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Ribbons rendering bug when despawning effect instances #412

jsiems opened this issue Jan 1, 2025 · 1 comment

Ribbons rendering bug when despawning effect instances #412

jsiems opened this issue Jan 1, 2025 · 1 comment
A - internal Internal change on a core system C - bug Something isn't working


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jsiems commented Jan 1, 2025

Happy new year and thanks for the excellent library!

Crate versions
bevy version: 0.15.0
bevy_hanabi version: 0.14.0 (as of writing also happens on latest main commit)

Describe the bug
Ribbons are not rendered correctly when other effect instances are despawned. It seems like everything is working fine when spawning new instances of the effect. When I start despawning instances I start seeing problems.

Expected behavior
Ribbons to be rendered correctly independent of other effects.

To Reproduce
I had to modify the 'instances' example to create an easy to reproduce example. I replaced the default effect with the ribbon effect from the ribbon example. Then, press backspace to start despawning effect instances, and you should see the rendering error. It doesn't happen every time - you may need to spawn / despawn effect instances several times before the bug occurs.

I have been running the example using this command:

cargo run --features="bevy/bevy_winit bevy/bevy_window bevy/bevy_pbr bevy/bevy_ui bevy/default_font 3d"  --example instancing

Here is the modified example:

//! Instancing
//! An example to demonstrate instancing a single effect asset multiple times.
//! The example defines a single [`EffectAsset`] then creates many
//! [`ParticleEffect`]s from that same asset, disposed in a grid pattern.
//! Use the SPACE key to add more effect instances, or the DELETE key to remove
//! an existing instance.


use bevy::math::vec4;
use bevy::math::vec3;

// These determine the shape of the Spirograph:
const K: f32 = 0.64;
const L: f32 = 0.384;

const TIME_SCALE: f32 = 6.5;
const SHAPE_SCALE: f32 = 7.0;
const LIFETIME: f32 = 1.5;
const TRAIL_SPAWN_RATE: f32 = 256.0;

use bevy::{core_pipeline::tonemapping::Tonemapping, prelude::*};
use bevy_hanabi::prelude::*;
use rand::Rng;

mod utils;
use utils::*;

#[derive(Default, Resource)]
struct InstanceManager {
    effect: Handle<EffectAsset>,
    alt_effect: Handle<EffectAsset>,
    texture: Handle<Image>,
    mesh: Handle<Mesh>,
    material: Handle<StandardMaterial>,
    instances: Vec<Option<Entity>>,
    grid_size: IVec2,
    count: usize,
    frame: u64,

impl InstanceManager {
    pub fn new(half_width: i32, half_height: i32) -> Self {
        let grid_size = IVec2::new(half_width * 2 + 1, half_height * 2 + 1);
        let count = grid_size.x as usize * grid_size.y as usize;
        let mut instances = Vec::with_capacity(count);
        instances.resize(count, None);
        Self {
            effect: default(),
            alt_effect: default(),
            texture: default(),
            mesh: default(),
            material: default(),
            count: 0,
            frame: 0,

    /// Get the origin of the grid in the 2D camera space. This is the offset to
    /// apply to a particle effect to transform it from the grid space to the
    /// camera space.
    pub fn origin(&self) -> IVec2 {
        IVec2::new(-(self.grid_size.x - 1) / 2, -(self.grid_size.y - 1) / 2)

    /// Spawn a particle effect at the given index in the grid. The index
    /// determines both the position in the global effect array and the
    /// associated 2D grid position. If a particle effect already exists at this
    /// index / grid position, the call is ignored.
    pub fn spawn_index(&mut self, index: i32, commands: &mut Commands, alt: bool) {
        if self.count >= self.instances.len() {

        let origin = self.origin();

        let entry = &mut self.instances[index as usize];
        if entry.is_some() {

        let pos = origin
            + IVec2::new(
                index as i32 % self.grid_size.x,
                index as i32 / self.grid_size.x,

        *entry = Some(
                    Name::new(format!("{:?}", pos)),
                    ParticleEffectBundle {
                        effect: ParticleEffect::new(if alt {
                        } else {
                        transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(
                            pos.x as f32 * 10.,
                            pos.y as f32 * 10.,
                    // Only used if alt_effect, but just simpler to add all the time for this
                    // example only.
                    EffectMaterial {
                        images: vec![self.texture.clone()],
                .with_children(|p| {
                    // Reference cube to visualize the emit origin

        self.count += 1;

    /// Spawn a particle effect at a random free position in the grid. The
    /// effect is always spawned, unless the grid is full.
    pub fn spawn_random(&mut self, commands: &mut Commands, alt: bool) {
        if self.count >= self.instances.len() {
        let free_count = self.instances.len() - self.count;

        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        let index = rng.gen_range(0..free_count);
        let (index, _) = self
            .filter(|(_, entity)| entity.is_none())
        self.spawn_index(index as i32, commands, alt);

    /// Despawn the n-th existing particle effect.
    pub fn despawn_nth(&mut self, commands: &mut Commands, n: usize) {
        let entry = self
            .filter(|entity| entity.is_some())
        let entity = entry.take().unwrap();
        if let Some(entity_commands) = commands.get_entity(entity) {
        self.count -= 1;

    /// Despawn the last particle effect spawned.
    pub fn despawn_last(&mut self, commands: &mut Commands) {
        if self.count > 0 {
            self.despawn_nth(commands, self.count - 1);

    /// Randomly despawn one of the existing particle effects, if any.
    pub fn despawn_random(&mut self, commands: &mut Commands) {
        if self.count > 0 {
            let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
            let index = rng.gen_range(0..self.count);
            self.despawn_nth(commands, index);

    /// Despawn all existing particle effects.
    pub fn despawn_all(&mut self, commands: &mut Commands) {
        for entity in &mut self.instances {
            if let Some(entity) = entity.take() {
                if let Some(entity_commands) = commands.get_entity(entity) {
        self.count = 0;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let app_exit = utils::make_test_app("instancing")
        .insert_resource(InstanceManager::new(5, 4))
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
        .add_systems(Update, keyboard_input_system)
        .add_systems(Update, move_head)

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut effects: ResMut<Assets<EffectAsset>>,
    mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
    mut my_effect: ResMut<InstanceManager>,
    asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
    info!("Usage: Press the SPACE key to spawn more instances, and the DELETE key to remove an existing instance.");

        Transform::from_translation(Vec3::Z * 180.),

    commands.spawn(DirectionalLight {
        color: Color::WHITE,
        // Crank the illuminance way (too) high to make the reference cube clearly visible
        illuminance: 100000.,
        shadows_enabled: false,

    let mesh = meshes.add(Cuboid {
        half_size: Vec3::splat(0.5),
    let mat = materials.add(utils::COLOR_PURPLE);

    let writer = ExprWriter::new();

    let init_position_attr = SetAttributeModifier {
        attribute: Attribute::POSITION,
        value: writer.lit(Vec3::ZERO).expr(),

    let init_velocity_attr = SetAttributeModifier {
        attribute: Attribute::VELOCITY,
        value: writer.lit(Vec3::ZERO).expr(),

    let init_age_attr = SetAttributeModifier {
        attribute: Attribute::AGE,
        value: writer.lit(0.0).expr(),

    let init_lifetime_attr = SetAttributeModifier {
        attribute: Attribute::LIFETIME,
        value: writer.lit(1.5).expr(),

    let init_size_attr = SetAttributeModifier {
        attribute: Attribute::SIZE,
        value: writer.lit(0.5).expr(),

    let pos = writer.add_property("head_pos", Vec3::ZERO.into());
    let pos = writer.prop(pos);

    let move_modifier = SetAttributeModifier {
        attribute: Attribute::POSITION,
        value: pos.expr(),

    let render_color = ColorOverLifetimeModifier {
        gradient: Gradient::linear(vec4(3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), vec4(3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),

    let effect = EffectAsset::new(256, Spawner::rate(1.0.into()), writer.finish())
        .with_ribbons(32768, 1.0 / TRAIL_SPAWN_RATE, LIFETIME, 0)
        .init_groups(init_position_attr, ParticleGroupSet::single(0))
        .init_groups(init_velocity_attr, ParticleGroupSet::single(0))
        .init_groups(init_age_attr, ParticleGroupSet::single(0))
        .init_groups(init_lifetime_attr, ParticleGroupSet::single(0))
        .init_groups(init_size_attr, ParticleGroupSet::single(0))
        .update_groups(move_modifier, ParticleGroupSet::single(0))
        .render(SizeOverLifetimeModifier {
            gradient: Gradient::linear(Vec3::ONE, Vec3::ZERO),
        .render_groups(render_color, ParticleGroupSet::single(1));

    let effect = effects.add(effect);

    let mut gradient = Gradient::new();
    gradient.add_key(0.0, Vec4::new(1., 0., 0., 0.));
    gradient.add_key(0.1, Vec4::new(1., 0., 0., 1.));
    gradient.add_key(1.0, Vec4::new(1., 0., 0., 0.));

    let writer = ExprWriter::new();

    let lifetime = writer.lit(5.).expr();
    let init_lifetime = SetAttributeModifier::new(Attribute::LIFETIME, lifetime);

    let init_pos = SetPositionSphereModifier {
        center: writer.lit(Vec3::ZERO).expr(),
        radius: writer.lit(7.).expr(),
        dimension: ShapeDimension::Volume,

    let init_vel = SetVelocityTangentModifier {
        origin: writer.lit(Vec3::ZERO).expr(),
        axis: writer.lit(Vec3::Z).expr(),
        speed: writer.lit(4.).expr(),

    let radial_accel =
        RadialAccelModifier::new(writer.lit(Vec3::ZERO).expr(), writer.lit(-3).expr());

    let texture_slot = writer.lit(0u32).expr();

    let mut module = writer.finish();

    let alt_effect = effects.add(
        EffectAsset::new(512, Spawner::rate(102.0.into()), module)
            .with_name("alternate instancing")
            .render(ParticleTextureModifier {
                sample_mapping: ImageSampleMapping::Modulate,
            .render(ColorOverLifetimeModifier { gradient }),

    // Store the effects for later reference
    my_effect.effect = effect;
    my_effect.alt_effect = alt_effect;
    my_effect.texture = asset_server.load("circle.png");
    my_effect.mesh = mesh;
    my_effect.material = mat;

    // Spawn a few effects as example; others can be added/removed with keyboard
    for i in 0..45 {
        my_effect.spawn_random(&mut commands, (i % 15) == 14);

fn keyboard_input_system(
    keyboard_input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut my_effect: ResMut<InstanceManager>,
) {
    my_effect.frame += 1;

    if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
        my_effect.spawn_random(&mut commands, keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::ShiftLeft));
    } else if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Delete)
        || keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Backspace)
        my_effect.despawn_random(&mut commands);

    // #123 - Hanabi 0.5.2 Causes Panic on Unwrap
    // if my_effect.frame == 5 {
    //     my_effect.despawn_nth(&mut commands, 3);
    //     my_effect.despawn_nth(&mut commands, 2);
    //     my_effect.spawn_random(&mut commands);
    // }

fn stress_test(mut commands: Commands, mut my_effect: ResMut<InstanceManager>) {
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let r = rng.gen_range(0_f32..1_f32);
    if r < 0.45 {
        let spawn_count = (r * 10.) as i32 + 1;
        for _ in 0..spawn_count {
            my_effect.spawn_random(&mut commands, false);
    } else if r < 0.9 {
        let despawn_count = ((r - 0.45) * 10.) as i32 + 1;
        for _ in 0..despawn_count {
            my_effect.despawn_random(&mut commands);
    } else if r < 0.95 {
        my_effect.despawn_all(&mut commands);

fn move_head(
    mut effect: Query<&mut EffectProperties>,
    timer: Res<Time>,
) {
    for mut properties in &mut effect {
        let time = timer.elapsed_secs() * TIME_SCALE;
        let pos = vec3(
            (1.0 - K) * (time.clone().cos()) + (L * K) * (((1.0 - K) / K) * time.clone()).cos(),
            (1.0 - K) * (time.clone().sin()) - (L * K) * (((1.0 - K) / K) * time.clone()).sin(),
        ) * SHAPE_SCALE;

        properties.set("head_pos", (pos).into());

In this gif you can see all instances rendering correctly until I start deleting instances - then the rendering of some of the ribbons starts to bug out.


@djeedai djeedai added C - bug Something isn't working A - internal Internal change on a core system labels Jan 1, 2025
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djeedai commented Jan 10, 2025

Thanks for the repro, I can not only repro that bug, but I found another one in the last property change thanks to that! :)

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A - internal Internal change on a core system C - bug Something isn't working
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