坐标以左上角为原点,横向为x, 纵向为y
绘制路径:路径是闭合的 beginPath 新建一条路径 绘制命令指向路径,生成路径 closePath 闭合路径 绘制命令指向上下文
绘制命令有: fillRect strokeRect stroke fill moveTo lineTo arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) 以横轴X,顺时针计算弧度, 和anticlockwise的方向没有关联
canvas 渲染上下文 getContext('2D') Path2D fillText
Path2D对象已可以在较新版本的浏览器中使用,用来缓存或记录绘画命令,这样你将能快速地回顾路径。 new Path2D(); // 空的Path对象 new Path2D(path); // 克隆Path对象 new Path2D(d); // 从SVG建立Path对象
var methods = ['arc', 'arcTo', 'beginPath', 'bezierCurveTo', 'clearRect', 'clip', 'closePath', 'drawImage', 'fill', 'fillRect', 'fillText', 'lineTo', 'moveTo', 'quadraticCurveTo', 'rect', 'restore', 'rotate', 'save', 'scale', 'setTransform', 'stroke', 'strokeRect', 'strokeText', 'transform', 'translate'];
var getterMethods = ['createPattern', 'drawFocusRing', 'isPointInPath', 'measureText', // drawFocusRing not currently supported // The following might instead be wrapped to be able to chain their child objects 'createImageData', 'createLinearGradient', 'createRadialGradient', 'getImageData', 'putImageData' ];
var props = ['canvas', 'fillStyle', 'font', 'globalAlpha', 'globalCompositeOperation', 'lineCap', 'lineJoin', 'lineWidth', 'miterLimit', 'shadowOffsetX', 'shadowOffsetY', 'shadowBlur', 'shadowColor', 'strokeStyle', 'textAlign', 'textBaseline'];