Binary Search Tree Creation and Traversal Visualization from given node points using Drawing Algorithm in Java
This mini-project was developed for the partial fulfilment of the 2nd year, 4th semester of Bachelor of Technology in Data Structures : CSD-223 by following students:-
- Requirements
- Java must be installed
- Gradle to build the project/ Can be build without that too
- Use IntelliJ IDEA to get started quickly
- Try the project without building - Find the latest release in the release section download jar file or the executable.
- For jar run
java -jar Binary-Search-Tree.Traversal.main.jar
in terminal or command prompt. - Provide a text file containing numbers(An example is given in the repo).
- For jar run
- To build this project, clone this repo first.
git clone
- If you have IntelliJ IDEA installed just open the project and build it the regular way.
- Or you may use gradle to build the project
cd Binary-Search-Tree-Traversal
./gradlew build
- Run the project
cd build/classes/java/main
java Main.class
When launched first time the selection menu appears.
- Traversal Options
- InOrder : Root-Right-Left
- PreOrder : Right-Root-Left
- PostOrder : Right-Left-Root
- LevelOrder : Breadth-First-Traversal
- Choose File - Choose the text file.
- Experimental Features
- Compare Mode - Draw three DFS simultaneously
- Show Path - Draw the path of traversal
- Speed Selector - 0.5 second/node to 1.5 second/node
- Traversal Options
Choose any options from Traversal pane and Choose a File. Given below is an example for sequence 50 34 67 25 38 65 77 15 33.
If we choose Show Path feature. Then the different traversals will show as below.
- Preorder with Show Path
- Inorder with Show Path
- Postorder with Show Path
- Levelorder with Show Path
If Compare Mode is activated then the following figure as snapshot occurs.
The compare mode was developed using multithreading.
Additionally you can set speed by using the slider.