added a voltage dependent load model
added the feature to find operationpoints using SteadyStateProblem
added new implementation of NodeShortCircuit
added dynamic RL Line
added composition of node types
fixed state conversion
Voltage measurement of the exciter in grid reference frame
removed pi-model function from Transformer.jl and added export statement
added and check whether has been modified to ci/travis and proper splitting of ci on travis
symbolsof is now defined on the class level via the @DynamicNode Macro
add Julia 1.1. to travis/ci and fixed wrong coverage reporting (thus)
cleaning .travis.yml
fixing node docs
add Sabine Auer to AUTHORS
temporarily pin MbedTLS version to 0.6.6 to fix travis ci issue
adding and package update before the tests in travis to ensure the latest packges are used
add current source inverter to NodeDynamics
Add Exponential Recovery Load Model
Fourth Order Equation with Exciter, AVR and Governor
has now anopen-docs
target that builds the docs and then opens itremoving accidentally added build file
adding include statement for PiModel.jl
enabling simulations without slack bus
docs fixed, inertia constant in SM model corrected