Install a MySQL database following [official instructions](
# Create project directory
mkdir afup
# Change current directory to newly created project directory
cd afup
# Clone legacy back-office repository
git clone legacy-back-office
# Configure database
cp legacy-back-office/configs/application/config.php{.dist,}
Update the following items in legacy-back-office/configs/application/config.php
- host ("hote")
- database ("base")
- username ("utilisateur")
- password ("mot_de_passe")
Install project files
## Ensure you have not changed directory since previous commands execution
cd ../afup
# Clone target application
git clone
Download composer to install dependencies
curl -sS | php
Install dependencies
php composer.phar install --prefer-dist
Install assets
php app/console assets:install web
php app/console assetic:dump
Run build-in PHP server in development (available since PHP 5.4)
php app/console server:run
Apply database migrations
php app/console doctrine:migrations:mig
Load development fixtures
php app/console doc:fix:load --append --fixtures=src/Afup/Bundle/MemberBundle/Tests/DataFixtures/ORM
Generate entities from model and configured mapping (src/Afup/Model/Mapping
php app/console generate:doctrine:entities Afup/Model --path=src
By the end of the installation, one should be able to access the legacy back-office (when using server:run command) at