Initial release as a Datasource with internal backend support.
- Github Actions for making releases
- Scripts to make release files and update dev containers
- Support for variables on queries
- Support for Query variables
- Dockerfile
- GitLab CI/CD
- NodeJs external service
- Pod for develop
- SonarQube scan (for now)
- Config editor refactor to group information
- Docker compose file to develop
- Examples images
- Grafana framework
- Libraries
- README file
- Query editor refactor with SQL preview
Import from
- Simple SELECT queries now works
- Dockerfile for containering
- Entire server rewrite using ES2020
- Examples with images and queries
- GitLab CI/CD
- Lint scan
- Oracle driver
- Winston/Morgan logger
- Pod for develop
- SonarQube scan
- MongoDb driver
- Lib updates
- SonarQube scan
- Real tests
- Multiple value variables