The game is organized in rooms. A room is simply one 'screen' with its own main loop, keypress handler, etc. The game has the following rooms:
Nothing special, it just loads a random predefined scenario and displays it along with the game title.
Code: source/room_title/room_title.asm
When the game is run in a non-color Game Boy, the game enters this room (which cannot be left). It shows an error that tells the player to use a Game Boy Color instead.
Code: source/room_gbc_only/room_gbc_only.asm
This is the main menu, which lets the player create a new city, load a previously created city or enter the credits room. This room is entered after the title room is left. The player can return here from the regular game room, or from the game load and new city rooms.
Code: source/room_menu/room_menu.asm
It shows the credits. When the room is left the game enters the main menu again.
Code: source/room_credits/room_credits.asm
This room allows the player to load one of the predefined scenarios.
Code: source/room_scenarios/room_scenarios.asm
This room has a virtual keyboard to let the player input text strings. It also shows a short message to remind what it is supposed to be written. This is only used to input the name of the randomly generated cities.
Code: source/room_text_input/room_text_input.asm
This room lets the player select a random seed to generate a map.
Code: source/room_gen_map/room_gen_map.asm
The code of this room is used for both selecting an empty slot to save a city or to select a filled slot to load it. It shows the appropriate number of slots according to the size of the SRAM that the cartridge has (or that the emulator has given the game).
Code: source/room_save_menu/room_save_menu.asm
This is the room where the game actually happens. The explanation about how the main loop works is in this file.
The main code of the room (and main loop of the game) is in
. The code used to handle the status bar (and
the pause menu is in source/room_game/status_bar_menu.asm
. The code of the
menu that appears when the player has to select a building to be built is in
Note that it is possible to go back to the main menu room from here if the correct option is selected in the pause menu.
This room is the only one that uses the code in source/room_game/cursor.asm
with the routines that control the cursor used to scroll and build/demolish
buildings in the map.
This room allows the player to select the amount of taxes that are be collected. It also shows the amount of money that is collected and spent in different things.
Code: source/room_budget/room_budget.asm
This room allows the player to get a loan or shows the status of the current loan (the player can't get two loans at the same time).
Code: source/room_bank/room_bank.asm
This room shows different minimaps with helpful information for the player.
The code of the room is in source/room_minimap/room_minimap.asm
. The code of
the menu, in source/room_minimap/minimap_menu.asm
This room shows different graphs with helpful information for the player.
The code of the room is in source/room_graphs/room_graphs.asm
. The code of
the menu, in source/room_graphs/graphs_menu.asm
This room shows some statistics about the city. There are some percentages that can be a bit confusing:
- The percentage of built land is calculated as the number of tiles with any kind of constructions divided by the number of tiles of land.
- The percentages of residential, commercial and industrial are calculated as the number of tiles of that zone type with buildings divided by the total number of tiles dedicated to that zone type.
- The percentage of high traffic is just the percentage of tiles with high traffic divided by the total number of tiles with roads.
Note: There is a secret in this room. If SELECT, UP, LEFT and A are held at the
same time, the funds will be set to 999999999
Code: source/room_city_stats/room_city_stats.asm
Allows the player to do things like disable sound or animations, or to trigger disasters (fires or nuclear meltdowns).
Code: source/room_options/room_options.asm