The ChannelContext
object stores data within a full workflow livecycle.
If you need to pass data from one channel to another, this object comes in handy!
All core Channels (Email, Object, API) receives the FormBuilderBundle\OutputWorkflow\Channel\ChannelContext
The Channel Context is also available in Signal Storage (OutputWorkflowSignalsEvent->getContextItem('channelContext)
This can be helpful, if you need to clean up data after an exception occurs or the workflow has been completely processed.
To receive the channel context in a custom channel, you need to implement the ChannelContextAwareInterface
If your channel also dispatches a ChannelSubjectGuardEvent
don't forget to pass the channel context to it to pass the context to upcoming channels!
If your channel implements the ChannelContextAwareInterface
, the OutputWorkflowDispatcher
automatically will inject the active ChannelContext
namespace FormBuilderBundle\OutputWorkflow\Channel\Email;
use FormBuilderBundle\OutputWorkflow\Channel\ChannelInterface;
use FormBuilderBundle\OutputWorkflow\Channel\ChannelContextAwareInterface;
use FormBuilderBundle\OutputWorkflow\Channel\Trait\ChannelContextTrait;
class EmailOutputChannel implements ChannelInterface, ChannelContextAwareInterface
use ChannelContextTrait;