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167 lines (159 loc) · 24.3 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (159 loc) · 24.3 KB

Currently supported themes

To enable a theme, append &theme= followed by the theme name to the end of your url.

You can also try out and customize these themes on the Demo Site!

Note: Theme names provided are case-insensitive and any use of underscores will be treated the same as hyphens.

Theme Preview
default image
dark image
highcontrast image
transparent image
radical image
merko image
gruvbox image
gruvbox-duo image
tokyonight image
tokyonight-duo image
onedark image
onedark-duo image
cobalt image
synthwave image
dracula image
prussian image
monokai image
vue image
vue-dark image
shades-of-purple image
nightowl image
buefy image
buefy-dark image
blue-green image
algolia image
great-gatsby image
darcula image
bear image
solarized-dark image
solarized-light image
chartreuse-dark image
nord image
gotham image
material-palenight image
graywhite image
vision-friendly-dark image
ayu-mirage image
midnight-purple image
calm image
flag-india image
omni image
react image
jolly image
maroongold image
yeblu image
blueberry image
blueberry-duo image
slateorange image
kacho-ga image
ads-juicy-fresh image
black-ice image
soft-green image
blood image
blood-dark image
green-nur image
neon-dark image
neon-palenight image
dark-smoky image
monokai-metallian image
city-lights image
blux image
earth image
deepblue image
holi-theme image
ayu-light image
javascript image
javascript-dark image
noctis-minimus image
github-dark image
github-dark-blue image
github-light image
elegant image
leafy image
navy-gear image
hacker image
garden image
github-green-purple image
icegray image
neon-blurange image
yellowdark image
java-dark image
android-dark image
deuteranopia-friendly-theme image
windows-dark image
git-dark image
python-dark image
sea image
sea-dark image
violet-dark image
horizon image
material image
modern-lilac image
modern-lilac2 image
halloween image
violet-punch image
submarine-flowers image
rising-sun image
gruvbox-light image
outrun image
ocean-dark image
discord-old-blurple image
aura-dark image
panda image
cobalt2 image
swift image
aura image
apprentice image
moltack image
codestackr image
rose-pine image
date-night image
one-dark-pro image
rose image
neon image
sunset-gradient image
ocean-gradient image
ambient-gradient image
catppuccin-latte image
catppuccin-frappe image
catppuccin-macchiato image
catppuccin-mocha image
burnt-neon image
humoris image
shadow-red image
shadow-green image
shadow-blue image
shadow-orange image
shadow-purple image
shadow-brown image
github-dark-dimmed image
blue-navy image
calm-pink image
whatsapp-light image
whatsapp-dark image
carbonfox image
dawnfox image
dayfox image
duskfox image
nightfox image
nordfox image
terafox image
iceberg image
whatsapp-light2 image
whatsapp-dark2 image
travelers-theme image
youtube-dark image
meta-light image
meta-dark image
dark-minimalist image

Can't find the theme you like?

You can now customize your stats card with the interactive Demo Site or by customizing the url parameters.

If you would like to share your theme with others, feel free to open an issue/pull request!

Note: When submitting a new theme, make sure the name is all lowercase. Hyphens are allowed between words, but there should be no underscores. On the demo site, you can export a list of colors from the advanced section by clicking "Export to PHP".