1 | 1 | parameters:
2 | 2 | ignoreErrors:
3 | 3 | -
4 |
| - message: "#^PHPDoc type string of property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Database\\\\Factories\\\\LessonFactory\\:\\:\\$model is not covariant with PHPDoc type class\\-string\\<Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\> of overridden property Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Factories\\\\Factory\\<Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\>\\:\\:\\$model\\.$#" |
| 4 | + message: '#^PHPDoc type string of property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Database\\Factories\\LessonFactory\:\:\$model is not covariant with PHPDoc type class\-string\<Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\> of overridden property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Factories\\Factory\<Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\>\:\:\$model\.$#' |
| 5 | + identifier: property.phpDocType |
5 | 6 | count: 1
6 | 7 | path: database/factories/LessonFactory.php
7 | 8 |
8 | 9 | -
9 |
| - message: "#^PHPDoc type string of property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Database\\\\Factories\\\\StepFactory\\:\\:\\$model is not covariant with PHPDoc type class\\-string\\<Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\> of overridden property Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Factories\\\\Factory\\<Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\>\\:\\:\\$model\\.$#" |
| 10 | + message: '#^PHPDoc type string of property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Database\\Factories\\StepFactory\:\:\$model is not covariant with PHPDoc type class\-string\<Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\> of overridden property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Factories\\Factory\<Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\>\:\:\$model\.$#' |
| 11 | + identifier: property.phpDocType |
10 | 12 | count: 1
11 | 13 | path: database/factories/StepFactory.php
12 | 14 |
13 | 15 | -
14 |
| - message: "#^PHPDoc type string of property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Database\\\\Factories\\\\VideoFactory\\:\\:\\$model is not covariant with PHPDoc type class\\-string\\<Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\> of overridden property Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Factories\\\\Factory\\<Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\>\\:\\:\\$model\\.$#" |
| 16 | + message: '#^PHPDoc type string of property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Database\\Factories\\VideoFactory\:\:\$model is not covariant with PHPDoc type class\-string\<Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\> of overridden property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Factories\\Factory\<Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\>\:\:\$model\.$#' |
| 17 | + identifier: property.phpDocType |
15 | 18 | count: 1
16 | 19 | path: database/factories/VideoFactory.php
17 | 20 |
18 | 21 | -
19 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\\\Foundation\\\\Auth\\\\User\\:\\:\\$name\\.$#" |
| 22 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Foundation\\Auth\\User\:\:\$name\.$#' |
| 23 | + identifier: property.notFound |
20 | 24 | count: 1
21 | 25 | path: src/Http/Controllers/CertificateController.php
22 | 26 |
23 | 27 | -
24 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Course\\:\\:\\$name\\.$#" |
| 28 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Course\:\:\$name\.$#' |
| 29 | + identifier: property.notFound |
25 | 30 | count: 1
26 | 31 | path: src/Http/Controllers/CertificateController.php
27 | 32 |
28 | 33 | -
29 |
| - message: "#^Call to an undefined method Illuminate\\\\Foundation\\\\Auth\\\\User\\:\\:hasRole\\(\\)\\.$#" |
| 34 | + message: '#^Call to an undefined method Illuminate\\Foundation\\Auth\\User\:\:hasRole\(\)\.$#' |
| 35 | + identifier: method.notFound |
30 | 36 | count: 2
31 | 37 | path: src/Http/Controllers/CertificateController.php
32 | 38 |
33 | 39 | -
34 |
| - message: "#^Call to static method find\\(\\) on an unknown class App\\\\Models\\\\User\\.$#" |
| 40 | + message: '#^Call to static method find\(\) on an unknown class App\\Models\\User\.$#' |
| 41 | + identifier: class.notFound |
35 | 42 | count: 1
36 | 43 | path: src/Http/Controllers/CertificateController.php
37 | 44 |
38 | 45 | -
39 |
| - message: "#^Call to static method url\\(\\) on an unknown class Spatie\\\\Browsershot\\\\Browsershot\\.$#" |
| 46 | + message: '#^Call to static method url\(\) on an unknown class Spatie\\Browsershot\\Browsershot\.$#' |
| 47 | + identifier: class.notFound |
40 | 48 | count: 1
41 | 49 | path: src/Http/Controllers/CertificateController.php
42 | 50 |
43 | 51 | -
44 |
| - message: "#^Method Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Http\\\\Controllers\\\\CertificateController\\:\\:download\\(\\) should return Symfony\\\\Component\\\\HttpFoundation\\\\StreamedResponse but returns Illuminate\\\\Http\\\\RedirectResponse\\.$#" |
| 52 | + message: '#^Method Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Http\\Controllers\\CertificateController\:\:download\(\) should return Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\StreamedResponse but returns Illuminate\\Http\\RedirectResponse\.$#' |
| 53 | + identifier: return.type |
45 | 54 | count: 1
46 | 55 | path: src/Http/Controllers/CertificateController.php
47 | 56 |
48 | 57 | -
49 |
| - message: "#^Method Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Lms\\:\\:get\\(\\) should return static\\(Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Lms\\) but returns Filament\\\\Contracts\\\\Plugin\\|Filament\\\\FilamentManager\\.$#" |
| 58 | + message: '#^Method Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Lms\:\:get\(\) should return static\(Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Lms\) but returns Filament\\Contracts\\Plugin\|Filament\\FilamentManager\.$#' |
| 59 | + identifier: return.type |
50 | 60 | count: 1
51 | 61 | path: src/Lms.php
52 | 62 |
53 | 63 | -
54 |
| - message: "#^Unsafe usage of new static\\(\\)\\.$#" |
| 64 | + message: '#^Unsafe usage of new static\(\)\.$#' |
| 65 | + identifier: new.static |
55 | 66 | count: 1
56 | 67 | path: src/Lms.php
57 | 68 |
58 | 69 | -
59 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Course\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 70 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Course\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 71 | + identifier: property.notFound |
60 | 72 | count: 1
61 | 73 | path: src/LmsPanelProvider.php
62 | 74 |
63 | 75 | -
64 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Lesson\\:\\:\\$name\\.$#" |
| 76 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Lesson\:\:\$name\.$#' |
| 77 | + identifier: property.notFound |
65 | 78 | count: 1
66 | 79 | path: src/LmsPanelProvider.php
67 | 80 |
68 | 81 | -
69 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Step\\:\\:\\$name\\.$#" |
| 82 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Step\:\:\$name\.$#' |
| 83 | + identifier: property.notFound |
70 | 84 | count: 1
71 | 85 | path: src/LmsPanelProvider.php
72 | 86 |
73 | 87 | -
74 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Course\\:\\:\\$image\\.$#" |
| 88 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$course\.$#' |
| 89 | + identifier: property.notFound |
75 | 90 | count: 1
76 | 91 | path: src/Models/Course.php
77 | 92 |
78 | 93 | -
79 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Course\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 94 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$id\.$#' |
| 95 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 96 | + count: 1 |
| 97 | + path: src/Models/Course.php |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | + - |
| 100 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 101 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 102 | + count: 1 |
| 103 | + path: src/Models/Course.php |
| 104 | + |
| 105 | + - |
| 106 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Support\\HigherOrderCollectionProxy\<string, Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model, Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection\<int, Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\>\>\:\:\$completed_at\.$#' |
| 107 | + identifier: property.notFound |
80 | 108 | count: 2
81 | 109 | path: src/Models/Course.php
82 | 110 |
83 | 111 | -
84 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Lesson\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 112 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Course\:\:\$image\.$#' |
| 113 | + identifier: property.notFound |
85 | 114 | count: 1
86 | 115 | path: src/Models/Course.php
87 | 116 |
88 | 117 | -
89 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Step\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 118 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Course\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 119 | + identifier: property.notFound |
90 | 120 | count: 1
91 | 121 | path: src/Models/Course.php
92 | 122 |
93 | 123 | -
94 |
| - message: "#^Access to property \\$id on an unknown class App\\\\Models\\\\User\\.$#" |
| 124 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Step\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 125 | + identifier: property.notFound |
95 | 126 | count: 1
96 | 127 | path: src/Models/Course.php
97 | 128 |
98 | 129 | -
99 |
| - message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$column of method Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Builder\\<Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\StepUser\\>\\:\\:where\\(\\) expects array\\<int\\|model property of Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\StepUser, mixed\\>\\|\\(Closure\\(Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Builder\\<Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\StepUser\\>\\)\\: mixed\\)\\|Illuminate\\\\Contracts\\\\Database\\\\Query\\\\Expression\\|model property of Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\StepUser, 'lms_step_user\\.user…' given\\.$#" |
100 |
| - count: 2 |
| 130 | + message: '#^Call to an undefined method Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:steps\(\)\.$#' |
| 131 | + identifier: method.notFound |
| 132 | + count: 1 |
101 | 133 | path: src/Models/Course.php
102 | 134 |
103 | 135 | -
104 |
| - message: "#^Parameter \\$user of method Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Course\\:\\:currentStep\\(\\) has invalid type App\\\\Models\\\\User\\.$#" |
| 136 | + message: '#^Method Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Course\:\:currentStep\(\) should return Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Step\|null but returns Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\|null\.$#' |
| 137 | + identifier: return.type |
105 | 138 | count: 1
106 | 139 | path: src/Models/Course.php
107 | 140 |
108 | 141 | -
109 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Lesson\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 142 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Support\\HigherOrderCollectionProxy\<string, Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model, Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection\<int, Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\>\>\:\:\$completed_at\.$#' |
| 143 | + identifier: property.notFound |
110 | 144 | count: 1
111 | 145 | path: src/Models/Lesson.php
112 | 146 |
113 | 147 | -
114 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Course\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 148 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Lesson\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 149 | + identifier: property.notFound |
115 | 150 | count: 1
| 151 | + path: src/Models/Lesson.php |
| 152 | + |
| 153 | + - |
| 154 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$completed_at\.$#' |
| 155 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 156 | + count: 1 |
| 157 | + path: src/Models/Step.php |
| 158 | + |
| 159 | + - |
| 160 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$course\.$#' |
| 161 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 162 | + count: 7 |
116 | 163 | path: src/Models/Step.php
117 | 164 |
118 | 165 | -
119 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Lesson\\:\\:\\$order\\.$#" |
| 166 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$order\.$#' |
| 167 | + identifier: property.notFound |
120 | 168 | count: 1
121 | 169 | path: src/Models/Step.php
122 | 170 |
123 | 171 | -
124 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Lesson\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 172 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 173 | + identifier: property.notFound |
125 | 174 | count: 1
126 | 175 | path: src/Models/Step.php
127 | 176 |
128 | 177 | -
129 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Step\\:\\:\\$order\\.$#" |
130 |
| - count: 3 |
| 178 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$steps\.$#' |
| 179 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 180 | + count: 2 |
| 181 | + path: src/Models/Step.php |
| 182 | + |
| 183 | + - |
| 184 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Step\:\:\$order\.$#' |
| 185 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 186 | + count: 2 |
131 | 187 | path: src/Models/Step.php
132 | 188 |
133 | 189 | -
134 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Step\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 190 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Step\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 191 | + identifier: property.notFound |
135 | 192 | count: 1
136 | 193 | path: src/Models/Step.php
137 | 194 |
138 | 195 | -
139 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\StepUser\\:\\:\\$completed_at\\.$#" |
140 |
| - count: 2 |
| 196 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\StepUser\:\:\$completed_at\.$#' |
| 197 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 198 | + count: 1 |
141 | 199 | path: src/Models/Step.php
142 | 200 |
143 | 201 | -
144 |
| - message: "#^Class Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\User not found\\.$#" |
| 202 | + message: '#^Call to an undefined method Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:steps\(\)\.$#' |
| 203 | + identifier: method.notFound |
145 | 204 | count: 1
146 |
| - path: src/Models/StepUser.php |
| 205 | + path: src/Models/Step.php |
147 | 206 |
148 | 207 | -
149 |
| - message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$related of method Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\:\\:belongsTo\\(\\) expects class\\-string\\<Illuminate\\\\Database\\\\Eloquent\\\\Model\\>, string given\\.$#" |
| 208 | + message: '#^Using nullsafe property access "\?\-\>seconds" on left side of \?\? is unnecessary\. Use \-\> instead\.$#' |
| 209 | + identifier: nullsafe.neverNull |
150 | 210 | count: 1
151 |
| - path: src/Models/StepUser.php |
| 211 | + path: src/Models/Step.php |
152 | 212 |
153 | 213 | -
154 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Video\\:\\:\\$url\\.$#" |
| 214 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Video\:\:\$url\.$#' |
| 215 | + identifier: property.notFound |
155 | 216 | count: 1
156 | 217 | path: src/Models/Video.php
157 | 218 |
158 | 219 | -
159 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Course\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
160 |
| - count: 2 |
| 220 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$course\.$#' |
| 221 | + identifier: property.notFound |
| 222 | + count: 1 |
161 | 223 | path: src/Pages/Step.php
162 | 224 |
163 | 225 | -
164 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Lesson\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 226 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 227 | + identifier: property.notFound |
165 | 228 | count: 1
166 | 229 | path: src/Pages/Step.php
167 | 230 |
168 | 231 | -
169 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Step\\:\\:\\$name\\.$#" |
| 232 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:\$steps\.$#' |
| 233 | + identifier: property.notFound |
170 | 234 | count: 1
171 | 235 | path: src/Pages/Step.php
172 | 236 |
173 | 237 | -
174 |
| - message: "#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\\\FilamentLms\\\\Models\\\\Step\\:\\:\\$slug\\.$#" |
| 238 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Course\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 239 | + identifier: property.notFound |
175 | 240 | count: 1
176 | 241 | path: src/Pages/Step.php
177 | 242 |
178 | 243 | -
179 |
| - message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$parameters of static method Filament\\\\Resources\\\\Pages\\\\Page\\:\\:getUrl\\(\\) expects array\\<string, mixed\\>, array\\<int, mixed\\> given\\.$#" |
| 244 | + message: '#^Access to an undefined property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Step\:\:\$slug\.$#' |
| 245 | + identifier: property.notFound |
180 | 246 | count: 1
181 |
| - path: src/Resources/CourseResource/RelationManagers/LessonsRelationManager.php |
| 247 | + path: src/Pages/Step.php |
182 | 248 |
183 | 249 | -
184 |
| - message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$parameters of static method Filament\\\\Resources\\\\Pages\\\\Page\\:\\:getUrl\\(\\) expects array\\<string, mixed\\>, array\\<int, mixed\\> given\\.$#" |
| 250 | + message: '#^Property Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Pages\\Step\:\:\$lesson \(Tapp\\FilamentLms\\Models\\Lesson\) does not accept Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\.$#' |
| 251 | + identifier: assign.propertyType |
185 | 252 | count: 1
186 |
| - path: src/Resources/LessonResource/RelationManagers/StepsRelationManager.php |
| 253 | + path: src/Pages/Step.php |
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