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How to install with the Passenger module? #6

enthooz opened this issue Mar 16, 2013 · 10 comments

How to install with the Passenger module? #6

enthooz opened this issue Mar 16, 2013 · 10 comments


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enthooz commented Mar 16, 2013

In the nginx formula, there is an option for installing the Passenger module. It requires passing an argument --with-passenger. How does one pass an argument with Puppet/Boxen?

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enthooz commented Mar 20, 2013

I fixed it for myself with this commit. Now, homebrew doesn't ignore install_options passed as so:

package { 'boxen/brews/nginx':
  ensure          => '1.2.7-boxen1',
  notify          => Service['dev.nginx'],
  install_options => '--with-passenger',

Now, I just need to get the passenger gem installed appropriately before installing nginx.

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enthooz commented Mar 20, 2013

NOTE: The above commit adds the check for Options.coerce(ARGV.options_only).empty?

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mriddle commented Mar 22, 2013

Any luck getting your nginx brew and your passenger gem to play nice? I am running into the following error /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:243: command not found: passenger-config --root. I assume it's mixed up about which Ruby/Gem to use but I don't know how to correct it.

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enthooz commented Mar 22, 2013

Unfortunately, no. I'm not sure how to specify which rbenv version to use during the Package['boxen/brews/nginx'] run.

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grosser commented Jan 7, 2014

FYI our solution, a little hacky but seems to work nicely, I tried to make it alway work on a clean machine and after the passenger-version was changed

class custom::nginx($port = 80) {
  include ::nginx

  $passenger_version = "5.0.20"
  $passenger_root = "/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/passenger-${passenger_version}"

  # use our own custom nginx.conf
  File <| title == $nginx::config::configfile |> {
    content => template("custom/nginx.conf.erb", "nginx/config/nginx/nginx.conf.erb")

  # uninstall system nginx if it's built without passenger or selftest is failing
  # and do it before the onlyif / unless conditions of other blocks are even executed
  $x = inline_template("<%=
    config ='${projects_config}') rescue ''
    if !config.include?('passenger-${passenger_version}') || !system('sudo nginx -t >/dev/null 2>&1')
      puts 'Uninstalling nginx'
      Bundler.with_clean_env { `brew uninstall nginx 2>/dev/null` }

  # install passenger into the ruby which nginx will use
  exec {"install system passenger":
    command => "env -i bash -c 'source /opt/boxen/ && rbenv shell system && gem install passenger -v $passenger_version --no-rdoc --no-ri'",
    unless => "/usr/bin/gem list passenger | grep $passenger_version",
    user => root,

  # make installed rake available to nginx
    ensure => "link",
    target => "/usr/bin/rake",

  # make nginx formula install via default ruby and exact passenger version
  file{ "/opt/boxen/homebrew/Library/ENV/4.3/passenger-config":
    content => "#!/bin/sh\necho ${passenger_root}",
    mode    => "0755",
    require => Exec["install system passenger"],

  # Passenger compile leftovers get removed after install, compile manually or passenger cannot boot
  exec{ "compile-passenger":
    command => "cd ${passenger_root} && /usr/bin/rake nginx",
    user => "root",
    unless => "test -d ${passenger_root}/buildout",
    require => Exec["install system passenger"],

  # or nginx install fails with passenger errors (buildout/common/libboost_oxt.a)
  exec {"fix-passenger-permissions":
    command => "chmod -R 777 ${passenger_root}",
    user => root,
    require => Ruby::Gem["passenger-system"],

  Package <| title == "boxen/brews/nginx" |> {
    install_options => "--with-passenger",
    require => [Exec["install system passenger"], File["/opt/boxen/homebrew/Library/ENV/4.3/rake"], File["/opt/boxen/homebrew/Library/ENV/4.3/passenger-config"], Exec["fix-passenger-permissions"]],

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@grosser thanks for sharing your solution, though there are some troubles with it:

  • There is no Exec["fix-passenger-permissions"] task defined
  • There is Ruby::Gem["passenger for ${team::dependency::config::ruby_version}"] and not defined but ruby::gem {"passenger-system" defined and not used. Is it right?

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grosser commented Apr 25, 2014

Thx, fixed it, have to strip our own version of all the other stuff we have going on :)

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ocxo commented May 5, 2014

Going to close this for now as there hasn't been any activity here recently. Please feel free to re-open if it's still an issue.

@ocxo ocxo closed this as completed May 5, 2014
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ocxo commented May 5, 2014

Sorry, didn't mean to close this one.

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grosser commented Oct 16, 2015

FYI updated to work with newer puppet-ruby ... would be great to get that in as nginx::passenger or so to make this less weird ... not sure if anyone got this working without these hacks (and having a global ruby that is not system ruby)

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