This list is created and maintained by Bruce Li. It is based on Windows 10. This is not a spelling-out tutorial but more like a reminder or note to share. This list is about tools below:
- testrpc
- Truffle
- Mocha.js
- Chai.js
- Truffle flattener
- eth-gas-reporter
- travis
- Coveralls
- sol-function-profiler
- Parity
- Installation: npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
- run it: testrpc
- sometimes, you have to run test with gas limit like this:
testrpc -i 666 --gasLimit 6721975
- we usually put it in json-package.json file like this:
"scripts": {
"testrpc": "testrpc -i 666 --gasLimit 6721975",
and then npm run testrpc.
Truffle is solidity compile and deployment helper
- (If you using windows cmd, you have to add .cmd right after truffle. But if you are using PowerShell, or Mac and Linux, there is no that problem)
- install: npm install -g truffle
- init the app: truffle.cmd init
- hop into project folder and start to compile
- compile: truffle.cmd compile
- before migrate, remember to config your truffle.js file:
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: "localhost",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*" // Match any network id
- and you need to config the file in migrations folder:
const Migrations = artifacts.require('Migrations')
module.exports = function(deployer) {
- then migrate to EVM: truffle.cmd migrate
Mocha is the default truffle testing tool Website Fast and automatically create test :
truffle.cmd create test projectName;
Chai is the default test framework. syntax guidance
to automatically make the contracts that need to be deployed combine together.
- Precondition: make sure your truffle.js installed locally, otherwise flattener cannot work properly.
npm install truffle-flattener -g
(Note: you have to install flattener globally or it wouldn’t work)
- Requires mocha
npm install -g mocha
- If your Truffle installed globally:
npm install -g eth-gas-reporter
- If your Truffle installed locally (ProTip: If global installation doesn’t work, this would do the trick)
npm install --save-dev eth-gas-reporter
- Configeration
module.exports = {
networks: {
//add below lines in the file, or it wouldn't run gas-report
mocha: {
reporter: 'eth-gas-reporter',
reporterOptions : {
currency: 'CHF',
gasPrice: 21
- To run the gas-report:
truffle test
(actually, it runs with mocha.js. So, this is how you run mocha.js)
(To be continued...)
You need to do some configuration manually so that it can run on Windows 10
- Install:
npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
- Create a file named
.solcover.js” with “module.exports = { norpc: true }
inside - Run testRPC with:
node_modules\.bin\testrpc-sc --port 8555
- Open new command line and run
This tool is used to generate work paper
- Hop in the profiler folder and run:
node index.js <file name with path to the file>
for example:
node index.js D:\Blockchain-Solidity\mothership-sen\contracts\Distribution.sol
If you want to generate work paper for the whole folder, use Matt’s sh script:
- Clone repo from
- Hop in the folder and run bash command line
- In (git) bash, type and run:
, then it asks you the target folder path. Enter and then run. For example:../mothership-sen/contracts/
(don't miss the slash at the end of the path) - All results go to work_paper.MD in solidity-scripts folder. If you are using this script repeatedly, make sure you have backup the previous report
It default links to Main net. Want to switch network to kovan?
path/to/file/parity.exe --chain kovan --no-persistent-txqueue