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Eagle Tips and Tricks and Recipes

Here are some useful commands for working in Fusion 360. For the commands that go in the command line window, pay attention to "@" and ";" -- change the meaning of some commands significantly.

In all cases, you'll either need to click in the command line panel (Above the main part of the window) or (much faster) type /.

Get Help

  1. help info -- get documentation about info
  2. help move -- get documentation about move
  3. etc.

Finding Parts

  1. show C1 -- Highlight C1
  2. show C2 -- highlight C1 and draw a box around it.

Working with Layers

  1. display none -- hide everything.
  2. display all -- show everything.
  3. display none tplace tnames -- show just tplace and tnames.
  4. display all -tplace -- show everything but tplace

Placing and Moving Parts

  1. move c1 -- start moving C1.
  2. ctrl-click to rotate the part.
  3. grid mm; grid 1 -- set grid for part placement.
  4. grid mm; grid 0.5 -- set grid for reference designator and value placement.
  5. move; -- then select parts with group tool. Ctrl-click and select move: group to move the group.
  6. command-click (Mac), Ctr-click (Windows) -- snap to grid.
  7. move then shift-click -- move a whole polygon.
  8. grid mm; grid 0.85 -- move items by 0.85mm

Setting Properties

  1. change width 10mil -- change wire widths to 10mil by clicking on them.
  2. change align center -- change alignment of text items to 'center'
  3. display none tplace tdocument tnames, select all (command-A), change align center, right-click select "Change: group" -- change alignment of all reference designators and values.

Quickly Laying Out SMDs and Pads

Example: Create a row of 6 SMDs at 0.7mm pitch at 0.8mm above the origin.

  1. grid mm
  2. grid 0.7
  3. Place the SMDs in a row starting at (0, 0).
  4. grid 0.8
  5. Select all the SMDs.
  6. Group move them up one grid square (0.8mm)
  7. grid 0.21
  8. Select all SMDs
  9. Group move them to the lift one grid square (6 * 0.7/2 = 0.21mm).


  1. route -- start routing. Select particular router from tool bar. "walkaround obstacles" is a good default.
  2. route gnd -- start routing GND
  3. fanout device U1 -- fanout U1 by adding stubby wires and vias to the pins on U1
  4. fanout signal GND -- fanout GND by adding stubby wires and vias to all the pins on GND
  5. auto -- Open the auto router configuration window.
  6. auto; -- just run the auto router.
  7. ripup; -- ripup (unroute) all nets.
  8. ripup GND -- Just ripup GND.
  9. ripup ! GND -- Ripup everything but GND.
  10. ripup @; -- Draw pours as polygons.
  11. ratsnest -- Recompute unrouted nets and fill in pours.
  12. ripup ! RFN RFP CLK_POS CLK_NEG; fanout signal GND BAT_GND 3V3 VBAT; auto; -- Reroute your board (tweak to suit your design.)

Create a Pour

  1. Draw a polygon in the metal layer you want the pour in (e.g., `Top).
  2. Set the signal you want the pour to carry (either in the pop-up that appears when you finish drawing the polygon or by info to set properties of the polygon).

Create a Cutout in a Pour

  1. Draw a polygon in the metal laye you want the cutout in. Use info to set the 'Polygon pour' property to cutout.

Checking and Fixing Designs

  1. drc -- inspect and configure design rule check settings.
  2. drc; -- Just run DRC.
  3. display none unrounted -- Just show unrouted nets.