specifying exact IP? #797
- [Question] What are opinions on allowing stale reads of Consul Catalog #764
- Simple HTTP path prefix replacement #691
- Does Fabio support multiple CS Stores per listener? #666
- [Question] Stats - Status code per service #371
- Statsd output is not good #327
- Send metrics to cloudwatch #326
- Mixing of HTTPS proxying and SNI+TCP on a single port #213
Merged pull requests:
- gofmt #870 (nathanejohnson)
- updating x/sys #869 (nathanejohnson)
- update go and alpine versions #868 (Netlims)
- #865 Move the route table sort into NewTable so that it only happens once. #867 (ddreier)
- removing exclusion of arm64 mac build. Fixes #804 #866 (nathanejohnson)
- Fix example commands in registry.consul.kvpath #864 (blake)
- Add IdleConnTimeout configurable for http transport #863 (aal89)
- admin/ui updates: #857 (dcarbone)
- Update 2 broken links in documentation #822 (mig4ng)
- Fix small typo in README.md #821 (mig4ng)
- Add support for github actions #819 (nathanejohnson)
- Remove golang toolchain name from release binary names #818 (nathanejohnson)
- we don't use Fabio #813 (hsmade)
- Updating tcp dynamic proxy to match on routes that are port only #806 (nathanejohnson)
- Refactor metrics #476 (magiconair)
v1.5.15 (2020-12-01)
Closed issues:
- TCP Dynamic Proxy is not releasing ports from deregistered services #796
- How to configure log file output path #781
Merged pull requests:
- Updating the default GOGC to 100. 800 proves to be a bit insane. #803 (nathanejohnson)
- Stop dynamic TCP listener when upstream is no longer available #798 (fwkz)
- Updating dependencies #794 (nathanejohnson)
- Update CHANGELOG.md #790 (stevenscg)
v1.5.14 (2020-09-09)
Fixed bugs:
- %20 in route is causing route mismatch, regression in 1.5.2 , works with 1.3.7 #347
Closed issues:
- matchingHostNoGlob sometimes returns incorrect matched host #786
- Add support for HTTPS+TCP+SNI on the same listener #783
- SIGTERM + Gracefully closing connections #782
- passing multiple routes via command line #776
- Master branch build failing with SECURITY ERROR #769
- How to disable client authentication for https? #765
- Must Access Control require RemoteAddr matching? #754
- Fabio Proxy (localhost:9999) Showing Blank White Screen #752
- Fabio 1.5.13 - no more "[INFO] Config updates" message in the logs #751
- Authentication issue. #743
- Connecting to HTTPS Upstream service. #738
- log.routes.format is broken with 1.5.13 #737
- Looking for a new maintainer #735
- GRPC Proxy + HTTP Proxy, both useable at the same time? #734
- Trace spans all have the same operation name #732
- consul: Error fetching config from /fabio/config. Get #729
- Very frequent 502 errors #721
- Fabio decodes URL path parameters #486
- http proxy error context canceled #264
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing issue #786 - matchingHostNoGlob sometimes returns incorrect host #787 (nathanejohnson)
- updating documentation for pending 1.5.14 release #785 (nathanejohnson)
- https+tcp+sni listener support #784 (nathanejohnson)
- chore: fix typo in comments #775 (josgraha)
- (docs): fixed small error #774 (0xflotus)
- Preserve table state by storing buffer table in fixed strings. #749 (aaronhurt)
- only deploy once per build #747 (aaronhurt)
- switch to github pages for doc hosting #746 (aaronhurt)
- minor transition updates and small fixes #745 (aaronhurt)
- switch back to travis CI #744 (nathanejohnson)
- follow hugo best practices #742 (aaronhurt)
- Documentation updates for project transition. #740 (aaronhurt)
- Fix infinite buffering of SSE responses when gzip is enabled #739 (ctlajoie)
- Add missing <svc> entry to example route #733 (BenjaminHerbert)
- minor fixups #731 (aaronhurt)
- fix tests #730 (aaronhurt)
- Add HTTP method and path to trace span operation name #715 (hobochili)
- Deprecate deregisterCriticalServiceAfter option #674 (pschultz)
- Issue 647 NormalizeHost #648 (murphymj25)
- Handle context canceled errors + better http proxy error handling #644 (danlsgiga)
- Added idleTimout to config and to serve.go HTTP server #635 (galen0624)
- Issue 613 tcp dynamic #626 (murphymj25)
- Issue 554 Added compiled glob matching using LRU Cache #615 (galen0624)
- Issue 558 - Add Polling Interval From Fabio to Consul to Fabio Config #572 (galen0624)
- Feat: Pass encoded characters in path unchanged #489 (valentin-krasontovitsch)
v1.5.13 (2019-11-18)
Closed issues:
- Fabio 1.5.12 - panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference #719
- Question: Load balancing WebSocket connections #718
- Question: resources (css, js files) by multiple sites #717
- Fabio UI not displaying when hit on a DNS name #712
- Unable to route to websites #676
- Websocket proxy timeouts #518
Merged pull requests:
- fix nil-pointer dereference in detailed config log #720 (pschultz)
- Safely handle missing cert from Vault KV store #710 (dradtke)
v1.5.12 (2019-10-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- docker swarm some times register eth0 other eth1 #652
- config: let registry.consul.register.addr default to ui.addr #658 (pschultz)
- fix exit status code #637 (ianic)
Closed issues:
- Example of Vault KV clientca option? #703
- tcp proxy not work #702
- urlprefix-:3306 proto=tcp not work #701
- https proxy not work #700
- the http port is 9999 ,the https port is what? #699
- TCP proxy log filled with i/o timeout #696
- urlprefix-zzz.xxx.com/api not work #693
- Fabio/Consul route integration #689
- Unable to route. #680
- Fabio 100% CPU usage due to logging #673
- Authorization header leaking to the backend. #671
- X-Request-Start header #670
- fabio service entries may stay in Consul on dirty exit #663
- Can fabio route request by request body #661
- Wrong reported HealthCheck-URI using custom -proxy.addr & -ui.addr #657
- Clarify documentation HTTP Redirects #656
- tcp access control doesn't work #651
- Crash on start of watchBackend() #650
- Remove third-party cookie and script requirements from frontend #642
- Build should use included vendor directory with modules #638
- Route table UI is broken #628
- Possible Memory Leak in WatchBackend #595
- Release date for 1.5.11 #592
- Fabio and Vault Token Issues #523
- UI broken where no internet access. #502
- make log compatible with the syslog protocol #397
Merged pull requests:
- Add Vault example to the traffic shaping section. #677 (jrasell)
- Fix matching priority for host:port tuples #675 (pschultz)
- Add config option to use 128 bit trace IDs #669 (gfloyd)
- register: clean-up fabio service entries in Consul on dirty exit #664 (pires)
- Fix SSE by implementing Flusher in responseWriter wrapper #655 (gfloyd)
- Use go-sockaddr to parse address strings #653 (aaronhurt)
- ensure absolute path after strip to maintain rfc complaince #645 (aaronhurt)
- Bundle UI assets #643 (pschultz)
- ui: Remove duplicate destination column #641 (pschultz)
- use vendor directory when building - fixes #638 #639 (aaronhurt)
- Issue 595 watchbackend #629 (murphymj25)
- added support for profile/tracing #624 (galen0624)
v1.5.11 (2019-04-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Proxy protocol support fo outgoing connections #191
Closed issues:
- Consul blocking queries should be rate limited to avoid spiking loads on server #627
- This seems to be a recursive func call. Is this correct? #625
- Bug in consul 1.4.3 #616
- [question] Release date for 1.5.11 #601
- Sidebar of the website is a little off #599
- wrong use function strings.HasPrefix() in file passsing.go #545
- best way to bypass fabio consul integration? #437
Merged pull requests:
- Issue 611 Added Custom API Driven Back end #614 (galen0624)
- Improved basic auth htpasswd file refresh #604 #610 (mfuterko)
- Address #545 - wrong use function strings.HasPrefix #607 (mfuterko)
- docs: fix layout without JS enabled #606 (pschultz)
- Implement basic auth htpasswd file refresh #604 (mfuterko)
- added support for Consul TLS transport #602 (sev3ryn)
- Proxy protocol on outbound tcp, tcp+sni and tcp with tls connection #598 (mfuterko)
v1.5.11-wrong (2019-02-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Basic authentication on routes #166
Fixed bugs:
- TCP proxy broken since v1.5.8 #524
Closed issues:
- Fabio's routing table empty. Consul indicates registered services with urlprefix- tags #589
- HTTP 502 response half of the time #584
- tcp+sni route with allow=ip:something does not seem to work #576
- Passing args to fabio in nomad task. #567
- Change Log entry update #562
- Release date for 1.5.10? #560
- Route updates are delayed with large number of services #558
- could the source and destination be clickable in the ui? #508
- Support for opentracing #429
- Case-insensitive path matching #35
Merged pull requests:
- ui: Fix XSS vulnerability #588 (pschultz)
- make Dest column into clickable links #587 (kneufeld)
- update documentation around the changes to PROXY protocol #583 (aaronhurt)
- address concerns raised while troubleshooting #524 #581 (aaronhurt)
- fix ip access rules within tcp proxy - fixes #576 #577 (aaronhurt)
- Add GRPC proxy support #575 (andyroyle)
- metrics.circonus: Add support for circonus.submissionurl #574 (stack72)
- add http-basic auth reading from a file #573 (andyroyle)
- update consul to v1.4.0 - fixes #569 #571 (aaronhurt)
- add faq to address #490 #568 (aaronhurt)
- Update go.mod for #472 #565 (magiconair)
- Refactor consul service monitor #564 (magiconair)
- issue 562 update change log glob.matching.disabled #563 (galen0624)
- Added new case insensitive matcher #553 (herbrandson)
- [Docs] Delete duplicate 'Path Stripping' page #537 (rkettelerij)
- #429 issue - OpenTrace zipKin Support #472 (galen0624)
v1.5.10 (2018-10-25)
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong route for multiple matching host glob patterns #506
Closed issues:
- Fabio forcing response header keys upper case #552
- Multiple fabio instances load balancing different set of services. #551
- Without Consul how can i use Fabio? #549
- Performance issue - Glob matching with large number of services in consul #548
- Ignore host case when adding and matching routes #542
- allow redirect host to be empty #533
- Expose Fabio metrics via Prometheus #532
- Memory leak in go-metrics library #530
- ability to remove headers from the request #528
- urlprefix- does not work properly #527
- Problem geting fabio routing to its own ui #525
- Redirection to default back-end if route not exists #521
- Forwarding Uri tag in original request to endpoint #519
- Fabio - Manual overrides #515
- If consul is behind an ELB with a set timeout, and the connection is timed out by the ELB, subsequent requests from fabio fail #513
- Fabio instantly delete route, whereas health check is passing #512
- Would it be possible to configure Fabio to watch services with warning state? #509
- Headers passed through fabio are modified #505
- Fabio -> HTTPS -> Service ? #503
- Tls + sni support for non http traffic? #499
- Static routes in fabio.properties #498
- Tests fail with consul > 1.0.6 and vault > 0.9.6 #494
- Question: wildcard hostname support #491
- Fabio confi help with multiple proto #490
- Add support for Vault 0.10 KV v2 #483
- Support "standard" Consul envvars #277
- Support Consul TLS #276
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #548 added enable/disable glob matching #550 (galen0624)
- Correct the access control feature documentation page #546 (msvbhat)
- Add $host pseudo variable #544 (holtwilkins)
- compare host using lowercase #543 (shantanugadgil)
- Issue #530 - Vendored in updated go-metrics package #535 (galen0624)
- Add setting to flush fabio buffer regardless headers #531 (samm-git)
- Update README.md #510 (kuskmen)
- Issue #506: reverse domain names before sorting #507 (magiconair)
- Fix changelog link in docs footer #500 (xmikus01)
- Make tests compatible with Vault 0.10 #497 (pschultz)
- Delete an unused global variable logOutput #495 (gua-pian)
- Add fastcgi handler #435 (Gufran)
v1.5.9 (2018-05-16)
Closed issues:
- UI is broken from versions => 1.7 #487
- Building master fails #482
- '-registry.consul.register.enabled' does not seem to be respected #467
- Access logging fails in combination with proxy gzipping #460
- glob matching improvements #452
- Add route based on x-forwarded-port header #450
- Redirect http to https on the same destination #448
- WebSocket Upgrade not sending Response #447
- Fabio does not remove service when one of the registered health-checks fail #427
- Fabio routing to wrong back end #421
- [feature]: proxy route option #356
Merged pull requests:
- Resetting read deadline #492 (craigday)
- Issue #466: make redirect code more robust #477 (magiconair)
- fix contributors link #475 (aaronhurt)
- ws close on failed handshake (#421) #474 (magiconair)
- Issue #460: Fix access logging when gzip is enabled #470 (magiconair)
- Fix the regex of the example proxy.gzip.contenttype #468 (tino)
- Check upstream X-Forwarded-Proto prior to redirect #466 (aaronhurt)
- Fix certificate stores doc path #458 (eldondev)
- Add new & improved glob matcher #457 (sharbov)
- handle indeterminate length proxy chains - fixes #449 #453 (aaronhurt)
- Update link for Websockets #446 (a2ar)
- "strict" health-checking (#427) #428 (systemfreund)
v1.5.8 (2018-02-18)
Closed issues:
- TCP Proxying SSH connections #445
- route add ... opts "proto=tcp+sni" ?? #444
- Wildcard registeration issues #440
- Feature Request: IP Whitelisting #439
- NoRouteHTMLPath not rendering HTML page #438
Merged pull requests:
- ignore fabio.exe #443 (aaronhurt)
- Issue #438: Do not add separators for NoRouteHTML page #441 (magiconair)
- Add option to allow Fabio to register frontend services in Consul on behalf of user services #426 (rileyje)
- TCP+SNI support arbitrary large Client Hello #423 (DanSipola)
v1.5.7 (2018-02-06)
Closed issues:
- VaultPKI tests fail with go1.10rc1 #434
- Ensure that proxy.noroutestatus has three digits #433
- Vault PKI documentation and Fabio version #430
- configure equivalent of nginx client_max_body_size #422
- [question] Newbie question: where to place urlpref-host/path? #419
- Static / Manual routes management via API #396
- Warn if fabio is run as root #369
Merged pull requests:
- Activating Open Collective #432 (monkeywithacupcake)
- fix small typo #431 (aaronhurt)
- Add support for HSTS response headers and provide method for adding additional response headers #425 (aaronhurt)
- Fix maxconn documentation #420 (slobo)
- treat registry.consul.kvpath as prefix #417 (magiconair)
- Issue #369: Do not allow to run fabio as root #377 (magiconair)
v1.5.6 (2018-01-05)
Closed issues:
- Excessive consul logging #408
- Build new website #405
- [bug?] Fabio uses "global" Consul ServiceID's #383
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #408: log consul state changes as DEBUG #418 (magiconair)
- Actually respect -version option #415 (pschultz)
- Identify services using both the ID and the Node #414 (alvaroaleman)
v1.5.5 (2017-12-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support custom 404/503 error pages #56
Closed issues:
- Fabio for task/container/service load balancing on amazon ecs with consul and registrator. #402
Merged pull requests:
v1.5.4 (2017-12-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Differentiate "URL Unavailable/503" and "URL Not Found/404" #214
Fixed bugs:
- opts with host= with multiple routes does not work as expected #385
Closed issues:
- Fabio is not handling SIGHUP (HUP) signal properly - it dies #400
- Typo in manual overrides stops Fabio from updating routes #399
- route precendence #389
- how to connect consul cluster #386
- Allow comments in manual overrides #379
- Domain or protocol redirection #87
- Should rewrite the Host Header #75
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #400: ignore SIGHUP #403 (magiconair)
- Issue #389: match exact host before glob matches #390 (magiconair)
- Issue #385: attach options to target instead of route #388 (magiconair)
- Fix various minor things #382 (antham)
- Remove unused variable #381 (antham)
- Now setting the X-Forwarded-Host header if not present. Add matching … #380 (LeReverandNox)
v1.5.3 (2017-11-03)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- host=www.mydomain.com not working #375
- Wildcards in routing path #374
- Questions/issues in using overrides #372
- nodes and services in maintenance can cause excessive logging #367
- Support fabio.properties in Consul KV store #365
- Fabio fails to strip the prefix if the url prefix does not start with the strip option value #363
- More than one fabio instance decreases system performance. #361
- Documentation of the available metrics? #360
- select color scheme from config to distinguish environments #359
- [Feature request]: TCP Proxy support different incoming and outbound ports #353
- hgfiii #351
- statsd - unable to parse line - gf metric #350
- Possibility for Docker Image to pass Consul IP and Port as Variable? #346
- Ways to have log verbosity #345
- Cant disable consul register with -registry.consul.register.enabled=false #342
- Glob Matcher is not working for me #341
- Strip option has no effect for websockets #330
- access logging is not right #322
- FATAL error when metrics cannot be delivered #320
- http: proxy error: context canceled #318
- /api/routes intermittently returns null. #316
- what is the tcp writeTimeout? #307
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #375: set host header when host option is set #376 (magiconair)
v1.5.2 (2017-07-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Auto-generated Vault certs #135
Closed issues:
- not able to acces the service via fabio. #319
Merged pull requests:
v1.5.1 (2017-07-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature: Allow weight tag in Consul #42
Fixed bugs:
- 1.5.0 config compatibility problem #305
Closed issues:
- Multiple urlprefix #317
- Add metrics for TCP and TCP+SNI proxy #306
- How to configure TCP correctly (proxy.addr, ...) #283
- Add parameter to vault token renewal #274
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #274: Avoid premature vault token renewals #314 (pschultz)
- Make tests work with vault 0.7.x #313 (pschultz)
- Fix syntax highlighting in README #311 (agis)
v1.5.0 (2017-06-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- X-Forwarded-Prefix header support #304
- read only web ui #302
- Sync X-Forwarded-Proto and Forwarded header when possible #296
- Using upstream hostname for request #294
- Add profiling support #290
- TLS and Connection information through headers #280
- Support TLS/Ciphersuite configuration options #249
Fixed bugs:
- Support gzip compression for websockets #300
Closed issues:
- Example of proxy.gzip.contenttype configuration #299
- Compatibility with 1.8 #297
- cert file names and path= not working as documented #293
- Multiple SSL certs for same listener #291
- HTTPProxy cannot be aware of timeout of waiting response #288
- websockets failing with 500 response - running rancher behind fabio #133
Merged pull requests:
- Using upstream hostname for request (#294) #301 (mitchelldavis)
v1.4.4 (2017-05-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add service name to access log fields #278
Fixed bugs:
- Fabio does not advertise http/1.1 on TLS connections #289
- fabio does not start with multiple listen sockets #279
- Websocket not working with HTTPS Upstream #271
Closed issues:
- Reload configuration without restarting fabio by SIGHUP or by flag. #286
- chunked Transfer-Encoding #284
- How to know what opts are supported in a route / consul tag? #270
- Question: Support for Consul v0.7.3 Node tags #252
v1.4.3 (2017-04-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Access log cannot be disabled #269
Closed issues:
- Can fabio proxy by hostname? #267
- Issues with Haproxy on passthrough mode #266
- How to configure HTTPS upstream manually with tlsskipverify #260
- HTTPS upstream added as HTTP #259
Merged pull requests:
v1.4.2 (2017-04-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add HTTPS upstream support #181
Closed issues:
- Find the route across the machine, but no response #256
Merged pull requests:
v1.4.1 (2017-04-04)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Is there any option to enable HSTS #254
v1.4 (2017-03-25)
v1.4rc1 (2017-03-23)
v1.4beta2 (2017-03-23)
v1.4beta1 (2017-03-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Start listener after routing table is initialized #248
- Support glob host matching #163
- Refactor urlprefix tags #111
- TCP proxying support #1
Closed issues:
- feature idea: fabio can be configured to only serve consul services with certain tags #245
- How does services get in to router table of fabio #237
v1.3.8 (2017-02-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Retry registry during startup #240
- Make route update logging format configurable #238
- Support absolute URLs #219
Fixed bugs:
- requests and notfound metric missing #218
- fabio 1.3.6 UI displays host and path as 'undefined' in the routes page #217
Closed issues:
- https support #241
- Fabio - setup details #235
- Not able to connect to fabio UI ... I wonder if I miss any specifics ?. #234
- Error in Fabio setup on container where consul-agent (client) is installed #233
- Fabio Connecting error to local consul-agent (client) #232
- Load balancing between multiple service cluster nodes #231
- Specify Consul service name in Fabio config #230
- caching #228
- Links in docs to the Traffic Shaping page are dead #222
- Overrides API and GUI save KV Store as wrong name #220
v1.3.7 (2017-01-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support deleting routes by tag #201
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Fabio is not able to pick service from consul and not able to update routing table. #210
v1.3.6 (2017-01-17)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- runtime error: integer divide by zero #186
Closed issues:
- fabio proxy for consul not work, log show no route #212
- Consul registration won't disable #209
- Fabio hangs for 30+ seconds for 204 response #206
- Fabio running using Nomad system scheduler breaks Docker. #192
v1.3.5 (2016-11-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- fabio --version switch should work just like -v #197
- Remove proxy.header.tls header from inbound request #194
- Support transparent response body compression #119
Fixed bugs:
- missing 'cs' in map #189
- WebSockets not working with IE10 - header casing. #183
- Vault CA Certificate #182
Closed issues:
- Logs request #188
- Is this the expecting behavior of Fabio with paths? #187
- TCP+SNI support on the same port as HTTPS #169
v1.3.4 (2016-10-28)
v1.3.3 (2016-10-12)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- TCP+SNI proxy does not work with PROXY protocol #177
- Consul cert store URL with token not parsed correctly #172
- Panic on invalid response #159
Closed issues:
- can not see new application added to the same fabio instance #176
- Ridiculous lack for docker documentation #175
- OT: logo for the eBay organization #158
Merged pull requests:
- Use Go's net.JoinHostPort which will auto-detect ipv6 #167 (jovandeginste)
v1.3.2 (2016-09-11)
Fixed bugs:
- ParseListen may set the wrong protocol #157
v1.3.1 (2016-09-09)
v1.3 (2016-09-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for Circonus metrics #151
- Support multiple metrics libraries #147
- Is there a way to prevent SSL requests falling back to an unrelated cert? #138
- Vault token should not require 'root' or 'sudo' privileges #134
- Extended metrics #125
Fixed bugs:
- fabio fails to start with "[FATAL] 1.2. missing 'cs' in cs" #146
Closed issues:
- fabio g-rpc #156
- Routing based on Accept Header #155
- not all command-line options seem to do anything #152
v1.2.1 (2016-08-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Server-sent events support #129
- access logging #80
- Support configuration via command line arguments #79
- Support statsd #73
- SSL Certs from Vault #70
- Refactor listener config #28
- Add/remove certificates using API #27
Fixed bugs:
- Always deregister from Consul #136
Closed issues:
- HA access to the management interface on instances #145
- Fabio is not adding route, but health check is passing #142
- Wrong Destination IP #140
- Having trouble recognizing routes from consul #137
Merged pull requests:
- Improve error message on missing trailing slash #143 (juliangamble)
- added statsd support #139 (jshaw86)
v1.2 (2016-07-16)
Fixed bugs:
- fabio 1.2rc3 panics with -v #128
v1.2rc4 (2016-07-13)
v1.2rc3 (2016-07-12)
v1.1.6 (2016-07-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- TLS handshake error: failed to verify client's certificate #108
Fixed bugs:
- X-Forwarded-Port should use local port #122
Closed issues:
- Path problem #124
v1.2rc2 (2016-06-23)
v1.1.5 (2016-06-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow routes to a service in warning status #117 (erikvanoosten)
Closed issues:
- Fabio hangs for 30+ seconds for 204 response #120
v1.2rc1 (2016-06-15)
v1.1.4 (2016-06-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Custom status code when no route found #107
- Keep fabio registered in consul #100
- Disable fabio health check in consul #99
- Support PROXY protocol #97
Closed issues:
v1.1.3 (2016-05-19)
Implemented enhancements:
v1.1.3rc2 (2016-05-14)
Implemented enhancements:
v1.1.3rc1 (2016-05-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve forward headers #98
- Allow tags for fabio service registration #96
- Expand experimental HTTP API #95
- Drop default port from request #90
- Use Address instead of ServiceAddress? #88
- Expand ${DC} to consul datacenter #55
Closed issues:
- proxy handler error channel bug? #92
v1.1.2 (2016-04-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Deleted routes hide visible routes #57
Closed issues:
- Recommended way to bind multiple fabio instances to public IP for HA #89
- Windows support #86
- How to load balance '/'? #83
- register websockets with consul tags #82
- fabio does not respect registry_consul_register_ip from ENV #77
- Not deregistering when consul health status fails #71
- question: configure through environment variables? #68
- support middleware(OWIN) to execute some code before recirection #64
Merged pull requests:
- #77 fix documentaion #78 (sielaq)
- Expose the docker ports in Dockerfile #76 (smancke)
- Overworked header handling. #74 (smancke)
- Broken link corrected. #65 (jest)
v1.1.1 (2016-02-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix use of local ip in consul service registration #58 (jeanblanchard)
v1.1 (2016-02-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make read and write timeout configurable #53
v1.1rc1 (2016-02-15)
v1.0.9 (2016-02-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow configuration of serviceip used during consul registration #48
- Allow configuration via env vars #43
- Cleanup metrics for deleted routes #41
- HTTP2 support with latest Go #32
- Support additional backends #12
Fixed bugs:
- Include services with check ids other than 'service:*' #29
Closed issues:
v1.0.8 (2016-01-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Consul ACL Token #36
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Session persistence #33
- Build fails on master/last release tag #31
- Documentation: make build before running ./fabio #24
Merged pull requests:
- [registry] fallback to given local IP address #30 (doublerebel)
v1.0.7 (2015-12-13)
Fixed bugs:
- routes not removed when passing empty string #23
Closed issues:
- server demo: Consul health check fails #21
- Demo (shebang, documentation) #20
- (Docker) Error initializing backend. #19
v1.0.6 (2015-12-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Traffic shaping does not match on service name #15
Closed issues:
- Manage manual overrides via UI #18
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.5 (2015-11-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support Forwarded and X-Forwarded-For headers #10
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.4 (2015-11-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support SSL/TLS client cert authentication #8
Closed issues:
- List among Consul community tools #6
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.3 (2015-10-26)
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.2 (2015-10-23)
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.1 (2015-10-21)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator